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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. its 4 objects 1 texture nothing over 500 verts
  2. 1634 verts... 1 texture heres an ao render so you can see the uvmap better
  3. I think this video illustrates these points very well and should be taken highly into consideration. Especially the cocky/wise combination I was trying to portray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmZbV6uN6qY
  4. I've been thinking for a minute heavily on what you said. Here's what i have gathered... Trained by Anakin, he is probably one of the best saber fighters out there. And, you are right fightning is a thinking situation. In the book, it says he can feel the hulls and even the bolts and fasteners in the destroyer as he is bringing it down... he can actually sense the screws. Now think kamino... he is walking through Kamino, bending the steel as he passes it. His lady is dead. he is dead technically. he has no past but torture and now just wants to see people die. i'd imagine even for a jedi, his mind is elsewhere in battle. Id imagine him leaving himself open to a lot of attacks rather than being slow and calculating. Let's put it into perspective. Imagine the most advance shaolin monk swordfighter ever. Now drag his family outside by their hair and stomp their heads into the rocks and burn them. Would his style change a bit as he ran at you with his katana? Starkiller has never met an opponent who made him actually try very hard. he's used to just pwning people in the first few seconds. All of his training was not like regular training though and was compared more as torture. So he isn't able to be so enraged that he forgets his training... its baked in, but he kind of disobeys it at times is what I've come to think. So how does this all help with creating his style? He has no style. And he has every style. Pure creative freedom with no regards for human life or defensive maneuvering. Anything goes. Front style, backhand, right hand, left hand... just get creative and remember none of the moves should injure. annihilate
  5. Start this video at about 2:40 and you can see this fat kid swap between backhand right to a forward left real quick. It was unintentional, but theres an example of something new to try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TndD6Z_xP9w&feature=player_embedded
  6. Heres what I was theorizing last night. You know how he charges a force push? Then it sits in his hands for a few seconds just a ball of compressed energy? If he focused, couldn't he hold that ball out in front of him? Essentially, couldnt he charge up a push, and throw it wherever he wanted creating sort of a force thermal detonator? We could take a weapon out of the game, and give it to Starkiller. Make the weapon model his saber and the regular idle saber stance his weapon stance. then he could throw these force balls, as the Alt+fire, then shoot a small directed beam of lightning as the regular fire? It would be cool to take his style 1 step furhter because except for the first few minutes of the TIE facility, i want the rest to feel like a new TFU game. Also, his repulse... he's gunna have maybe 5 or 6 different repulses. From the original, to one while running, to a "ground pound" like Jax from mortal kombat. His repulse in order to work correctly, has to take out one of his saber styles. So if I make the desann saber style his repulse, I have all of the attacks in that style that I can make different repulses and such. It would be cool to be able to repulse a few different ways depending on the situation
  7. Perect yeah you got me. Also I was watching this. Tons of this guys swings can be incorporated and tweaked especially that first style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxDbwiKGik Only reason I say cocky is because from the book so far it just seems like he knows they're all gunna die, and he just has the skill to pull it off. That's why I say cocky/wise. He wouldn't be cocky enough to pull of anything too foolish... but taunts and things are encouraged because it says vader didn't let him have a fighting style. He taught them all to starkiller, then made him develop from them his own style as to not be like any other of the jedi's previous adversaries. Also, Vader encouraged the backhand stance because it struck fear and confusion and caught the attacker offguard for a second. It is said that his defense, was the grip and the ability to stop motion in its tracks via the force. It is said in the book and on Wookiepedia that his defense was being always on the offense. he was taught to use grip, choke, push, pull, all at the same time as his saber. So i'd imagine he wasn't too worried about form as much as he was murder
  8. Exactly. I have millions of ideas for his saber style. Here try and follow me. You're Starkiller. Hold your saber out in front of you in a backhand stance. Now open your palm (because you have the force)... the saber stays there. Now rotate it (via the force) into a forward gripping position. He can do that seemlessly so things like forward swings are encouraged. Also. Not only can he swap to a forward gripping stance... but he can sit there and spin it like that all day. So imagine the typical Starkiller swing... now stop before you start your return.. and instead of just bringing the saber back with you.. spin it like that in front of your face a few times on the return. Things like this. I tend to think of his mindframe at about this time in TFU...He has ripped Destroyers out the sky with his bare hands, mashed through thousands of stormies unscathed, and can smack around legends such as Kota and Shaak Ti without a scratch. He's gotta be cocky right about now. Show a bit of taunting in these swings. A bit of cocky/wise if you know what I mean. Also... dont just think Starkiller... Remember how Anakin fights? That behind the back craziness? He was trained by him. Take things into consideration like the fact that he was taken as a child, and told to kill everyone who sees him there can not be any survivors. If you wanted to train someone like that how would they fight? No wounding. He is bred for killing. He should effortlessly go from a decapitation backhand swing right through the neck, back through the stomache cutting them in half. Take advantage of the dismemberment and show a killer. Also, try and make it seem rather effortless to him. No big crazy body movements unless they're needed to achieve the angle of the swing. He can stand still and block blaster bolts all day. So I'd imagine his swings are just so baked into his brain that its like speaking to him. He talks in decapitation. So don't try to imagine Starkiller. Try to imagine Leatherface with a lightsaber. Then incorporate the years of knowledge Anakin learned from Obi and the rest of the council. He should be the best of both worlds. Also, something I haven't seen done yet, swap hands. Mid swing just swap to the left hand. Things like that. A taunt/fake swing right before a killer blow would be awesome too. Just freak these stormies out. He needs to represent hatrid, with a lightsaber as a part of him. Don't think Star Wars. Think die. just die. So I can move on and kill the next one. The killing can't take long because I still have millions to kill after you. And you all deserve it. Thats Starkiller
  9. Don't copy the "Share" link... just copy the link in the address bar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WL4SGO85Uk
  10. So I just uvmapped the TIE facility exterior(unrelated but gahhhhh) Using 2 textures too... Back to the topic at hand... I just found out the entire system of transferring the mocap data between rigs. Not that I will be doing much transferring except for just once really...since our mocap data will be recorded directly onto a jka compatible rig. But heres the info I found out on this subject if anyone is interested in learning. It is for Softimage Each link has it's own sub-system of tutorials explaining all the different ways you'd need to know about. It was very self explanitory and definitely a good read for anyone interested. http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xsidocs/char_mocap_MotionCaptureOverview.htm The software I'll be using to capture the mocap data http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCu8KTrC4sc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvRP7qXCBCA The hands will not be captured very well from the few videos I've seen. I'll have to bug corto or mini one day when I get to that point and see how to get those nice finger controls going again and that'll make fixing that much easier Also, since the program accepts .fbx and I think that will be my best bet for swapping between programs, then I am concerned about using any custom jka rig that has foot rolls and constraints and such. Maybe just the regular jka bones and tags and go into ipi and tag each spot as I want it. Then I will not be worried about the animations importing weird when I get back into softimage with it. I have also found this website of these people who will work with your mocap data for you for free? if any of you have a kinect sensor and some time, check this website out. They'll hook you up with a .fbx of all of your mocap data for free. Then use that first link I posted to transfer it to a jka rig. badass stuff here man http://www.freemocap.com/ Check em out
  11. If it were my models, i'd be honored that people were still using them, and even wanted more versions of them i.e. pilot suits and things. i'd take it as paying homage to the models and their developers that after all this time, they are still considered the most cannon representation available. I say go for it. if anything... in the readme, give a link to this exact thread and say that we couldn't contact the authors, and made a community agreement that it was in no disrespect and the authors are being credited
  12. I guess it depends on the model to be honest. Frankensteining is frowned upon, especially for other people's models... But for base models, expecially if you're not a modeller, I have no problem with seeing some of those. A few people might grumble, but it's not a big deal at all with base models imo. Should actually be cool and considered a customization mod rather than new models then all respective aspects of later griping will have been covered. I vote yes. for base... probably not for other people's models unless they consent
  13. the size of the sticks wont matter. once you track it and tag it to that tag, it will be fine. you can use tennis balls if you wanted rofl I don't have kinect sensors yet to get the rig set up for you and ensure the fingers/ feet will operate correctly. It will take some tweaking i'd imagine... But... the thing is really easy to set up and is just waiting on the video input. I just want to make sure it wont have to be gone back over and cleaned up after everythings said and done. I want it to record correctly the first time. I will be keeping you updated when I get to that point... but will get the kinect sensors soon so we can start workin out the bugs.
  14. I have also, found out a way to record a video of you doing saber swings, then make a custom rig setup for the program im using to coincide with jka's skele, tag your bones to the bones in jka, and it will convert the video into mocap data... then that mocap info can be imported into softimage and transferred to the rig. So no worries @@katanamaru I might have a way easier way for you... Just be prepared to clear some space in your living room man =) http://ipisoft.com/ you will need 2 kinect sensors though... or 4 webcams. But I will provide those 2 kinect sensors and mail em to you. Or just bring em by in a few months. I found the kinect sensors for like 45 bucks a peice so no worries I will provide. You can keep em after this mod as well, since you are the most qualified person to have this setup Let's go ahead and take this engine to the next level =)
  15. @@katanamaru 's probably gunna kill me... but i think Starkiller should have 2 single backhand styles. One faster and one stronger/slower. The faster mode allows the faked combat system we were theorizing, and the strong can have a nice knockback and push efx for some swings, and a lightning splash for others with a splash damage and faked arcing lightning spread. I am working with someone right now on advanced macros for jka so we could have it where you tap the button for fast swings and hold it for the stronger ones. I am already in development and working with someone over having these advanced macros for a fully functioning charge push/reg push, charged repulse/reg repulse, and if lightning is held for more than a few seconds, it swaps to 2 handed lightning. All charged moves will have more damage/knockback. Also, with these advanced macros, I am trying to incorporate where you can tap w,a,s,d, and it will dodge in that respective direction.. and if held it will walk. Possible double tap w or s to run in that dirction. Eliminating the use of a walk/run or use button giving you more fluid and controllable movement. Personally, that's the best way I have thought about properly utilizing the dodge and walk anims, and having more control over your saber combat without a bunch of button presses. I also wanted to swap the fast kata to a faster closer saber throw more like TFU with no control over it once it leaves your hand. Just in one nice circle and back to you. For a faster saber throw leaving you less vulnerable. As for the strong kata, possibly a "rage" anim set. In tfu2, when you are enraged, you fight with your sabers just using the force not touching them at all.. That would be a nice strong kata, just a few attacks where the saber is floating around him 360 degrees just clearing a circle around you
  16. Zbrush will sometimes flip my uv map vertically for some reason when I hand paint something, then I have to bring it back into XSI and flip it back. It would give me about the same texture problem you were referring to... black on one side and screwed up textures... because it's upside down. Maybe that happened? Go back to the old one, open your texture file and flip it vertically, then save it and see if that fixed it... if not, try and go back to the texture before flipping it vertically, and flip it horizontally. Not important now I know, but still theres a good possibility that's what happened and maybe Blender likes to play games with the Uv's as well as Zbrush?
  17. Did you know... They used Softimage for all the dino animations in the first Jurassic Park film? Nope... you probably didn't

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Either you or someone else has posted that before. Great stuff though.

    3. ChalklYne


      I posted it about 5 other movies I didnt mention this time. but good memory

    4. Circa


      Ah you're right.

  18. I been looking for a half hour and cant find it. Are you talking about the 3 panels lined up along the side of the rounded floor peice?
  19. Thats quite beautiful bro. That might be one of the nicest saber builds ive seen for this engine man your texturing skillz are definitely rockin. Get you a nice shader going on it and upload er to that site so I can spin it round and marvel. man she's pretty. Wanna try and do the glowing specular scratches we theorized that day? Masking and having the tiniest sliver actually glow in the spec pass? Could we alpha sort a few small glares very tiny little glares for it in the spec pass with maybe some small alpha maps added to the sides of the geometry where you want it to glare in the shine? are you getting me? definitely want to see this one properly centered at 0,0,0 or have the parent tag like spot on so he holds it correctly.
  20. DAMNITT!!! mini I found it you are dead right as usual. Just deleted a bunch of verts some jarbled up unseen faces in that tall building to the side I rebuilt everything between the first 2 updates, except that building because I thought it would stay the same, Doing so, I kind of built over the top of some areas that needed to be deleted. Good eye man Also, somewhat unrelated... If it is something we can all quickly agree on needs changing I will, but I won't allow this entire mod to be picked apart anally by every modder out there until it fits everyones sensitive little desires. I will never finish. I won't rebuild anything unless I'm totally screwing the pooch somewhere. Final Count: 8 objects, 1,670 tris, 1,278 verts Thx mini
  21. I'm sure it's probably not as bad as I portray it, but stolen work is just absolutely ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with JKA! If someone took my TIE facility, swapped some textures and called it theirs, the entire community would kill his face for even trying that and everyone would immediately scream bullshit. Because we're all friends here and we all go by a certain un-stated code of honor. Like Clone Troopers =P We all take a lot of time out to do this for everyone, and for free you know? Asking nothing in return. It's like stealing from a Food Bank. To me it's like saying yeah Hitler was a dooshbag, but he worked hard so give em credit. F*ck em. Order66 his whole mod and I hope he drowns ROFL!! sorry I just woke up
  22. Know what games I miss and might break back open? Final Fantasy 8 and Castlevania SOTN

    1. katanamaru


      SotN is sweet! I replay it every couple of years. The 2d portable games are great too.

  23. Oh yeah the models' bounding boxes seem to be working fine. Although I was told I will have to make them all non_solid and clip it all for maximum FPS. In regards to your question at least, yeah that's how I have it set up right now as all of the geometry solid, and the only real brushes are the floor so far. not even walls behind the models as I modelled them in XSI to snap together pretty well. I set the snapping in gtk to about a 16 I beleive it was and just snap them all together. it is honestly saving so much brushwork/ geometry right now because yeah like you said thers just some things you can't do "properly" in GTK. I seem to be having no problems right now with it, but I plan on having quite an extensive exterior, and quite a few halls in between the major rooms, plus when you take into consideration the hangar. the hangar has to have possibly 15 people on it at a time to be considered done properly at all. Plus the elevator spawning new people every now and again. Plus the visible dogfights out the bay door. So I am trying to experiment with this and really just maximize what I can get out of the engine for this map. This one, raxus Prime, Felucia... those maps are full of clutter and have so much going on that I just want to give it the best chance possible for decent playability. As for the wires... It's hard to show or explain because theres so much going on... I'll PM you an .obj of it so you can dissect it and take a look for yourself. Keep in mind though, the only backfaces that aren't deleted, are either seen from the window view of the 3 different times you can look out the window and see it coming down the halls to the hangar, so some of it had to be there, and also, remember that you have to be able to look out the hangar bay and not have issues there as well.
  24. Anybody know of what actual work Osman did himself for that mod? ^Bantha Fodder We could always find a side pic of him and model him doing un-natural things to tauntauns rofl He stopped spelling his last name the same so people would stop trolling him... God bless google image search lol
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