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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. the tfu style force push will work animating wise very easily...but if u wanna add the efx file to it you will see that he orients the effects all screwy are u saying u fixed that kata? i thought it was just orienting the saber tag a little differently... but could never get it right
  2. whats yer tri count? none of my groups have over 500 but im at like 6048 tris
  3. i went to cut proxys head off... and low n behold
  4. just the head n chestplate are done right now the rest is being fixed atm
  5. i know i was stoked to see inyri. i know i screwed up the feet i friggin oriented em to the bone and now that i look at the pic i get it and as for the brightness im adjusting colors while im making these shaders right now he looks good ingame now no worries.. ill post a screenie here in a sec of the shader progress..
  6. i dunno i think im confusing myself wiht the ref pics because of the lighting i shoulda just used the color picker when i was in zbrush.. but thats an ifail a while ago i made a decent irradescent type shader with purple n blue spec maps i think i was gunna try that n see how that looks and if not, go all blue.. but it would be nice to have that weird irradecent look his armor has oh crap regardless i should start with a blueish base and maybe do the spec map a lil purplish der my blunder
  7. anybody feel like doing a sound set for him?
  8. yeah i know.. i still gotta make spec maps for it and what not so ill wait til i start those and make sure it all looks right as i go.. id say hes almost ready to rig. gotta orient his feet correctly... maybe some minor tweaks to adjust but overall im bout to rig him and nevermind about the shaders thing man... proxy has soooo many lights and crap on him and i remember where it all is on the uvmaps so ill just have to do it but maybe once i get the glow maps and spec maps done u can help me adjust the shaders try that skype thing again man i didnt get it edit: feet and other things were a bit off from the skele after i looked at it... so i refitted to skele..heirarchy done.. tags set.. transforms froze. prolly start it later today or tonight. shouldnt take me but an hour or 2 cuz hes a droid. a lot easier to rig. plus... i modelled him specifically for rigging lol i wanted to make things easy on myself for once
  9. reminants of a past proxy lol. hold on...
  10. oh yeah lol i was waiting to import a base model n compare i knew the blueish/purple colorq and the face was a little off it was just getting late last night n i gave in ill mess with it when i get a sec thx ashura man u got a great eye for the shit i overlook so whats up with writing these shaders for me i always been a huge fan of yer shader work vs. mine
  11. slowly chiselling away at it hey ashura.. wanna do the shaders for this guy? edit: wrapping it up
  12. awesome. i will dabble with that on my off time in between all this other crap im sure with the pitch and yawspeed and things like that i can get it moderately controllable
  13. sorry if this is dumb... but couldnt u just make a jetpack model... rig it as a vehicle... and edit the .veh file to get it to fly so its just a vehicle?
  14. yeah his heads pretty off ill look at it in a sec his eyes are too far apart and low and his jaw is too low so ill fix that up n compare him side by side with one of my refs n fix that up then ill be uv mapping him.. but im pretty busy a lot lately and uvmapping isnt one of my favs so ill prolly spend a few days on that at least 2 or 3
  15. yeah u both r right man ill get him fixed up thanx. i think im gunna post more vidz of the wireframes like that cuz i got to see a lot more detail and exactly what was going on in the wireframe with a decent video. and botdra... thanx man. yeah im mainly just concerned about the comparison between the tfu proxy n my old one
  16. ahh screw it ill drop my models all one by one its just taking too long i started like 3 new ones felucians and stuff adn its gunna take me the better part of a year to make a complete tfu character pack... so... i decided ill wrap up proxy first.. a lot of his textures were kinda weak and i figured i might as well do him right.. also, a lot of his geometry was off or missing... but here he is with a little more love and attention to detail now...
  17. what do the numnbers for transition correspond to? example.. transition button_1 456 292 130 24 776 310 130 24 20 25 the button_1 is the name of the peice id like to move around the numbers after it i need help on though like .. common sense says 1st. x coordinate (456) 2nd. y coordinate (292) 3rd. x scale (130) 4th. y scale (24 5th.. ? etc... nevermind i figured it out i just need the last 2 numbers? im guessing ones speed?
  18. nah screw it im gunna finish him in zbrush
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