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Everything posted by Linken

  1. Yeah, I was trying to do it in multiplayer, what a shame it doesn't work.
  2. Is it something to do with a trigger_hurt and an amount of spawnflags? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  3. If you want the most authentic Jedi experience. Do ::JEDI::, the hopeful phase might be long, but it's one of the most well-known and longest lasting rp communities out there.
  4. The playermodel is something I did a reskin for personal use, it was skinned from Hapslash's Anakin model. Any and all single sabers are affected, the base ones and any custom sabers.
  5. The extremely annoying bug where one does not get a blade with the second saber when one uses two sabers. (In Single Player of course) Anyone have a fix? It's extremely annoying.
  6. At the moment, Movie Duels 2 for the star wars missions. Also it isn't hard to make an NPC file.
  7. If I remember correctly... Go into GTKRadiant, open up the entity window for the bartender npc, in the key box type "npc_targetname" (without quotes of course) then make the value whatever you want. Replace NPC_Bartender with the targetname you made, and it should work.
  8. SET_WEAPON only works with actual guns, as for SET_SABER1, odd....
  9. I USED to like Knights of the Force, now I despise it. There's hardly any reason to really have Knights of the Force, especially since it's stolen content, a giant hoax, and a pathetic excuse for an author to fail to release it. The short answer to your "why doesn't anyone attack Grievous or Vader?" question. In the NPC file they are put down as CLASS_DROID, as you notice they explode when they die. Somehow CLASS_DROIDs don't get attacked by anyone. I highly recommend you uninstall Knights of the Force, it's not worth it.
  10. That....I have no idea. I wish I could help you more. It might be a limitation with the game or something. To be honest I've only ever seen the bryar pistol (in single player) be used by Kyle during the Byss level. Even in multiplayer it's extremely bugged.
  11. If I remember right, there's two ways, the scripted version, and the unscripted. To make a script using BehavED. Open up your behavED program, first click on affect (should be at the top) Double click the :"DEFAULT" portion of the affect, and put in player, leave everything else unchanged. Make sure the next portion is set to be inside the affect. I'm sure you already know how to keep the saber from appearing, but just in case. Select: set ( <str> <str> ), double click it, go to the first drop menu, select SET_SABER1 and in the other window, type "none" (without quotes of course). As for the weapon, SET_WEAPON then, as it looks like you want just the Bryar, WP_BRYAR_PISTOL. In GTKRadiant, make a trigger_once that the player will immediately spawn into, link a target_scriptrunner to it, open up the entity menu, do usescript, then link your script in there, and it should work. If you want the unscripted version, just drop a bryar pistol immediately on the spawn, but scripts are more accurate and professional-looking.
  12. Woken up by all the smoke alarms in the house.....there was no smoke.

    1. spior


      How very suspicious...

    2. Onysfx


      IT'S A TRAP!

    3. CaptainChar


      after 10 years, most alarms will go off to signal they need to be replaced

  13. I like trains

    1. CaptainChar
    2. DT.


      You sure do!

    3. eezstreet



  14. Ha! The picture you linked was from a mod I did. The starkiller skin I liked so much I gave it SP support and put it on JK3files.
  15. If I may give my opinion, that is creepy as hell.
  16. Just realized I haven't posted a status in a while......my status is currently tired as fuck.

  17. Hopefully a modeller out there would be willing
  18. Was hoping if AShuraDX was interested in making this due to his awesomeness. ASHURA I SUMMON THEE @@AshuraDX
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