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Agent Jones

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Everything posted by Agent Jones

  1. The Baggins' house reminds me of this . Good old stuff
  2. Could not obtain news: Error downloading http://jkg-update.terrangaming.com/news.php - server replied: Not Acceptable and i can't even launch it
  3. 'Unsolved'
  4. I've done everything step by step .The turrets spawn normally when map loads,but there still is no respawn...are you sure that using the turrets makes them respawn?
  5. merry xmas

    1. therfiles


      Merry Christmas :P!

    2. spior


      Clever, therfiles. You stole all the responses by posting the exact same status. I'm on to you...

      Marry Christmas, Jones :P

  6. Hello. I'm making a map,and i've added some misc_TurretG2 entities.in it. Some of them are simple blaster turrets, others have the 'Turbo' spawnflag,which makes them turbolasers. They all have the 'CanRespawn' flags and 'Count' set to 10000.They all should respawn after 10s Now, the simple turrets respawn after 10s as it should be,but the Turbolasers never respawn. Is there any alternative way I can make them respawn ? Thank you in advance
  7. JKG looks better now...but I can't connect to the server :(

    1. eezstreet


      Since the server never materialized since then, we have released the serverside and you can connect to some servers using the join game part of the menu.

    2. Agent Jones
  8. I was on a free trial account (level cap:15) and when it turned F2P I got even more ingame restrictions. Today I had to wait a half hour to log in cause servers were full :lol:
  9. waiting for the swtor f2p

    1. KDR_3XILE


      Shit..I paid for the game and it still sucked ass by the end of the week.


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