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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. I have been cornered with torches and pitchforks to implement MP in muh mod... So I for one could use this tutorial.
  2. Is there any way to throw in a bit more contrast on the areas that have the amor slits so they stand out a bit more? No big changes I see and it would be fine without it. Maybe on the spec map make em a bit darker eh? Or.. you could highlight and shadow those areas. Something like this for example I just whipped this up real quick for ya. Adding a little highlight/shadows to the right areas will really pop that armor out for ya
  3. Detours looked win. To each his own. I woulda taken that over club penguin any day
  4. They should've done "Detours" it looked cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRAsh8W-sjM =P I demand a detours mod
  5. Did you know: Softimage XSI was used to make the movie 300?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Maya was mentioned quite a bit here and there also. Heres a few more movies XSI had it's hand in... Last Samurai, Peter Pan, Van Helsing (the brides of Dracula), Harry Potter 3 (the dementors), Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

    3. Corto


      Sometimes they use SI for some part of the production, 3dsmax for another and Maya for another. How much SI did they use for 300?

    4. Corto


      Btw, I tried to use Maya for a while but I came back running to SI in tears. Let's not fight again darling I told to it.

  6. You know, I believe it was just yesterday I was crawling around the web and saw someone have a decent day/ night skybox. I'll have to search my history and see what it was. I remember it was no coding though. I could think of 2 ways off the top of my head to do it... but I will try and find the page and come back.
  7. I just figured it would serve as a decent floor. Fixed it a bit for em
  8. Ahhh i see.. Will be back with those updates
  9. I spent a little bit of time on this last night. I still need to texture his arm and hands and his head is looking a bit wide near the back
  10. Only thing I would suggest is some nice alpha map light rays comin in the windows, maybe shrink your texture stretching a bit so you get the max detail out of it. Also the 2nd floor has that sort of repetative crack in the wall. Do you plan on making any textures for it yourself? I really like the coziness of it very cool. maybe have a winter version as well with snow on the sills and falling outside the window to make the fireplace seem a bit more necessary =P Awesome stuff man keep going.. Are these textures from RE4? I have a pretty good eye for that kinda stuff I'll make you a quick Hi-res wood floor if you want it There you go. All original, all seamless for the most part. this should serve nicely as a floor with a small shader applied
  11. I say bake em and go for it dude thats pretty badass of you. It would be an honor.
  12. Thats a pretty damn beautiful stormie I must say holy sh*t man
  13. ChalklYne

    Road Map

    rofl @ Chinese people. lmfao I cant stop. Do all Chinese people come stock with Bo skills? There are a couple of very nice Bo styles I would ask @@katanamaru a few ideas Also, instead of using Dragon you could view a few quick basic navigation tutorials in XSI and grab minilogoguy's constrained skele. Animating an entire style could be verrry daunting with Dragon. Also, honestly, unless you spend hours making sure each frame blends smoothly in dragon, you will have better looking anims doing it this way.
  14. Damn. Lol. Some of you guys should keep tally on how many people you've helped... I am going to try and get this thread moved now that it has ran it's course.
  15. Does anybody know how to make an animated md3 in xsi?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AshuraDX


      Darth Arth used to have a tutorial for that on his old mapping tutorial site , will try to ifnd and translate it for you

    3. AshuraDX


      found it , hit me on skype for a translation (original link:http://www.mrwonko.de/tutorials/sebcrea.htm)


    4. ChalklYne


      you are God

  16. I think maybe you posted this in the wrong section. Unless it somehow pertains to my map because I have no idea what you're referring to. But the answer to your question is a bit over my head sorry man
  17. I am going to post various shaders and hopefully get the community to help me fix some of the screwy ones. Any ideas as to why this shader sux? I will view the model from the left and it looks good... then if I strafe to the right, it fades to black until when I am all the way to it's right side, it goes black and I cannot see anything. Also, I remember back in the day a keyword for the shaders to reduce the amount of tcGen environment... Anyone know what I'm referring to? Thank you!
  18. Only issue Ive ran into with having the EXTRAS menu be a map, is you will have to start from the last checkpoint when you go back to the game. Much like TFU lol
  19. Righteous yeah I will definitely be contacting you concerning those ST's, and will fix up the rigging on the hands for the EVO and shoot him to you for reskin. I will definately consider the Jumptrooper.
  20. What all can you currently do with loading screens? Can you change the loading screen into a RoQ instead of a texture? I know you can with the shaders, but I recall having some sort of problem before. Is there a way you can make one huge map and then separate it into a couple BSP's and transition with cutscenes instead of loading screens? Can the loading screen be a map instead? Like can you call a blank map with just the player running around during loading? I'm asking for help on my own personal project and was thinking it was relevant.
  21. I need to know about the d_model key in gtkradiant. It says you can have a misc_model_breakable and when you break it, a d_model (dead model) will spawn in it's place. I need it for things like this can anyone elaborate?
  22. Welcome to the community Shake. Theres an entire tutorial section here concerning mapping and here is a great place to start... http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/112-richdiesals-mapping-university/ Good Luck
  23. Thanks man. That was cool. Hey heres an idea... It would be cool to have a normal version of this mod, then maybe a cell shaded one, then maybe a kind of steampunk version of the textures n shaders. Maybe not steampunk, but like, a more Earth based materials version. With chrome and rusted metal on the TIE and what not. That would be ideal to be able to choose what version you want to play. Or perhaps download. Maybe just release it in 3 versions as to not kill DL time. Just some ideas. Maybe I can recruit a good reskinner. OH! on another side not... I figured out Kazdan last night. I will be remodelling his arms, hands, legs, and feet first though. I found a way to have him operate "correctly" and still not break MP compatibility. I was playing around with him last night, and rigged his mesh to a basic skele, the repositioned him to match the rancor skele. it was a pretty decent fit. So, since I can add tags to mesh and not break MP(like I did with rancors), I will rig his backpack to the jka skele with a bolt_driver in the correct spot. Compile, then create a .veh from it using the _humanoid animations.cfg and _humanoid.gla as the animations. All I would have to do is add in the rider anim commands to his animations.cfg for a swoop or something and rearrange the anim frames to match _humanoid ones. Then I will rig kazdan to the rancor skele with r_hang and l_hang tags. Then I will add in commands to the rancor animations.cfg from the _humanoid animations.cfg so it has swoop riding anim slots and rearrange the animation frames accordingly. Script him to use the backpack as a .veh MP compatible Then I will only have to fix his anims for while hes riding the backpack. He wont really need any attack anims or anything he is too tiny to weild his big ass saber without the backpack. Even if you did want him to have non-backpacked attacks youd just add em into his animations.cfg then animate em merge the glas and yer good. First him and his backpack will go through a make-over. i have a sort of syllabus though, and I want the first cutscene, the menus, starkiller, and the tie facility done first. So I will have to wait a while for him. Right now I have 1 more map object I will most likely be building today, until I am at the hangar. Then i am deciding what to do with the lambda shuttle crash. It would be ideal to be able to as soon as you get to the hangar door, you see the lambda come in and crash through that window on your right via triggers, waypoints, and efx files. But Im not sure yet. Ill be designing the last map object up to the door and the door texture today most likely. *TIE Facility spoiler* (I'll warn you if I'm about to spoil the storyline or anything) It would also be number 1 to get a piece from all of my main influences and friends in here. As I've stated Katanamaru, AshuraDX, are already contributing. Something as small as a saber or texture just to pay a lil homage to you guys and gals. Incorporated in the menu system will be a "Trophy" section where you can view models, as well as a "Gallery" where you can see the progress of the mod's completion. I'm also going to have a Credits/Thank You portion for all the supporters. The game will have an easy access pause menu about 1/4 of the size of the screen when you press esc that will have SAVE LOAD OPTIONS CHEATS EXTRAS QUIT.The EXTRAS menu will go back into the rogue shadow map as a menu for sabers, styles, costumes, cheats, etc. via various triggers placed around the ship which trigger cvar changes
  24. I see where you're coming from. By not 100% I mean on this particular model I want the wings a bit taller like they are now, and I want the pylons a bit sleeker, like they are now. Anything otherwise that looks off is pure me screwing up and should be pointed out. I will revisit the blueprints and make sure it's all good. I know the wing braces need rebuilt. I am re-imagining a bit here, intentionally... but I will make sure to stay as close as I can otherwise dude. You guys wont let me screw that part up =P I am totally reimagining Juno, but it is necessary for the storyline, and I expect a decent outcome.
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