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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. what hatch? Im not going 100% by the blueprints for the shape. I want this one thinner and sleeker. but fezzes must be eliminated. I was satisfied with the shape and saw no fez is why Im saying UV. By all means though, point out your fez and ill kill it. EDIT: hahahahaha!! Can you tell i've rounded the window frame as well for ya? Not too much to save polies but still it does look better
  2. See I was just reading about ultimapper. How would I not need UV coordinates? Ohhh on the high res I wouldnt, then carry it over to the low res uv's by ultimapper I get it. Right on man thank you. So now just load all the geometry I want and make it a real nice high res right? Actually, wait, no I'm confused. I'm going to go watch some tuts on ultimapper and will be back to figure out what you mean Hey can someone help me set up a realtime viewport?
  3. Ill look at the shape of it. It also looks too long from the top view I will get right to that. Those small details in the "WingNut" as I have come to call it, arent going to be there after i finish unwrapping and texturing it. I will rendermap something nice for it and then delete them. EDIT: Fixed
  4. Some overall clean up. Ready to Uv map the sphere?
  5. can we elaborate on this? do u mean the outer rim of the window should be rounder than it is? as in a more sided cylinder?
  6. Ill squash the height of the wings a bit and rebuild the pylons i wasnt liking those anyway. last night I just rebuilt the sphere
  7. Its just not time efficient for me to relearn everything right now and start fresh, It wouldn't seem right to take more than one suggestion and just shitcan your ideas though. So, I will say this... I am going to build the assets, maps, and menu system for a TFU mod. I have a storyline and cutscenes for the SP version all worked out as well as new gameplay dynamics without coding. If anybody skilled in modding MP maps wants to lend a hand in maybe making the maps Mp friendly it would be pretty schweeet. Just sayin. I personally am doing SP and thats just what it is for now. Not shunning the idea at all, just don't wanna consider it until I'm done with what I'm doing. Maybe I'll poke around and see what kind of freinds I have around here and maybe get someone skilled in coding to write a lil something for MP. Who knows. All speculation lol. Sorry to disappoint I just wanna make SP first. I have no idea what to do for Mp, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to make things MP freindly
  8. I dont have anyone coding at all, and was not really planning any coding. There will be no real in-game cutscenes besides maybe showing targets the cutscenes will be made in XSI. If i were to plan any coding, it would be in the SP game. So i would be waiting a while. I got my little brother to look at the single player code for me to see what he can do. He said it was way self explanatory, but does not currently have the time to help much if anything. MP is a cool idea and maybe I'll start a thread for it, but since I have everything all planned out already and know exactly what I need to do, and have uhh *cough* never played MP, I wouldnt even know where to start. All in due time though I guess. Badass about the Vader voice deal. You know what? I had no idea Witwer did so many voices for Star Wars. I'm already considering a cool storyline for 2.5 since I read the book. So I plan to continue to add to the mod here and there over time so MP is totally not being omitted, just put on the back burner a while until I get an idea of what I can do in MP and what would be cool to incorporate. Plus I just have a ton to get caught up on first.
  9. A bit more work. I'll leave it here 'til the morning and see what direction to take after a few crits. If you noticed, i've widened the wings a bit as well per request, but still tried to keep a more oblong shape than the traditional TIE just becaue i like it like that. to me thats how they look in TFU. If it's not enough speak up
  10. There will be quite a bit in this mod that isnt 100% movie or TFU accurate. I will agree that some things are just basic and should be accurate as possible i.e. the ships and characters so I will be trying to stick as closely as possible to cannon refs in that aspect.
  11. I get what you're saying Eezstreet. I don't really want to overwhelm myself too much either. I will take your bit of advice and turn it into this.. I will ensure that if I in fact am going to rebuild something base, then I will have a decent reasoning that a regular reskin just couldnt fix. I have enough to do already, and I am constantly rebuilding models until we are happy with the outcome. So I will try and make this as simple as I can and make sure I am not atepping over my own toes as much as i can. I will remake the sphere part tonight, and only the sphere. Paying attention and plotting my next move as to not have to keep rebuilding and ultimately pissing everyone off lol Thank you for the advice guys. Does anyone have an answer to the specular map queston I posted above?
  12. I don't know man... I guess if I saw a really accurate texture or something that looked closer to the main goal than what I could come up with, then maybe aI'd use a peice of base. to me it all boils down to I need stuff to look a certain way. Easier to just do it myself than manipulate jka stuff
  13. I dont want any base stuff. Im retarded, I dont know why I didnt post that in the overview. Sounds and thats it for base, not even the menus. *Fixed.
  14. Try and model it yourself man there is like the most basic of geometry to the thing, and a few sinmple textures seems like a perfect place to start. Id just import a base hand, throw the hilt in the right position, copy and paste and rename the tag on the hand to be the tag for the saber so it doesnt change orientation when gripped. Then, I'd model the string down the back of his hand with just a few simple alpha planes making sure not to clip through the hand.. like this
  15. ahhh i seee... i wanna do something more along these lines... than any other ones ive seen and this is a real nice ref video
  16. im just pointing out the curse of tfu tc's. it cant fail cuz im not depending on anyone else this time. i know as long as i keep at it, eventually, itll get done. im doing the mod mainly for myself and my own enjoyment of this community and the franchise. so im pretty motivated to finish it. ive already got plans on what im going to do after this as well... so the fires lit under my ass a bit so to speak. sorry if i came off as debbie downer in the overview, i was just pointing out the obvious main few points as a sort of FAQ i guess.
  17. well... for cutscenes im getting decent at animating. still havent figured out the animation mixer to be honest. I have an already animated scene ill pm u real quick so u know what i mean by animating the cutscenes in xsi. they wont be modelled to traditional skeles in most cutscenes its just a robot sitting, vader standing, and u strapped to a table so most of the animation is all done in one rig im setting up. here ill just PM u the video of the beta version of how the camera and table will function. see i was going to have it "unlock" new combos in between maps by a simple gla change. that way you can start off rather basic and each map progress. Im debating a side mission right now where proxy turns into grievous and tries to kill u in the training room. but im not sure its gunna be grievous. i wanted someone cool you havent fought on here yet like savage oppress, grievous, or maybe even plageuis but im still debating that aspect. might just make proxy swap to kevin bacon and do a footloose dance across the tie facility hangar floor. just seeing if yer still paying attention. It just wouldnt be tfu'esque without a bit of proxy problems. if it were to be grievous tho, i wouldnt want to reanimate an entire rig again like kazdans gunna have to be pretty much. instead maube id just model the character and top 2 arms to fit the jka skele, the make his other 2 arms a .veh filr with blasters in the hands. maybe script him to be in the "vehicle" while u fight him. that way his top 2 arms could give u saber combat while his bottom blasted at u. havent really thought on any of that yet
  18. niiiice. that would cause me to throw some royal guards into the mix =)
  19. i wasnt gunna say anything... but since u started one.. and i saw those nice facial features... i restarted mine lmao. i really need some rebel heads too so i have no problem restarting again id say im almost getting the hang of it. maybe not the actual proportions yet, but edge loops and what not im getting that decently. were you planning on a different outfit?
  20. it might have been a tad inaccurate =P ill just start over tonight. lol still going to keep the idea of the pilot and still going to model it rather high res then delete the unnecessary after rendermaps.. but yeah... it was a bit screwy. honestly i took a few looks ingame and just exited and went for it oops lesson learned better ref pics 4 me figured id post my ref pics from now on so we can all be on the same page
  21. i was thinking last night of remodelling the sphere you may have convinced me lol sounds good to me. also, i noticed the bars on the wings werent accurate instead of one fat bar it should be two skinny ones. i been paying closer attention i definately will fix the bars on the wings and most likely will convince myself to start the sphere over tonight. theres no crude or hurtful opinions dude ill try to honor your guys's crits a bit more if ive displayed otherwise in the past. id rather u be blunt and save muh mod then let me release something i probably could have done better on. i do rush a lot ill try to slow down a bit while looking at the refs. thx corto
  22. i saw the base one to look rather different than the tfu ones... here lemme try and find some refs and we'll see what i mean. besides the basic retexturing the thing was a bit wider in jka and taller and thinner in tfu imo. besides that, i wanted to model a little fighter inside the window for one variant like this... just a plane with a few cuts no real biggie but it looks cool if u turn the tie fighter left and right kinda looks like theres a lil dude in there. now i just gotta texture the inside and make him a real low poly plane of a back of a chair behind him to help with the depth illusion heres jka vs tfus ties
  23. so heres a rough draft of how the geometry and texturing will look on the tie fighter. im gunna build high res models like that wingnut, render some maps, then lower the res of the model and use it as textures. too bad we dont have bump maps for real this would work real nice hey does anybody know if i take some small geometry in xsi, and move the light to the right a bit to cast shadows like this... and then made me a rendermap of the shadows, then moved the right to the left slightly like this and did the same and made that my spec map if i would have decent results?
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