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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. If Master Obi Wan saw me doing this he'd be very grumpy
  2. Ninjas?! I need to speak to the Jedi Council. The situation has become much more complicated.
  3. You just watch yourself. We’re wanted men. I have the death sentence on 12 systems.
  4. I will not give into this. It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions.
  5. That depends... On how good your manners are. How big your pocketbook is XD
  6. I sometimes smell a forest on fire. I see the General falling, and I feel the ground shake as a starship crashes around me. I hear a woman’s voice when I try to sleep. They are the memories of a dead man.
  7. one tool to rule them all forged in the mountains of mordor
  8. 2 tools right? you don't use the "dodge" just the "burn"?
  9. Ccccc-Combo Breaker! you're doing it wrong =P How many times have I told you to stay away from power couplings?
  10. @@Botdra Funny you say that, ever since you started this mod I have been viewing pics of him and trying to theorize a low poly version. No promises just yet, but I am definitely interested
  11. roger, roger Jedi business, go back to your drinks.
  12. No. We want him to share a fair portion of the contribution, and learn a bit about what he's talking about that way he knows the possibilities and general criteria of this game's engine. I asked him to learn the basics. There is not 1 wrong or useless basics tutorial out there. I just searched youtube for "gmax tutorial" and every single one that said "basics" would have worked. Hardly a needle in a haystack. You need no extra knowledge to model hilts in this game. You only need the basics of how to navigate and create shapes. You're not learning to "mod in jka" you are simply learning how to drop a shape onto the canvas and spin the camera around it. As I explained, anything particular to THIS game engine, we can help with. Tags, power of 2 texturing, etc. Those parts I said we would help with. The simple task of knowing the UI and how to move the camera and drop shapes in gmax can be learned in 5 minutes! 5 measly minutes that would help you and us. Compared to our weeks worth of work helping you. Good thing you researched I'm not sorry. I'm thankful. Usually someone waits until we do half the work for them to abandon the mod and leave everybody feeling like idiots for helping him. I feel if you give up now, you would have given up later if we would have helped when we finished our stuff and all the weight was on you to finish yours. A 5 minute tutorial is wayyy too much work compared to the weeks of work we'd be helping you with for it. At least you gave up in the beginning. You asked us for weeks of work and we asked you to watch a SINGLE video on youtube for us. I understand how frustrated you are and shame on us for asking you to help us help you. @@Prometheus you said you didnt want to step over any boundaries, then implied that we're all pompous and greedy with your tone. Ahhh kindergarten.. anyone remember kindergarten? Where we could cry if we didnt get things handed to us exactly in the fashion we requested? And we didnt have to lift a finger to get it? This entire thread now is chalked full of milk and cookies and needs a nap. We were ALL willing to help you! and we're all busy people with RL obligations. We simply requested you learn the basics. And you gave up. Not the first time. Funniest part of it all is if you would have done what I asked... you'd have 2 hilts done. Go learn the basics and we'll help you. Once you leaarn the basics you'll have a better understanding of what to ask for, what you need, and how you can contribute. Don't get discouraged just watch the fuckin video! lmao I had to watch "Gone with the Wind" in like 8th grade and it was like 8 hours long so I don't wanna hear it XD @@Prometheus to give you a better understanding of where i'm coming from, think about this... I've been modding for jka maybe 6 years now... in that time, I've seen maybe 2 people a week do something like this. Maybe one a week. Still... and I have helped TONS of mod projects that went stale because the original author didn't know how to do anything but request. I personally have maybe 100 models that never went into the projects because of this exact problem. Fool me once, shame on u... fool me 100 models and 6 years later? lmfao no thanks. Bring something to the table first to calm our nerves a bit. Just my 2 cents *JKHub claims no responsibility for the emotional damaging views of ChalklYne*
  13. Everything I'm releasing has full permissions to do with what you want. I will also be releasing the source files such as wireframed uvmaps and xsi files for characters. And I thank you for your kind words concerning the mod. Funny thing is... you'd already be done with the basics tutorials if you would have just done it and youd be ready to make that saber tonight. "Not cut out for this" or is it "Not motivated enough to learn this" *Choose wisely*
  14. The force is strong with this one..
  15. One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner.
  16. This conversation shall be only comprised of Star Wars quotes. It has to make sense though. You wanna buy some death-sticks?
  17. I miss minilogoguy18, Corto, and Inyri. =(

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. CrimsonStrife


      In her defense, this community has always been pretty damn caustic.

    3. Circa


      I'd say it's been pretty good lately. Better than when she was here.

    4. CaptainChar


      I never had any beef with Inyri, I respected her skills, she was prob the most strongly willed woman I knew in the JA modding community, didn't take Sh*t from no one, wasn't afraid to put someone in their place either

  18. Ill probably play it soon since I feel like the last kid picked in dodgeball right about now lol... You all have had an infidel in your midst this whole time! XD I think I tried JO... but am not sure. I know in the beginning of the game, I was in 1st person mode with possibly a blaster rifle and the map looked somewhat to the backround of JKHub. Could've been a dream XD
  19. I just learned like everything about this game's inner workings, besides coding, and like to model. I was modding for RE4 when I stumbled across a blood/gore dismemberment mod for jka on Youtube. From there I decided I wanted to make a few efx files... after that just a blur of mods and tutorials and tampering. I still to this day don't know who Jaden is and you guys are like always referring to him rofl
  20. if youve already got a feel for max Id stay there. doesnt really matter what program you use. you know what you need to do before you check out jka or saber modelling tutorials? just look at gmax tutorials. get the basics. learn how to extrude edges and faces and get a feel for the overall workflow of the program. just watch the basics tutorials for gmax and you will understand that you don't need anything from us besides making a .sab and adding a few tags. the rest is all universal modelling dude. a lot of people try to make a saber or a weapon and are like... "how do you get the cylinder on the screen". those kind of questions arent jka related XD spend today learning gmax without jka in mind. then tomorrow you'll know what to do. then getting it ingame after you have it modelled and textured, we can totally help u there. But none of us are really going to walk anyone through the basics and navigation of any paricular program. no offense it honestly is easier on you as well as us if you learn the basics of the program before posting questions regarding sai program. The gmax saber modelling tutorial is for after youve been thru the basics Learn the navigation and ui and selection parts first
  21. well... id build that hilt for you, but since you have like 10 hilts you want to make.. id learn it yourself dude its sooo simple. gmax on the other hand may not be im not sure... took me under 3 minutes including uv unwrapping XD thats why you need to learn it yourself. that way you start out making the hilts you need for the mod, and by the time you're done with those you'll be comfortable trying other things
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