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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Updated List The ones with X's I need no help on as they are already built by myself or someone else. The rest have yet to be started X__Proxy-done X__Starkiller- what a disaster but coming along nonetheless X__EVO trooper- done X__Jump trooper- done X__Incinerator trooper- @@DT85 X__Purge Trooper- done X__Stormtroopers- @@DT85 just need a few variations (@@Barricade24 has some) ___Felucians- body is done ___Rancors- I have one done, but will most likely be rebuilding it soon and making a few variants ___Bull rancor- havent started yet ___ Junk Droids- not started yet ___Junk Titan-- havent started yet X__Kazdan Paratus-- backpack and model are done ___Kota's militia- just a buncha different rebels i havent started any yet ___Dagobah creatures- i need to do some googling. i want some creatures like flying around or crawling or both. X__Dark juno- junos head on a more dark, gothic kind of looking sith female body, started the body ___AT-ST Variants- @@minilogoguy18 has a very nice one I may ask for, also @@AshuraDX said he may take another crack at one of them ___Droids 1 and 2- haven't started or figured out which droids to use yet X__Rodians- I have started the heads and would like to model them myself (or at least the heavy one)
  2. I have been given permission to use @@AshuraDX beautiful Galen Marek saber as well as his saberpike for Kazdan Paratus so I will not be needing lightsabers for them. i will post everything I have though, so everybody has an idea of how to help.
  3. As of right now I have permission from @@katanamaru to use his very nice backhand saber style for the mod. I will be adding a few anims to it as well such as a few different swings into a faked combo system, the dash, the repulse, and a taunt or 2. The faked combo system is something I did like a year ago, where I had every directional attack perform a combo of 2 swings, in some cases 3. so when you hold up+attack, then upleft+attack, he goes through quite a bit of attacks. the transitions were a problem, but I ended up making him end every attack sequence back in base pos which seemed ok. I didnt have any parrys though. I was hoping the community could give some ideas about how that functions.
  4. http://jkhub.org/topic/2283-tie-fighter/
  5. The first few halls and the majority of the hangar will be decently the same, but it will take a turn in the hangar as the normal door to exit will be welded shut and it will have a different route to take. I have the first halls all the way up to the hangar almost finished just having serious problems with the shaders atm. mainly I need a shader with a diff, spec, env, and glow, and one without glow. But my blend funcs are screwy I think. I will post the shaders soon and we can get that kink worked out. heres a few screenies of the progress so far... The floor has a different texture on it now, ill post newer pics soon I have a lot to organize right now now what I'm going to do is post pics of each individual map object and a ref pic of what its supposed to look like, and we can pick apart some of the shoddy texturing and things needed to make it decent.
  6. Unleashed 1.5 will be a *cough* T.C. mod. Much like all of it's deceased predecessors. I will cover a few main objectives here, and post work throughout the process. I do have a finished storyline which I have kicked around to a few people to see if it could be considered somewhat "cannon", and have had positive feedback so I will not need to post the entire storyline here as that would kind of ruin the feel of the mod the first time you play it, and will kill the twist at the end. Feel free to lend any suggestions, opinions, or crits you please. Point #1. Who and When. I am working on this mod alone atm, but will not take entire credit for it on its completion because my skills are a combination of everybodys knowledge and assistance. I have no idea when it will be done, but will guess that I'm at about 20% right now. I am welcome to any help anybody feels like lending. Point#2. What I have and what I need. i have the maps figured out, playermodels, textures, anims decently, but could use some assistance here and there with shaders and scripting the maps. The maps will be devised mainly of map objects I create in Sofimage XSI, combined with some brushwork and scripting. Point#3. Fail. Theres a curse on this mod. there always has been. Much like the movie Poltergeist. Nothing I can really do about that. I will say that I don't really work on anything else but this mod, and i get a bit done literally everyday. So even though it has a predetermined destiny to wind up oin the fail bucket, I will just continute to work on it and hopefully outwork the curse. This mod will not contain base models, textures, shaders, nor menus. The mod will have main maps, as well as 2 sub maps. The maps, in order, are as follows... Unknown Surgical Center (sub-map mainly used for cutscenes but will be playable at one point in the story) Tie facility Raxus prime Felucia Kamino Dagobah Rogue Shadow (the training room and a few other dynamics will be available in this sub-map, such as training missions, costume changes, and lightsaber changes much like the Nintendo DS version of TFU) the maps will not be cannon recreations of the tfu maps you are used to, but more like a reimagined version for certain reasons pretaining to the storyline. The maps are meant to be different because the main character is a clone with implanted memories of someone who was incredible with the force. So, things are a bit fuzzy and the maps are storyline wise induced dreams. So it will be a dream of a memory of a clone u can't clone. So expect the overall look and feel of the maps to be legit, but just a reimagined path. Different passeges to reach your objective. The maps will also not be very long maybe 3 or 4 sections each seperated by elevators and doors with loading screens because I plan on getting intense with some of the geometry here and there. I'm not considering any miltiplayer aspects of the mod as many of the skeles will be custom and cannot be used in MP yet. But feel free to lend a hand or suggestion or two and maybe after it's all said and done I can incorporate it and seperate a few nice MP maps and characters for it who knows. Right now not even considering it. The mod will have cutscenes rendered in xsi and converted to RoQ. One cutscene rig is almost complete, and it is the main one for the storyline. Ive shown a few people a beta version and it is getting positive feedback as well. Just like the storyline though, I would see it kind of lame to post the cutscenes. i have a big problem with starkillers voice because I dont want to just use TFU sounds for the cutscenes and just have him repeating himself. So his voice will be a problem, but, he only has a VERY small amount of dialogue if any at all. Anyways most of his thoughts will be displayed in the maps alog the corridors and things kind of like Splinter Cell: Conviction. So I can totally take his voice out of the picture and the mod would still make sense. I wont put a time on it, but, to give a rough idea percentage wise, id say I hope to have it done or just rockin by Xmas Be patient. Be kind. -Chalk
  7. i know but i already have like 6 open tfu'esque posts and didnt wanna be a doosh lol. maybe i can convince the big dogs to give me a mod forum for it. The project is gunna b called Unleashed 1.5 as its storyline will take place between 1 and 2. I have a decent amount of work done i might just say screw it and post it all here cuz i dont wanna take too much space and annoy people, and also, i already sent a request for the mod forums but i think i was shunned. and i dont know who to ask about it. and to be honest @@Fighter scares the crap outta me =) everytime i see that name someones getting in trouble or schooled hard on something lmao. we'll see what happens i will definately figure it out today tho. on a side note,.. a lot of you scare the crap out of me. Its not too hard to do.
  8. hey use this one instead my bad better textures better uvmap assignment just overall better. theres a small shader for it too feel free to whatever. but yeah yer better off with this1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/hai6l1
  9. it could prolly use a decent reskin but heres what i got so far http://www.sendspace.com/file/2nipf9 feel free to do whatever with it. no credits needed it doesnt have any shaders or a very decent texture but is an easy fix
  10. sure ill do a few chairs no worries. ill make your path just like u posted but the pk3 full of chairs ill release i think ill set the paths to map_objects/custom im at about 40% of the uvmap for the new chair
  11. ill make that next. i just spoke with ashura and told him iid prolly do like 5 or 6 decent chairs cuz i see posts all the time and maps that all have the same chairs, or need new ones. so cool right on ill do that one next. hey i got that chair modelled, uv mapped, and got the islands all seperated and grouped together nicly... but i rilly dont wanna texture it right now, so if yer in a rush, i can send u the md3, and uvmap (i got it 2048 right now just for turds n giggles) so either u texture it, or gimme a while. ill still need that path tho
  12. whats your pathname so i can get this thing to an md3? like.. is it models/map_objects/custom/chair1.md3?
  13. any ref pics on the idea of what the chair should look like? i just whipped this up real quick
  14. rite on. yeah id say besides that crevice under his cheek and maybe his cheeks are a bit puffy not sure
  15. i dunno dude i think i would need more angles to be able to tell whats going on.. at any rate the features of the face were modelled very well. the sunken in part of his cheeks right there has a less obvious transition from his cheek into his upper lip giving him that pouty look. he doesnt really have that valley there.. but besides that and his nose maybe too thin are all i can see. awesome stuff what are u using for refs and rotoscopes?
  16. a better view so we can be sure
  17. yeah ill definately do a model comparison in a sec and figure out where to go from there. thanks for all the positive feedback. arms a bit bigger, torso a bit smaller. got it.. i made this last nite for the mod i havent textured it yet obviously
  18. good idea.. ill do that tonight
  19. well... i knew that the wrists barely went past the hips so i just kinda eyeballed it. but youre saying make em longer even?
  20. good call gentlemen. i thought maybe his shoulders were too wide i dunno. but yup they look a bit short as well as high better?
  21. just got it under 6000 tris and still have plenty to delete on the face
  22. wow those are insanely awesome ref pics. good job barricade
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