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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Once I make them non_solid... wont they stop receiving shading info from the lighting?
  2. awesome. hairlines just too scraggly. you can see in the game he has a nicely trimmed hairline all around. great job some quick hair refs 4 ya i have a "short hair brush" for zbrush if anyone wants it. it works wonders also... @@AshuraDX check out that shadow in the side ref pic that goes from his upper lip almost down to his jaw. looks like a major witwer lips defining area. maybe that'll help tie that side view in a bit more I also think you should maybe work on it a bit in low res mode so you can fix those blocky shading areas if you can since of course ingame it will be the low res model also forehead looks too squared at the top also try and fix that ubtusely stretched poly at the sides of his nose causing that shading problem. its the one touching his nostril, then does an obtuse angle to attach to his face. maybe bring that far right vert in a bit towards the nostril til it has a smoother shading transition? youll see what i mean when you check it out this one... see how its folded in half because of the angle its at?
  3. And here it is all optimized (meaning I removed un needed tris and backfaces). So With the GTK export being almost 10,000 tris, the new exterior will be roughly 1,232 tris and instead of 50-60 instances of textures it will call for just two. Should be ok for FPS I hope. I'll UV unwrap it tonight maybe
  4. Exterior rebuilt. Still have to optimize it and uvmap it but I'm liking how it turned out.. Plus I can do it all in maybe One texture, then possibly alpha map the arm extension peice and the cascading peice if that pillar after I get it to render nicely. Hell I dunno. But how's it coming along?
  5. Sorry man I should've pointed out in the first post that I have no idea of mapping and lighting I can't remember much at all. I edited that last post I do understand what you're saying and agree the hallways need more lighting, and the ambient scale in gtk should be lower i think its at 64 when i put it at 32, it looked black as hell through those windows. I think maybe I should drop it back down, and fix the glare on those damn windows so I can see it better Ive exported the brushwork and will now build a more optimized version with XSI to save tri's and texture loading. so the majority probably 95% of this map will be models. i dint plan on it being that way, but as opposed to gtk I can build it in xsi with far less texture loading and tri's. I'm just not sure the best way to compile the map in GTK... Oh crap i think i remember... the models will all be detail right? And non_solid? Then you have to no_clip it in gtk huh? Something hell I'm lost. I'll just keep building =)
  6. A little more work. The exterior is all base textures still until I get the geometry decently beleivable. I'm trying to save as much geometry as possible. So far only the exterior and floor are made out of brushes. The rest are models. I think I will finish the TIE fighter next so I can wrap up the hangar and move forward Im trying to play witht he exterior lighting as to kind of blacken out a few areas to save geometry... As always... a WIP I suck at texturing and might recruit someone to reskin the map_objects Hey guys I'll be honest with you... I can't remember how to map. I used to wayyyy back when I first started, but don't remember much at all. I know theres things like vis and portals or whatever to make sure you're not rendering the entire map all at once, and things like that which I have no idea about. Nor do I really feel like going back and re-learning it all as I'm sort of on a roll here. I want to finish modelling the hangar in XSI, then the wing assembly room, then possibly the cockpit assembly room, and will leave the rest alone. The halls can all be pretty much copied and pasted and twisted around to make new halls in between the rooms. And if I feel like making any other small rooms in between the halls, i think it can be done copying and pasting most of it, maybe a few brushes. Point being, I'm close to starting Raxus Prime, and would honestly like possibly someone to help me with the cliffs notes version of what I will need to implement map-wise to have an effective FPS and what not since everyones screaming MP I want to make sure I handle that aspect properly. So, either someone chip in a bit and let me know what I'll need so I wont have to read throught a bunch of websites again and waste time I could be building. The map_objects are pretty much like legos in gtk. you can just snap it all together after I build it in XSI, maybe add some lighting here and there and what-not. So yeah either someone let me know what vis and portals and how to save fps in these maps for MP, or take em and make em MP friendly after i clip all the legos together... does that make sense? I'd rather be bustin out models all day then relearning a bunch of GTK
  7. Yeah sculpting program would be awesome. Then give it to me and lemme make a cybernetic reconstruction SK. =)
  8. The TIE Facility Hangar and the visible exteriors.
  9. I agree. you should be proud of this dude it looks great
  10. getting too close for me to be able to have any crits. maybe heads a bit tall. besides that I see this coming out quite nicely. awesome improvement dude looking at the low poly model, id say you can clean that up quite easily by fixing the back of the jaw to not be so blocky, and maybe toss in an extra edgeloop around the lips? what do you think?where the subdivision is fixing it, add in an edge loop so the low poly has nicer shading. just an idea
  11. If you get the time, you should check out Blur studios and the work they did on the new Batman: Arkham Origins game. They used RealFlow to simulate realtime rain dripping off characters and objects it's really beautiful

    1. eezstreet


      Fun fact: JK2/A MP lead programmer is working on that game.

  12. i dont know how to explain this... but that crease under his cheeks doesnt exist. if youll notice, his cheeks go directly into his upper lip.. the puffy sides of the mouth being seperate from his cheeks is a major misconception i was having as well until i noticed it in some interviews with witwer. here ill try to illustrate with a visual reference... as you can see, his cheeks go directly into his upperlip, with a bit of a crease near the nose, then that extra lip fat on the sides of his mouth are actually connected to his cheeks. i would say take that creased area, as well as his upper lip, and puff them out accordingly. the nose shouldnt be as squared and defined either if youll notice he has a bit of a smashed in nose in that aspect. his cheeks are also too far down and should be raised up to meet the refs. also you can notice that the sides of his eyebrows go down further. his top lip is also much closer to his nose. Damn closer than Ive gotten tho man. This guys face is a bit of a headache but once you see the flow of his face fat (lmao) youll see where the major defining areas are. My problem is I over exaggerate his major defining areas. on a more positive note, his eyes, his chin, his facial shape and head shape are pretty badass man
  13. I would only say to take some meat out of the cheeks, and pull that crevace out a bit so he has a smoother transition from cheek to upper lip. Just as someone said about athletic people not having much meat there. Ill try and paint over it and show u what Im trying to convey here... Amazing work nonetheless very excited to see what you come up with
  14. Using XSI to redesign the interior of my truck a bit. I have a 15" touch screen in the front, a 22"widescreen in the back, and a pc with voice control, wireless internet, 4 wireless controllers, now I'm just redesigning the color scheme before I lay fabric. I used to do the interior on speedboats for a living. And the TIE facility and fighter
  15. Thats looks spot on to me man. Holy crap. Beautiful job man
  16. Go for it man badass! I owe ya one. And yeah I'm not putting my name all over this mod by any means and will mention everybody. i was planning on trying to include everyone as a thank you kind of thing for all the help over the years as well as an entire thank you portion on the main menu kinda like credits or something. I'll make sure to include him to the list. hell it'd b an honor. I am wrapping up the TIE fighter right now and getting it ready to post some progress pics in it's section, and intermittently building the TIE facility, I think I'll start on a rebel after the TIE fighter. I want to take a significant break from"he who shall not be named" since I keep screwing the head up. Ill work on my head building skills with this rebel and be sure to make a few different variations of the face textures as well as maybe one regular sized, and one chunky like the TFU variations with the chainguns
  17. Hell I dunno. Someone contact him see if I can remake it? If not screw it we can start one from scratch. I'd like to anyways. Much like the TIE fighter, I'd like to have my own version of a ST as well. If I did that... couldn't I add things like packs, paldrons, modified armor, different helmets, ammo, and other things and just rig em all to the same skele and just have variations via .skin files? I guess what i'm saying is would it greatly drop fps to have all that stuff on a model? or does the game plain not even load the geometry that is *off in the .skin? That way I could make a clonetrooper and a stormtrooper "create your own" kind of thing. I could use them for my mod, and it would be a cool download by itself. It would have to wait for about 2 weeks though because i have some things i need done first, then, i will need the ST. it would still be nice if someone could try and ask em if I can rebuild
  18. I'm feelin this one. Looks a bit off of course, but like corto said your mesh looks clean man just work out the finer details. Regardless it's going to turn out real nice and distort very well from the looks of it. Awesome man.
  19. I really want to start over theres a lot of things that would have been so much easier.
  20. I think I didn't fully understand his facial structure when I started and i should probably honestly start over.
  21. Ill have to have LOD's for every playermodel of this mod so I wish I had the luxury of being lazy =P
  22. How do you import the .xsi of an animation, then convert it to your rig? MOTOR the skeleton_root's?
  23. I kept all mine under 6. i think 8 would be ok if we did really nice LODs as to preserve framerate
  24. Great ideas I will adjust compared to a base model after a bt of texture smoothing on the face Maybe do that tonight
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