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Everything posted by Tompa9

  1. Dont give him anything Saber is in Jedi Temple on Yavin and it is part of the story.
  2. http://www.mmoreviews.com/imgs/SWCWdarthmaulrw1.jpg
  3. Hello, After some months of playing JKE, I´ve realised that NPCs arent using saberthrow. It is probably because saberthrow is now separated force power. Is possible to bring throw back? If not, I suggest to give function of Right mouse button for kicks. You can see it in OJP and MB2, kick to every four directions with saber in hand. What do you think? (NPCs using it aswell automatically)
  4. Version V1.0


    Based on the Cultist base model, I´ve created the most evil Cultist of all - Cultist DarkMaster. It is master of Cultists, so he has all dark side powers on level 3. Pack contains two NPCs, one single bladed, second has two sabers. Everyone could use this skin in their mods, but it should be credited. Credits: LucasArts and Raven Software Tompa9 NPC commands: /npc spawn cultist_dark (single saber) /npc spawn cultist_dark_dual (two sabers)
  5. This is quality But other one model could be done, naked with robotic legs http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/3a/DarthMaulTCW-SWE.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120317065317
  6. Is possible to give us link to this versions??? it seems the most accurate
  7. is possible to give us links please? That CW model looking good, but still i think it could be frankensteined bette to have colors more accurate
  8. He is that Sith Emperor from SWToR after Revan defeated him
  9. Is possible to create Darth Maul from Clone Wars? Reskin DT model or something like it? https://www.google.cz/search?q=darth+maul+clone+wars&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD3IbXnqfNAhUH6xQKHXSFAzMQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1
  10. I was looking for model of Jocasta Nu and Drallig, but nobody created her them yet. Is there somebody to model it? https://www.google.cz/search?q=jocasta+nu&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1gejwkobNAhXFCBoKHVOdDVQQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=599 https://www.google.cz/search?q=cin+drallig&biw=1366&bih=599&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQhqajk4bNAhWG2RoKHe6fABwQ_AUIBigB
  11. Hello, at first I must thank you for creating awesome mod like Jedi Knight and Academy Enhanced. My question is: Im working on personal model pack, mainly Jedi and Sith one. It would be collection of best quality models and skins as possible. All model would have own NPC support aswell. So question is, if i credit it, is possible to upload it there under name for example JKE: Jedi/Sith Model pack? Thanks
  12. So he isnt using flamthrower....
  13. And what does this level 4 MT do?
  14. Hello, I would like to ask, what is the best level of all force powers, because i´ve read somewhere that exists level 4 of mind trick and so on. Second question is, if is it moddable in npc file thanks
  15. This is awesome, and i hope that @@DT85 could in free time reskin his Maul, to have shirtless variant
  16. Look please to second thread there is something about scripting but i dont understand
  17. How to do this please? In some program or basic editing with notepad?
  18. I dont know how to do scripting is someone skillfull and could do some fix?
  19. he is immortal even different model with class_bobafett is immortal
  20. I´m creating pack and you know I dont want immortal npcs. Is possible to somehow do npc with abillities of boba (flamethrower, rockets, switching weapons, jetpack) but killable?
  21. Hello, how to do Bobba npc killable? I´ve tried to edit .npc file but his class is hardcoded i think
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