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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. even tho that version earlier today looked real decent, it had a lot of problems so i pretty much had to start over. when i rigged him and tested his facial deformations he looked blocky. so i reworked his topo as u saw in the last post. then i didnt like the texture cuz its pretty much like 25% photosourced cuz thats a good way to get the basics down in zbrush by overlaying the roto images and going from there. repainting over it as a guideline. which i did. and i wanted to hand paint it instead and see where i could get. so i reworked the mesh, re-uv mapped it, and spent maybe the past hour painting this so far. hey mini... u see those 3 instances of 5poles i threw in there in the previous post? thx man
  2. http://www.youtube.com/user/sithjculley?feature=watch sjc's youtube^ http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/;36781 this wont work cuz u want a map model right?shouldnt b toohard to import the glm and convert to md3 maybe 20 minutes in milkshape or gmax or something right? then in between u can scale it how u want. maybe his was just brushwork hence the textures and no model i dunno
  3. i said screw it and reworked the topo speaking of which whomever knows a bit about shaders PM me so i can wrap up this part of the map
  4. i apologize for the lack of updates i been working on a map and map objects for this mod the nose is still a bit screwy but ive got some things to do ill come back to it i spent some time watching a witwer interview and just kinda modelled in realtime i guess u would say while watching it. i think it helped a lot with catching him from different angles and catching a lotta screw ups i would post a few pics of the map, but im having a problem combining a diff, spec, env, and glow stage all into 1 shader. the blend modes r screwing with me.
  5. whys james cryin?

  6. welcome to thunderdome
  7. since he was a muun id say the average muun height. 1.9 meters thats a cool ass pic of him n palpatine tho itd be cool to have him, Darth Bane, and Ajunta Pall could u imagine the edge loops on that front facing pic?
  8. can somebody model this head im burnt out on heads atm...
  9. didnt think i was being dooshy in return. water under the bridge my friend. its just not gunna happen i move too damn fast i think too much i type right when it comes to mind and if im holding shift and doublwe spaceing and worrying about my spelling im more likely to lose my train of thought about the point im trying to get across. how does savage die btw? i been needing an extra character for my tfu'esque mod im doing. and i didnt want him to have anything to do with tfu but be dead around the time of tfu. maybe ill research a bit and come back to ya about it. EDIT: how oppress dies
  10. i didnt even read this... yeah. start there. matter of fact, ill make a deal with u... u model the body and ill make u a savage head. thats a decent proposal to start with. have u any modelling skills? or any skills whatsoever? im confused what are u familiar with so far? its been asked like 3 times. it would help us actually help u.
  11. no. i appreciate the pointer tho and have always wished i looked smarter lol. sorry grammar nazi u got the wrong guy 4 this. but i will meet u 1/2way and now my sentences will be all sperated with double spaces. see? lol mmmm now thats pretty
  12. oh crap i didnt even see this thread resurface. hey deviance PM me bro before u get into yer next project we'll get u a syllabus going and u can see what u have to bring to the table, what youll need, and we can go from there. instead of tackling a full TC why dont u make the characters first? then the maps? etc. start with 1 character or map or force power and lets help u finish that and we'll go from there dude no worries. and no there was really no disrespect form what i read just more harsh truth i would say. trust me id know lmao on a side note... i lawl every damn time someone makes corto facepalm lmao... u always have the best comebacks dude. u and inyri are beasts with posting. hell i had inyri chew me out so bad one time on a model i honestly almost cried lmfao its not her fault tho. patience nor compassion have been ported over to linux yet. i like this site have i said that recently? bless this site in all its glory. this and datehookup lmfao that site has me layin more pipe than a mario brother out here rofl whooo its gunna be one of those mornings. PM me u silly bastard we'll get u steered in the right direction. just dont give up no more tho. ill be yer teacher, not yer cheerleader lol
  13. well... since this is an absolutely pointless thread, im gunna post something random. we should do a mod like this that would b sick show some pics of yer work dude. im intrigued
  14. i just personally dont see it then. i like a lot of the texturing, but see a lot of cartoony areas. hell what do i know. ill mess with starkiller some more here after i finish recording these few tracks prolly 3 days id say
  15. why all the pics of hks starkiller. itd b kinda goofy to compare mine to his fo ref purposes. and that face is pretty janky i never really got into that one either. those r all renders, and the only thing i take from all those is i like the hands... no worries tho ill have a decent rendition. and thx 4 all the effort. but to me that ones janky as hell 2 first pic is dolph lundgran hands down =) 2nd set is spock loll but i like the skin tone and eyes on dolph
  16. like i said i get burnt out easy, dont wanna rush it, and have a bunch of other things map objects a tons of shaders a few rigs that im playing with for cutscenes so ill just spend a full day or two coming back to it and going thru it and trying see whats the matter now when im not so burnt out on him, or else im not having fun with it. i do it for fun and have a crapload of work done and needed to be done so ill just come back later n fine tune his face. im in no hurry for it im gettting a few things ready to display him with when its done u know? a couple of cool rigs. been messin with face robot a little and cutscene rendering, cutscene rigs and such. trying to learn some real nice shaders in xsi so yeah ive got some work ahead of me and this dudes head was just a pain in my ass so just to keep it fun for me i bounce around. when i get burnt out modelling, ill uv map.. then ill texture, then shaders, etc, i have like 4 small maps worth of map objects left and maybe 4 or 5 more player models to finish. so this dudes face while frustrating, is kind of bottom of the list right now lol. itll build its way back up im just burnt for a while and focusing on the rest of the project but its cool i got it all planned out in sections and im checking things off as i go i have some sort of awkward rhyme to this thing lol. i wanted to keep a syllabus or schedule or whatever of what i need and have so i actually finish this thing. im pretty much building the maps i need in xsi and converting to ase or md3 where applicable and saving the actual mapping in gtk a bunch. sux xsi dont convert to ase i gotta install max again for a while i guess
  17. yeah i been trying out custom shaders lately too so i can get a feel for em in softimage. just the basic spec and env shaders right now. and yeah that metal armor is still screwy its not color matched to his real armor color and i wanna make some nice scratches n stuff for it
  18. sorry dude figured it had enough contrast in it to be ok, bu tthat may be my screen those squiggly lines in his torso texture arent really there.. it just shows em like that in textured decal mode, if i render it its ok, will they show up ingame like that cuz of the fine detail?
  19. working on the body right now ill mess with the head again in due time
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