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Agent Jones

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Everything posted by Agent Jones

  1. i need this one: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Force_Pike;88263
  2. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Pine_Tree_Map_Object;82340
  3. Yes. I would suggest you downloading and installing the Jedi Academy SDK,which includes BehavEd (scripting tool) We have a tutorial here on jkhub for that as for the player model... i think it can be done by targeting the info_player_start entity to a target_scriptrunner to make it use this script:
  4. That's because of caulk. Replace the "caulk" faces with "caulk_water" About the fog...can you provide us with the .map file?
  5. Fixed using Radiant 1.3.12 (the old versions of q3map2 are able to handle wide open maps)
  6. If the map you wish to add is a custom-made map,people will still have to download the new .pk3
  7. This is the maximum size my skybox can have without being bugged: I want to make my skybox big as much as the one in the Asteroids' map: Whenever my skybox goes over that limit,the 'mirror plane' error occours,the brushes are marked as invalid and vanish. I've tried to follow Szico's suggestion,but nothing changed, the brushes still vanish due to the mirror planes:(testmap dl link) http://www.2shared.com/file/Ves12T8C/skyboxtest.html
  8. It looks like they have some scripts...at least in siege_destroyer2
  9. I know about the 'map leaked' error. Besides,I have already tried the brush cleanup plugin,and it doesn't remove anything. The error occours with any brushes bigger than a certain size. Do you think that an older compiler would still recognise those brushes as faulty?
  10. Here's the compile log. Do you get the same error while compiling huge open maps? Is there any way to fix that?
  11. Same here . Total Noob greets you!
  12. I have exactly the same problem with a custom water shader.
  13. I've tried to make thicker brushes, and that doesn't seem to be the problem. Whenever I make a big skybox with brushes of any size, i get a 'mirror plane->map leaked' error. This is a major issue, since I'm making an open space map. Which Radiant version do you use ? All of the trees in the yavin directory end with b, thank you for the suggestion anyway. They work if implemented as misc_model_statics
  14. Hello. I have a couple of questions about mapping. I'm using gtkRadiant 1.5 1)Whenever i rescale my skybox's size beyond a certain limit, I get a 'mirror plane/degenerate plane/bad normal' error (same as here). I have seen that other maps have very big skyboxes, therefore there must be some way to avoid that error. 2) I've put some trees in a map, and i can see both the trunk and the leaves in Radiant. When i test it ingame, I can't see the leaves,just the trunks.
  15. "Sorry, the page you requested does not exist."
  16. You can have the unlimited jet in MB2 Full Authentic mode by adding some classflags. There are also new jetpack models in mb2
  17. This happened to me when I tried to import some kind of prefab and manually modify its .map file by adding some patches and entities. I had to delete the faulty things
  18. definitively maps
  19. I'd like to review maps on this site....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. therfiles


      Yeah, that would be great! Would love to see some great reviews for the maps!

    3. minilogoguy18


      You can review any file, just be sure to have it looked over before you hit post since you cannot edit.

    4. MUG
  20. it may work with this even if you don't have the bobafett model
  21. nice,but it may need more detail
  22. Now that Disney is in charge, I'm almost sure this won't happen.
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