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SpeedyJDFox95 liked a post in a topic: Progress Report: February 2025
Circa liked a post in a topic: Progress Report: February 2025
Since this is being written very shortly after the release of our update, there's not much to talk about, so this will be quick. DYNAMIC WEAPON SYSTEM Our coders Artiber and Awec have been hard at work on a new Dynamic Weapon System. The previous one that was promised proved to be too buggy and unreliable so it was excluded from this past update. Progress has been looking good, so we're hoping to show off more at some point in the future. FATHER VS. SON REMAKE Starting in March, development will resume on the long-awaited Father vs. Son remake. I played the first level of Luke's dark side ending again and wrote down a few notes for some improvements I want to make to it. This will be my personal focus for this update and I'll be looking to keep any code changes to a minimum for this update if possible. CONCLUSION Like most progress reports after an update, there isn't much to talk about. I will likely perform a full mod merger by the end of the week. I don't foresee any new hotfixes being needed, but will of course keep you posted (especially more frequently on our discord server). Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you all.
Hotfix Patch Notes - 02/23/2025 MISSION FIXES DUEL OF THE FATES (DARTH MAUL) - Restored missing Neimoidian guards at the beginning of Mustafar. CODE CHANGES - Fixed an issue where RGB Sabers weren't applying correctly to NPCs when assigned. - Fixed an issue where RGB Skin Customization wasn't applying if any value was 0. - Applied Darth Vader's breathing to the new Darth Vader models. - Coded new logic to work Darth Vader's and Lord Starkiller's breathing sounds if Held By Hatred is applied as an attribute. - Added a new wheezing Darth Vader breathing sound and adjusted health thresholds to account for it. NEW CHARACTERS - Luke Skywalker (Sith Apprentice) (Model Update) - Rebellion - Lowbacca - Galactic Alliance - Risha Drayen - Old Republic - BT-1 - Independent Criminals - Merrin - Nightsisters - Kul Teska - Separatist Alliance - Phase I Darktrooper - Galactic Empire MAP WAYPOINTS The following maps have had waypoints added and are reflected appropriately in the menu. - Episode III: Jedi Temple Entryway - Episode III: Kashyyyk - Episode III: Mygeeto AI IMPROVEMENTS Applied Force User AI to the following characters - Merrin - Nightsister Ghost - Sim Aloo - Janus Greejatus OTHER FIXES - Removed a line of code added to the saber assignment script command which turned lightsabers off when the change was made. - 21st Clone Trooper/Galactic Marine will now spawn as intended. - Gave Han Solo (Stormtrooper) back his head. - Fixed a rare problem where the RGB Saber sliders would appear when opening the lightsaber menu after closing it with them active. Patch Notes - 02/17/25 HIGHLIGHTS NEW SYSTEM: ATTRIBUTES; Highlighting special factors of a character's species or personality, the new Attribute system will bring more realism to each character in Galactic Legacy. NEW SYSTEM: INQUISITOR LIGHTSABERS; Inquisitor Lightsabers make their first functional debut to Jedi Academy, bringing their unique spinning functionality to all Inquisitor characters. NEW NPC TYPE: DROIDEKA; Droidekas function as they always should have in Galactic Legacy now. MISSION IMPROVEMENTS JEDI OUTCAST CAMPAIGN - Loading a save game should no longer cause Kyle to lose all weapons and Force Powers. - Kyle no longer has Force Destruction on ns_starpad. - Fixed an issue where Kyle could start a level with all saber styles earlier than intended. - The TIE Fighters in Doomgiver Detention can now be destroyed by the turret. - The Turrets used in Nar Shaddaa Starpad and Doomgiver Detention will now play effects as intended. KOTOR II: THE TRAYUS CORE - Reduced Darth Traya's health in Stage 1 from 2000 to 1000. - Changed the Lightsaber model for the floating sabers from Juhani to Darth_Revan (for KOTOR accuracy) - Removed the Lightsaber's force immunity. OPERATION: KNIGHTFALL (LORD VADER) - Deactivated the invisible wall in the Library after the introduction is played. - Delayed Anakin's jumping slash in the Room of a Thousand Fountains duel, hopefully making the action more consistent. - Pre-activated the beacon making finding it significantly easier. CODE CHANGES - Modified the "NPC Anim" command to take a timer argument. Use "-1" for an infinite amount of time. - Modified the "NPC Enemy", "NPC remove", "NPC anim", "NPC team", "NPC weapon", and "NPC saber" commands to accept "all" as a valid targetname to affect all NPCs. - New Command: "NPC model", you are now able to change an NPC's playermodel. Syntax: "npc model [npc targetname] [model] [skin (OPTIONAL)]" - New Command: "NPC skin", you are now able to change an NPC's skin. Syntax: "npc skin [npc targetname] [skin name]" - Removed the default values for the NPC Spawnscript, Fleescript, and Deathscripts in the menu, which was causing some confusion among players when NPCs were behaving in a way not expected. - A thrown saber will now reflect the model what the user had at time of throwing. - NPCs assigned no weapon will now spawn without a weapon as intended. NEW ATTRIBUTES - Held By Hatred: Upon defeat, will immediately heal to full health and sacrifice a large amount of their maximum health. If maximum health is below 100, the character is vulnerable to death. Inspired by Darth Sion in Knights of the Old Republic II. - Hero: Can't be mind tricked, disarmed, takes reduced damage from all sources, and deals increased damage with blasters. - Aquatic: Is able to breathe underwater and cannot drown. - Inquisitor: Able to use the Inquisitor Lightsabers spinning function. - Casual Walk: Uses Kyle Katarn's walking animation from Jedi Outcast while their saber is activated. - No Twirl: Does not saber twirl. - Commando: Cannot be mind tricked, disarmed, and alternates between alternate and primary fires, and upon being force choked, throws a grenade, freeing themselves. - Brawler: Uses Kyle's melee attacks from the Dark Side ending of Jedi Academy. - Droid: Takes increased damage from electrical attacks. Immune to Force Grip 1, and explodes when being choked. Can't be mind tricked, drowned, or suffocated. - Sadistic: Heals whenever inflicting damage on an enemy. - Berserker: Lightsaber/melee weapon attacks are faster when at certain health thresholds. NEW FACTION - High Republic NEW CHARACTERS OLD REPUBLIC - Atris (Darth Traya) (New Variant) - Bao-Dur (New Variant) - HK-47 (New Skin) - Kavar - Lonna Vash - Nomen Karr - Revan (General) - Visas Marr (Maskless) DARTH REVAN'S SITH EMPIRE - Darth Malak (New Skin) - Darth Revan (New Skin) - Kreia (Updated Model + New Customization Options) RECONSTITUTED SITH EMPIRE - 2V-R8 - Darth Acharon - Darth Baras (Model Update) - Darth Decimus - Darth Hadra - Darth Malgus (Renegade) (New Variant) - Darth Mortis - Darth Nyriss - Darth Ravage - Darth Vowrawn - Jaesa Willsaam - Sith Empire Trooper (Updated Model) - Sith Eradicator (Updated Model) - Sith War Droid (Updated Model + Animations) - Vitiate (Illusion) (New Variant) ANCIENT SITH EMPIRE - Ajunta Pall - Kissai - Ludo Kressh (New Variant) - Marka Ragnos (Updated Model) - Marka Ragos (Spirit) (New Variant) RULE OF TWO - Darth Bane (Updated Model) - Darth Cognus - Darth Tenebrous (Updated Model) GALACTIC REPUBLIC - Anakin Skywalker (Commander) (New Variant) - Anakin Skywalker (Nelvaan) (New Variant) - Kelleran Beq (Updated Model) - Kit Fisto (Mon Calamari) - Pong Krell - Sister HIGH REPUBLIC - Geode - Jecki Lon - Yord Fandar SEPARATIST ALLIANCE - Asajj Ventress (Yavin) (New Variant) - BX-series Commando Droid (Updated Model) - Droideka (New NPC Class) - Geonosian Elite - Qymaen Jai Sheelal (New Variant to General Grievous) REBELLION - Garazeb Orrelios (Updated Model) - Grizz Frix - Han Solo (Updated Model) - Jan Dodonna - Jyn Erso (Imperial Disguise) - Keyan Farlander - Lak Sivrak - Lando Calrissian (Smuggler) - Leia Organa (Mimban) - Luke Skywalker (Bespin, Farmboy) (Updated Models) - Luke Skywalker (Grand Master) (New Variant) - Luke Skywalker (Mimban) (New Variant) - Luke Skywalker (Sith Apprentice) (Updated Model) - Raymus Antilles - Sabine Wren (Updated Model) - Saw Gerrera - Starkiller (Experimental Jedi Robes) - Starkiller (Dreaming Robes) - Toryn Farr - Twi'lek Rebel NEW REPUBLIC - Dorsk 81 - New Republic Officer GALACTIC ALLIANCE - T'ra Saa GALACTIC EMPIRE - Carnor Jax - Captain Pellaeon (New Skin) - Elite Squad - Emperor Palpatine (Senate) - General Mohc (New Variant) - Janus Greejatus - Kir Kanos - Narkina V Officer - Royce Hemlock - Stormtrooper (Updated Model + Variants) IMPERIAL REMNANT - Brakiss DARTH KRAYT'S EMPIRE - Darth Krayt (New Variant) - Darth Maladi (Updated Model) - Darth Maleval - Darth Wyyrlok SITH ETERNAL - Sovereign Protector BOUNTY HUNTERS - 4-LOM (Updated Model) - Aurra Sing (Updated Model) - Aurra Sing (Jedi Hunter) (New Variant) - IG-88 (New Variant) - Zuckuss (Updated Model) HUTT CARTEL - Dr. Cornelius Evazan CRIMSON DAWN - Maul (Model Update) INDEPENDENT CRIMINALS - Bera Kazan - Bom Vimdin - Davik Kang - 0-0-0 CIVILIANS - 50R-T - Asogian - Babu Frik - Camie Marstrap - Dantooine Militiaman - Droopy McCool - Duros (New Variant) - Karkarodon - Kino Loy - Leesub Sirln - Narkina V Prisoner (Model Update) - New Republic Human Male & Female - Ohwun De Maal - Quarren - Tusken King - Tusken Raider (Old Republic) - Twi'lek Male (New Variant) CREATURES - Felucian Rancor - Felucian Bull Rancor - Swamp Wampa MANDALORIANS - Mandalore the Indomitable - Mandalorian Warrior (Old Republic) ETERNAL ALLIANCE - Nico Okkar (Updated Model) - Vette (New Variant) NIGHTSISTERS - Nightbrother JEDI ORDER - Cal Kestis (Scrapper) (Updated Model) - Jedi Knight (Hermit & Journeyman) SITH ORDER - Sith Lord (Armored) - Sith Statue UNALIGNED FORCE USERS - Baylan Skoll - Shin Hati INFINITIES - Darth Jar Jar - Darth Valeria (New Variant) - Max NEW WEAPONS E-5s Sniper Rifle The BAW E-5s sniper rifle was a four-shot rifle produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop and used by the Battle droid assassins of the Trade Federation and the Separatist Droid Army. Player Damage: 15 (25 while scoped) Bolt Velocity: 4000 (fastest in the game) (NPCs are not slowed at all) NPC Damage: 6 (Easy Difficulty), 12 (Medium Difficulty), 18 (Hard Difficulty) Player Firing Rate: 1 shot per second NPC Firing Rate: 1 shot per 2.5 seconds (Easy Difficulty), 1 shot per 2 seconds (Medium Difficulty), 1 shot per 1.5 seconds (Hard Difficulty) Ammo per shot: 3 Special Features: Blaster bolts cannot be deflected/reflected on any difficulty other than Easy. NEW LIGHTSABERS/MELEE WEAPONS - Baylan Skoll - Gaderffi Stick (Various) - Jaesa Willsaam - Kissai Sword - Kol Skywalker - Leia Organa Solo - Nightbrother Mace - Nightsister Blade - Royal Guard Force Pike (Updated Model) - Royal Guard Staff (Updated Model) - Shin Hati - Sith Statue - All Inquisitor Lightsabers now have the capability to spin. NPC FREE CHOICE SYSTEM - Added the ability to change the model, customize force abilities, RGB, and more to the system. - Removed a large number of NPCs (list below) that were no longer required. - Spawning an NPC with the weapon WP_NONE will now reflect as intended. AI IMPROVEMENTS - Galak Mech will now play the appropriate animation when his antenna is destroyed. NPC & PLAYERMODEL UPDATES - Gave Sim Aloo basic force abilities due to his training as a Dark Side Adept. - Renamed surfaces on the Selkath model to allow it to hold and use melee weapons or lightsabers. - Renamed surfaces on Finn (Resistance Hero) to allow him to hold and use melee weapons or lightsabers. - Corrected scaling for T3-M4, T3-H8, and G0-T0. - Assigned the correct weapon to the Super Battle Droid. - Gave Vandar Tokare two shoto lightsabers to accurately represent his fighting style. HUD UPDATES - Labelled Desann style with Purple instead of red. - Labelled Tavion style with Cyan instead of blue. WAYPOINTS The following maps have had waypoints added so NPCs should behave as expected while playing on them. - Alzoc III Enclave - Battlefront Yavin - Carida Academy - Cavrilhu - Episode II: Kamino - Episode II: Kamino Armory - Episode III: Invisible Hand (v2) - Episode IV: Tantive IV - Episode V: Echo Base - Episode VII: Jakku - Episode VIII: Snoke's Throne Room - KOTOR: Sith Destroyer Bridge - KOTOR II: Freedon Nadd's Tomb - KOTOR II: The Ravager - KOTOR II: Trayus Academy - Rogue One: Scarif - RC: Geonosis Canyon - RC: RAS Prosector Bridge - RC: RAS Prosecutor Detention Block FORCE POWER UPDATES FORCE STASIS - Corrected an issue where the stasis looping sound would not stop on the player after the power's effect wore off. FORCE DESTRUCTION - Force Destruction will no longer cause non-animal vehicles to disintegrate when destroying them. MAP FIXES UTAPAU - Enabled two disabled emplaced guns on the map so they could be used in Single Player. RAXUS PRIME - Fixed a faulty spawn point that would cause players to immediately fall to their death. CODE FIXES - Removed a duplicate "allow saber locking" cvar which was only being used for cutscenes. - Cutscene NPCs can no longer enter a saber lock. - Changing into a Knightfall boss character while playing Operation: Knightfall will no longer buff the player with their bonuses. - Fixed a very rare issue where CLASS_JANGO npcs would only target the player. - Changed Boba Fett's player lock-on logic to only occur if the map being played on is t3_bounty. - Added an extra frame to the loading time to allow for all needed entities to fully load on faster devices. - Removed an unneeded saber lock restriction command. MISCELLANEOUS FIXES - NPCs with a pre-set skin in their NPC files will no longer spawn with their model's default skin if no skin was selected if spawned from the console. - Renamed Wedge Antilles's shader file name, which was causing shader problems for the t2_wedge level, causing multiple texture problems. - NPCs should now spawn with an RGB blade if assigned one through the menu. - Fixed an issue where Kyle Katarn's and Agent Kallus's default NPC weapons were not their respective melee weapons. - Disabled customization on Falon Grey as they weren't needed. - Removed unneeded team blue and red skins on the Temple Security Force - Adjusted Kirana Ti's spear to behave more appropriately. - Sergeant Kreel and the 21st Nova Corps trooper will spawn as intended - The Chistori Jedi Knight is now scaled to the correct height. - Corrected multiple typos for Adalric Cessius Brandl's first name, refactoring all files as needed. - Renamed Zayne Carrick's lightsaber to "Zayne Carrick (Padawan)" - Corrected a minor syntax error for Revan's lightsaber which was causing warning messages to appear in the console. - Added Anakin Skywalker's "incorrect" to his soundset if he's failed to be Force Pushed. - Restored ARC Troopers Blitz, Colt, and Havoc to the Galactic Republic faction as they were missing. BIOGRAPHY UPDATES - Updated Asajj Ventress's biography to reflect her appearance in Season 3 of The Bad Batch. REMOVED NPCS The following NPCs were removed from the mod due to the upgrades to the NPC Free Choice System. This can potentially cause save game incompatibilities, we apologize for the inconvenience. NOTE: This is NOT removing the character's appearance from the mod! This is taking advantage of the NPC Free Choice System's functionality to assign any model to any NPC intended to have identical stats, freeing up space for more characters and NPCs in the future. BOUNTY HUNTERS - boba_fett_panna - boba_fett_daimyo - boba_fett_resurfaced - Montross_Helm SEPARATIST ALLIANCE - asajj_ventress_disciple - asajj_ventress_staff - asajj_ventress_nightsister - asajj_ventress_bh - count_dooku_ritual - Neimoidian_Security - Ep3_Nute_Gunray - battle_droid_firefighter - battle_droid_flamethrower - battle_droid_marine - battle_droid_mk3 - battle_droid_rc - battle_droid_rocket INDEPENDENT CRIMINALS - trandoshan_kotor CRIMSON DAWN - Shadow_Collective2 - pyke2 - pyke_bh ZANN CONSORTIUM - mkii_droideka BLACK SUN - Guri_Dress CIVILIANS - ithorian_kotor - jawa2 - S_mustafarian - N_mustafarian (renamed to Mustafarian) - tusken2 GALACTIC EMPIRE - IMP_OFF_ISB - IMP_OFF_OL_PNC - IMP_OFF_BL_PNC - IMP_OFF_ISB_PNC - IMP_OFF_OL_TCH - IMP_OFF_BL_TCH - IMP_OFF_ISB_TCH - IMP_OFF_OL_F (renamed to impofficer_f) - IMP_OFF_BL_F - IMP_OFF_ISB_F - Galen_Marek_Heavy - Galen_Marek_Light - Galen_Marek_Training IMPERIAL REMNANT - alora_dual2 - alora_dual3 - impworker4 - mark3_dark INFINITIES - Galen_Marek_Ceremonial - Galen_Marek_HCG - Galen_Marek_Utility - Galen_Marek_General - Galen_Marek_Assassin - Sith_Stalker - Cybernetic_Reconstruction - Lord_Starkiller_Tatooine - Starkiller_Hunter - Battle_Droid_Concept JEDI & SITH - KOTOR_Jedi7-30 MANDALORIANS - Bo-Katan_Mando - Ruusaan_Skirata_NoHelm - The_Mandalorian_NoBeskar DARTH KRAYT'S EMPIRE - Darth_Talon (replaced by Darth_Talon_GOH) - Twilek_Sith ETERNAL ALLIANCE - Lana_Beniko_Advisor CREATURES - Rakghoul_TOR - Undead_Stormtrooper_Blaster ETERNAL EMPIRE - Zakuul_Knight_Dual REBELLION - Ahsoka_Tano_Mandalorian - Ezra_Bridger_Helmet - Galen_Marek_BH - Galen_Marek_Corellian - Galen_Marek_Industrial - Galen_Marek_Jungle - Galen_Marek_Medical - Galen_Marek_Temple - Starkiller_TIE - Starkiller_Jedi - Han_Solo_Hoth - Kanan_Jarrus_Mask - Rahm_Kota_Drunk - Rahm_Kota_TFU2 - Leia_OM - Leia_Honoghr - Leia_Lothal - Leia_Black_Sun - Leia_Jedi_Training - Ep6_Leia_Slave - Ep4_Luke_Yavin - Ep5_Luke_Pilot - Ep5_Luke_Dagobah - BOBF_Luke - Luke_CS - Luke_Heir - Luke_Heir_Pilot - Luke_Rebel - Luke_Mimban - r2d2_jabba - Mothma_TFU - Sabine_Wren_Darksaber NEW REPUBLIC - Jaina_Solo_Jedi - Jaina_Solo_Pilot - Jaina_Solo_Rogue - Jaina_Solo_Top - Kyle_DF2_LS - Kyle_DF2_Cutscene (replacing Kyle_DF2) - Kyle_DF2_LS_Cutscene - Kyle_Robes - Kyle_Stealth - Mara_Jade_Winter - Mara_Jade_Smuggler - Mara_Jade_Poncho - Mara_Jade_Vong GALACTIC ALLIANCE - Ben_Skywalker_Tunic - Corran_Horn_Pilot RESISTANCE - Finn_EP9 - Rey_Skywalker OLD REPUBLIC - vrook_lamar_kotor - Republic_Trooper2 - Havoc_Trooper2 - Satele_Shan_Exile - Republic_Pilot RULE OF TWO - Darth_Bane_Lord - Darth_Bane_Spirit - Darth_Maul_Shirtless - Darth_Sion_TFU BROTHERHOOD OF THE SITH - Exar_Kun_Lord ANCIENT SITH - Naga_Sadow_Alt RESURGENT SITH EMPIRE - Sith_Inquisitor_Single DARTH REVAN'S SITH EMPIRE - Sith_Commander - Sith_Trooper_Swordsman - Sith_Trooper_Heavy - Sith_Trooper_Grenadier GALACTIC REPUBLIC - Gran_Jedi2 - Ahsoka_Tano_Padawan - TCW_Anakin - TCW_Anakin_Midwar - Barriss_Offee_Dark - Barriss_Offee_Disguise - Depa_Billaba_TPM - Even_Piell_TCW - Darth_Sidious_Dual - Darth_Sidious_Apprentice - Plo_Koon_JPB - Plo_Koon_TCW - Quinlan_Vos_TCW - Siri_Tachi_Suit - Yoda_Hood - NSF_Guard2 - NSF_PalaceGuard - NSF_PalaceGuard2 - Nahdar_Vebb_Robed - TCW_Obiwan - TCW_Obiwan_Midwar - Obiwan_DW - Obiwan_Hermit - Obiwan_Jabiim - Ep2_Padme_Pilot - TCW_Padme_Snow - Ep3_Padme_Senator - Ep3_Padme_Nightgown - Ep3_Padme_Nightgownblue - Ep3_Padme_Mustafar - Ep1_Padme_Queen_Black
Where does the players object constructor get called in OpenJK?
Linken replied to Cellprocesses's topic in Coding and Scripts
The player entity is always the 0 element in the g_entities array. Usually the game is pretty good about making a unique "player" entity. So if that's your goal, you can change the if statement to simply if (ent == player) { // Your stuff goes here } -
SET_MORELIGHT command but for player character
Linken replied to ssj4windu's topic in Modding Assistance
Usually the path starts with the scripts folder, so leaving it out, write the filepath to it. For example, if it's just in your scripts folder, all you have to do is write the script name, which in this example we'll call "light" If it's inside another folder, let's assume it's called "example", then you'd include the folder name followed by a slash. So if you just have the script inside your "scripts" folder, then the command will be written like "runscript player light" If it's inside the example folder, then it'll be written like "runscript player example/light" -
SET_MORELIGHT command but for player character
Linken replied to ssj4windu's topic in Modding Assistance
When you're in game, in the console type "runscript player [path to your script]" which should make it work. -
SET_MORELIGHT command but for player character
Linken replied to ssj4windu's topic in Modding Assistance
I think the mistake is that you're trying to call it from a cfg file. Commands called in the Q3_Interface class need to be called through an IBI script, which you can create with BehavED. I'm not noticing any issues in your code. To help you get started with setting up BehavED, I wrote a tutorial that get you in the right direction. -
Droidy365 liked a post in a topic: [WIP] Ragdoll Physics
Droidy365 liked a post in a topic: [WIP] Ragdoll Physics
Circa liked a post in a topic: Head turning very quickly on higher FPS
I was able to find a solution. In cg_players.cpp, there are 2 macros declared: LOOK_DEFAULT_SPEED and LOOK_TALKING_SPEED. LOOK_DEFAULT_SPEED is called twice in the same function, CG_CheckLookTarget. LOOK_TALKING_SPEED is called 6 times, 3 times a piece in CG_G2PlayerAngles and CG_PlayerAngles. In each instance of the variables being referenced, add on the calculation: " * (cg.frametime / (1000.0 / TARGET_FPS))" TARGET_FPS is another macro which I declared in cg_media.h with a value of 60 (in case I need to call it for some other reason that I currently can't think of), but declaring it in cg_players.cpp works as well.
Yeah I'm looking for possible solutions in the code as I'm typing this.
I think a lot of us have noticed with higher FPS going on with our respective games that when a character is called to turn their head (mainly in cutscenes), they're turning it at such a speed that, in my opinion, would cause severe neck pain or possibly even their neck snapping.. My question is, does anyone have an idea on how to slow it down?
Kitsu-NeshKaa liked a post in a topic: [WIP] Ragdoll Physics
Releasing this report early due to upcoming Christmas plans. NEW CHARACTERS I received a few new characters to add to the mod, thanks to multiple suggestions. For now, these are likely the final characters to be added to the update: - Visas Marr (Maskless) (New Variant) - 50R-T, by Capital Games and ported by Jeff - Swamp Wampa - Carnor Jax, by Dog95 - Kir Kanos, by Dog95 - Narkina V Imperial Officer - Narkina V Prisoner (Updated Model) - Kino Loy - Pong Krell, by AG7777 and Grimbord - Asogian Also as of the time of writing this report, I'm pleased to announce that the only faction pk3s left to complete are the "Other" and "Jedi_Sith" ones, which I estimate shouldn't take too long to finish. Once this is done, there is some code work left to be done, but after that, we should be OK to release. NEW LIGHTSABERS In addition to these new characters, work has also been done to add new Lightsabers/Melee weapons to the mod. Here's what's coming! - Lig Sword - Gaderfii Stick (Various) by Kitsu-NeshKaa - Force Pike (Model Update) by Kitsu-NeshKaa - Sovereign Protector Double Vibroblade, by Kitsu-NeshKaa - Leia Organa Solo CONCLUSION This wasn't the most productive month for the mod due to a variety of personal reasons, but things have appeared to be more straightened out. I want to thank all of you for bearing with us this year as its truly been a time of change not just for myself, but for many on the team. On my side, these few months alone have seen to me reuniting with old friends and re-integrating myself with communities. Admittedly, this did put a dampener on my work for the mod, but I felt it was necessary in order to move forward in a positive manner. I can't pretend to say that moving into 2025 will magically cause everything to fix itself. What I can say though is that I'm treating 2025 as a new beginning for myself. What this means for the mod I can't say, but getting the chance to develop this has been a privilege, and not one I take lightly. I hope the few days we have left of 2024 go well for each of you. I wish you all a happy remainder of your holiday season, a happy New Year, and as always, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you all.
Sithani liked a post in a topic: [WIP] Ragdoll Physics
SpeedyJDFox95 liked a comment on a file: Darth Vader 2025 Updated Model
bigphil2695 liked a comment on a file: Darth Vader 2025 Updated Model
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jonhafx liked a post in a topic: Does anyone know how to change the skin in the Kotf 2.0 add load menu?
Linken liked a post in a topic: Does anyone know how to change the skin in the Kotf 2.0 add load menu?