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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. I say screw it and bake em in. In instances where it looks ok that is
  2. That reaper came out dope. I was thinking how easy it would be to make it a playermodel... Give me a while to screw with shadersfor those map objects and i'll PM em to you @@Botdra
  3. I just made this Death statue. It doesn't really pertain to that particular map though. Was just in the mood
  4. No worries. Almost done.. Still have shaders and things though to do. Want a few pillars? Or you going to do these in radiant?
  5. About to load em into Zbrush and fix everything up
  6. Those variants were me just playing with verts you can notice how im baking the shadows into the texture to show more depth from the vines, so each variance will need it's own shadows and AO pass.. nonetheless I'll do it one peice at a time and finish up this one and it's variants most likely tonight. I might do one a day or something time permitting and give myself a quick tie facility break
  7. @@Botdra Should I stick more to the reference pics? Or is it ok to give it a cleaner less hectic more realistic look like this? Because I see some weird stuff going on in the ref textures of this peice that I think will ultimately take away from it. Up to you though man your mod Vine texture will be changed for sure maybe have like 3 variants of each
  8. Yep no worries. No grassy bottom EDIT: UV map is almost done.. heres a preview before I exited XSI. I have to fix those 2 grouped up vert peices that have all the blue dots all close together. I wanna watch The Conjuring real quick... and I'll paint it later tonight. Or at least have a decent rough draft going. EDIT: Plus.. with this UV... I din't group any of the islands together so every side of the square peices will be different slightly in texture instead of how people normall will merge the islands and repeat the same texture chunk around all 4 sides. It saves UV space that way, but since I'll be touching it up in Zbrush.. it won't matter.
  9. I'll get to unwrapping these here in a lil bit. I'll have a decent UV by the morning. I've also decided (if it's cool with you) to not model in the box pillars underneath. For 2 main reasons. 1. You will have more freedom to place them wherever you want not only on pillars, maybe at the ends of bridges etc... 2. I see some concrete chips gone in the ref pics. I can chip away a bit of concrete, and for variance, you can just rotate the models in gtk so they look a bit different. Ultimately, you really need 2 versions of each model. 1 chipped, one regular, to add a decent amount of variance. We'll see once I get there. I will be texturing these in photoshop, then touching them up in Zbrush for finer details and such
  10. From what i've seen, the descriptions in the casting call, and the information provided by older Lucas interviews, It will be more based off Solo's kids. So Jacen, (Young 20-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.)... Jaina (Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.) and Anakin Solo (A late 20-something male, fit, handsome and confident.). Nowhere in the casting call does it call for someone who would fit Mara Jade's description. Now that could be of course because they already had someone in mind who already accepted the role... but from all of the hints I've read, they're steering more toward the Solo family. Looks like maybe a decent possibility that Kenth Hamner will be there alongside Anakin Solo. All complete speculation, heresay, and coming directly from my ass of course
  11. off to work... heres what I have so far
  12. Those descriptions and new refs will do fine. off to work I will make those adjustments tonight for ya I'd like to alpha map some vines hanging down off of some parts so it's like a amped up version of what they were trying to do if that's ok?
  13. I already deleted the post now this thread looks wonky as hell. I will UV unwrap them tonight after I get a better ref from @@Botdra for that furthest piece. Am I texturing these as well Botdra? I dont mind I'm just asking. Also, the piece all the ay to the right has innacurrate dimensions I will fix those after work. This was like a 5 minute speed run at it
  14. There is already animated guns... sucks we can't do animated sabers. i.e. whips. Theres a way you could have a whip... make a "hilt" with a coiled up alpha plane whip behind it.. Then do a saber swap via cfg file that any time you take a swing, you quickly swap to another saber, then back after the attack. the saber you would be swapping to, would need to have an animated alpha plane that shows the whip coming back then snapping forward. It would take some timing with the anim, but totally do-able. it would be so buggy this way, you would actually need the whole coiling back part be one saber, then the whip forward be another, to avoid il-timed damage from the huge front on the attack saber now that i theorize it Do-able nonetheless. just like my repulse, it might take a good time to tweak it just right
  15. I lost that UV map rofl had to start uv unwrapping it over last night =/ bastards! I overwrote a few .obj's and froze the modelling in my xsi scene... that was all she wrote a few things were stretched a bit and it was upsetting me anyways. No worries. might turn out better to be honest
  16. After I typed that I realized I was referring to Death... but i'm thinking of a completely diff game... SOTN.. which pwned. I want to see someone map out the upside down castle from SOTN
  17. Was the invincible enemy Dracula? Or possibly a Belmont?
  18. The "It's a small world" ride in Disneyland
  19. are these links helpful? I'd do it if I werent leaving to work... http://www.inyri.info/tutorials/color/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhDzKBEiTvI
  20. Not sure if you've already found this... but I found some cool md3 export scripts for max and blender here http://www.katsbits.com/tools/ Not max 7 unfortunately... but I see a max 6? Also. milkshape exports to md3 and can make animated md3's... I'm not sure if this helps
  21. lmao I'm just out of it man don't mind me I should be given a curfew on this site...
  22. ROFL! I can't stop laughing Out of nowhere flies in good times
  23. Well I have always had trouble with uvmaps so this one is kind of my graduation from fretting uv's I usually take my time on them so I'm not so bored.. i'll do a peice or two, then do something else. Yeah it sucks
  24. maybe we've overlooked the point... do you see that UV map?! rofl it was a nightmare
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