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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. im only working on it in a half. did i explain that right? lmao i mean.. his face is cut in half the whole time im working on him.. i only duplicate symmetry n merge the peices for the screenies. it should be ok. im just so frustrated with his lips right now.. know what tho.. on a good note.. i killed that nose.. i mean.. its far from perfect.. but it was my first attempt at making a nose with no zbrush help and it turned out ok im pretty stoked about that. even if its too long and narrow lol but the actual geometry of it is good. as well as his eyes.. maybe thats why im so pissy at his lips cuz the rest has a real good start. and his ears suck.. and the back of his head doesnt transition into his neck correctly.. but hell i dunno.. a WIP definately.
  2. i didnt really spend too much time on his neck... cuz i thought it would be hidden mostly by his armor.. but thats no way to model lmao.. so yeah man ill go back over his neck.. his ears are lame as hell and only my 3rd try at it so i know im gunna have to remodel those/ i have a save state right before that tho so no worries.. about his lips.. i just cant seem to get them right.. i keep thinking once i put em in zbrush i can fix it, but id rather model em correctly in xsi just for the knowledge.. cuz if u look.. his lips do a real wicked transition to his face.. and its kickin my ass now granted.. i can pop him in zbrush and hit the sides with a form brush n smooth it out... but i wanna instead get the knowledge of creating wonky unnatural shapes like this in xsi so im not so dependent on zbrush for the weird shapes just by staring at this pic i can tell what i did wrong.. i made his top lip stop with the lips.. but if u see in that pic it goes beyond where his lips end and kind of tucks in under his cheeks.. i dunno thats why i was saying id get the basics done in xsi and fix it in zbrush.. but thats lame.. i wanna just use zbrush for normals and textures.. cuz u have just so much more control over the model in xsi vert by vert.. and xsi has a lot of the same kind of functions as zbrush for hd modelling so i just would like to be more familiar with xsi. that way i dont spend all this time on creating a starkiller, but instead learning all i can so i can create anybody no prob wanna take a look at the obj mini? i just pm'ed it to ya so u can have some better angles n maybe shed a bit more light
  3. so i took out a little butt from his chin.. fixed up his jawline, modelled in the ears, adjusted the head shape, and a bunch of overall just smoothing and touching of verts so where am i going here? uv map so i can get him into zbrush and start some of the finer details? or any other geometry adjustments need to be made first? hey corto.. theres some things like the transition from his jaw to his neck that i seem to be screwing up.. can i pm u this model and u can take a look since ill prolly have to do 15 screenshots to illustrate all the janky parts? dont fix it for me, but instead maybe give a little insight with a better view also... look at his lips if u could
  4. i can prolly pull the rear of the jaw out a bit more to help that jawline... a bit like this?
  5. still gotta do ears then all i have to do is make it look like sam lmao i think its mainly the triangle face he has from the front view i hate triangle face maybe just round out those cheekbones a little and pull the back of his jaw up more towards his ear u think?
  6. going out for a while.. but heres the progress so far.. not much to be honest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqm208eJmt4&feature=youtu.be i highlighted a problem area... but it looks like deleting those extra edge loops will fix it when i get home tonight ill prolly start a few different ears til i get it right
  7. if i use the grey backround it hurts my eyes after a while.. i see what yer saying tho the shading blends in with the backround. if i use the grey also the model sometimes blends in with the backround.. i can just go into preferences>scene colors n find something different maybe blue like milkshape? anything thats not too bright cuz i work on this stuff, then music all day but regardless its a lotta staring at the monitor lol. so scene colors>blue sound good? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uPSgME2B6A&feature=youtu.be
  8. thats not a render thats shaded n headlight yeah like i said im gunnna remove stuff at the end im more talking about how f'ed up hes looking around his cheecks n between his eyes im wondering if between his eyes i should spread those top verts out a bit and his cheeks look like i need to change the loops a bit to fit it better. i might be off n on for a while i have some music stuff to take care of and it is ridiculously time consuming
  9. topology critz plz before i go much further also check this out a little over 600 tris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_JK55Dypd0&feature=youtu.be
  10. taking a quick break and working on the shaders for starkiller.. starting this skin tone shader right now. im aware the color is a bit orange.. im just trying to get the light passes veins n pores to look ok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2QyX3k-XUk&feature=youtu.be
  11. anybody ever seen an animated skybox?

    1. ChalklYne



      yup lol




      qer_editorimage textures/skies/blue_stars.tga

      surfaceparm sky

      surfaceparm noimpact

      surfaceparm nomarks



      skyParms textures/skies/bespin 6000 -


      map textures/skies/stars.tga

      tcMod scroll 0.012 0.015



      map textures/skies/stars2.tga

      blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

      tcMod scroll -0.015 -0.025





    2. CaptainChar


      that ones better then the one im using, which uses animated clouds

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2F5piurv-0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSq3eLefj80 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxPRhZ1whdI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbs3fp3wHmQ 2nd one is one of my fav videos of all time jam those last two if youve never heard em. theyre pretty nasty i never really thought durst had pipes til i heard leech
  13. k.. im just practicing noses right now.. i wanna do the topology like the ref i posted.. but he has such a huge nose i keep screwing it up.. trial n error im just gunna keep making nose caps n nostrils til i get one about right might take me a while
  14. im gunna pause for a sec here til i can get a couple good crits so i dont have to back track.. about to start the nose
  15. yeah i been kinda compensating the angle for now u can kinda see it in the right ortho.. i caught that this time lol are those kinda vert expensive or u think theyre good to go? if anything i can just model it as well as i can with no worry of polys, then go back later n maybe clean some stuff.. so yeah if u see me going a little deep on maybe the ears and the nose its cuz im gunna go back and hit it again n maybe clean it up some. i see it being maybe 1600 tris at the end if i keep going like i am
  16. yeah that just is like 8 frames showing the way it has to move the tags its also wiggling his saber tags lol =) any ideas on the animevents question? gunna have to ask ashura thats my animevents dude
  17. getting everything ready to start a new one.. heres some things i am gunna keep an eye on.. post any more if u think theyll help
  18. in lamens.. first he skooled us with shaders n mapping.. now he wants to murder us to sew up any loose ends =)
  19. this is the last adjustment im gunna make to this head before starting over.. ill have a new model going maybe tonight.. theres some screwups i just dont wanna go back thru the geometry n fix like his forehead n what not so ill def be starting over.. butnonetheless..
  20. i rigged something completely hammered for someone last night... and it worked fine lmfao so now u have my rigging secret

    1. CaptainChar


      Mr, Scott would tell you, he works better when under the influence of scotch

    2. ChalklYne


      lmfao.. i was so hammered one time mapping a tie facility.. that as i walked thru the halls in gtk radiant and spun around to look at stuff i got sick hahaha

  21. my bad dude.. yeah like i said.. im gunna start over from scratch.. but id gladly appreciate yer feedback so i dont make the same mistake twice lol thx dude
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