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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Oh nice...lmao... my bad dude you can take it ninja'd
  2. heres a few minutes of work. I enjoyed reading the request. Still some geometry to do, and I will need to know how he is animated Give me some time as I will be doing this on my down time
  3. Now to work on his body 4100 verts just under 6000 tris I have about a week's worth of music to do for someone, then I will be finishing up the TIE facility and moving onto either Raxus Prime, or the cutscene chamber
  4. No smoothing here, that's the actual geometry And as promised...
  5. actually... no lol i wasnt planning on adding the rogue shadow my storyline is based just off of the main maps of tfu1... and as this version of SK will never have freedom to roam where he wants, he will be kept away from things like his ship, kota, and juno. you can read more at the general discussion forum in that mod section i believe when you read the storyline
  6. I agree that the upper half has a bit of a lightbulb shape to it i will mess with it in a minute good eye
  7. I have no government today.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Onysfx



      Just like Palpatine orchestrated both sides of the war...

    3. Tempust85


      He's the only one I know of who actually does what he says rofl.

    4. CaptainChar


      Papa Palpa actually did do as he promised, lol

  8. Dragon just makes it more difficult. You'll get the same results no matter what program you're using... it's a comfortability thing. I can use Softimage's animation tools and he can use dragon and im sure his stuff would come out better... just from the experience. I say if you're comfortable with dragon go for it. We can set up the exact same sliders and make all of the exact same bone selectability and even keyboard shortcuts in Softimage for you too you know? Would take a day or two but it would function and handle the exact same. Except, we can throw in more stuff for you to play with as well. Just a thought. Now granted, if you change the keyboard shortcuts it will obliterate any chances of you actually ever learning Softimage without a headache.
  9. why cant u just convert them to md3's may i ask?
  10. I really dig the form and proportions man good work here
  11. I know. I just personally don't like any of those sabers besides maybe qui gon's and the obi right next to it. The rest just look gaudy and like they are just different sabers stuck together. They just don't flow nicely like they were built by someone who had concerns for the visual final product. I tend to think if I were making my own saber, I'd spend a lot of time in not only the function but the aesthetics as well. And the rest have weird stuff here and there that i dont like. I'll probably contribute at least one of each styles i.e. dual, staff, single. Maybe give off or whatever else i find.
  12. swapped back to the less congested texture, and started playing with shaders... i have the blending mode all jacked as you can see by the blueish greenish crap in the shadows... heres the shader. models/weapons2/gold_dual/saber_base { { map $lightmap rgbGen identity } { map models/weapons2/gold_dual/saber blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO alphaGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/gold_dual/saber_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }
  13. Screw it I'm playing jka today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      you mean people don't just mod the game, but play it too?

    3. Circa


      He's never played it. :D

    4. therfiles


      When it gets too overwhelming, use undying mode.

  14. cant we use psykosith's new skele with the new bones and cloth simulation?
  15. dude i gotta go pick up my lil girl from school and then go to work... but i will be on around this time tomorrow maybe a lil earlier even and we'll figure something out.
  16. ill tell u what tho... i REALLY wish we could make a massive improvement on your saberbuilder @@AshuraDX...maybe even incorporate different textures for each peice. A custom saber builder with hundreds of possibilities before u start the game would be epic.as well as the option to add embossing, scratches, chrome, colors, wood, etc in the texture selection. we should totally look into this because everybody wants their own personalized saber u know? sorry for the double post i wanted this seperate.
  17. i personally liked the one at the top better as well so i saved both textures... i started adding in scratches and contrast here n there n stuff and just screwed the pooch. i really liked those color variations and was wondering if i should release it gold blue or purple... @@AshuraDX thanx man that made perfect sense u nailed exactly what happened. I had a problem with the uv map because i wanted to do something simple, then went crazy.. so that should explain the blurry mis-shapen portions. i do like the one at the top of the page better. I was hoping to make this skin the spec and the less contrasty one the diff... but im not liking it at all. I had an idea to make the whole thing gold with gold and silver embossing... but right now it looks like a texture and not a saber professionally designed for a jedi. i was already disliking it when i posted the pic to get some other opinions... good looking out guys
  18. prolly get her ingame tonight after work
  19. oh duh im retarded. yeah a bit short. unless its a 1 handed dual saber. which would be win
  20. Do or do not, there is no try isnt that an absolute?! yodas a closet case sith
  21. pretty much done just need to write shaders and get ingame Should I include variants? She's gunna be niiiiice with some shaders
  22. Dare I say the site has been booming lately?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Well we only pay for a limited amount of viewers of this site at one time, and when that limit is reached, people waiting "in line" get an error page.

    3. katanamaru


      It's a good problem to have!


    4. Circa


      Indeed! I was very surprised!

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