I am fluent in BehavED (for the most part anyway). But a couple things I don't know how to do include changing the music. I looked over the source of the Deception Single Player Conversion, and just before the fight with the final boss, the music changes. Upon looking at the source files, I noticed one line. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_MUSIC_STATE", /*@MUSIC_STATES*/ "DM_BOSS" ); Looked over some other files, the music was set up in the same way a normal JKA single player map is done, separate music for a lack of action, action, leaving combat, etc. Only one file was in there, BattleMusic. But this music is not called DM_BOSS, nor put in a folder called such, could not see a script called such let alone any reference to it. So now I pose this question to you, my fellow JKHub peeps. How does one simply change the music in a map via BehavED (or some other mean) P.S. You don't need to spoon feed it fully to me, I know BehavED like the back of my hand, just tell me how to get the file to play as needed.