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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Thank you gentlemen. The area between his eyes and his top lip kinda curves the wrong way I will revisit that next
  2. here is a better shape for his head. i went back a few steps and tried again
  3. I agree he got squished somewhere..
  4. Before we even start, let me go ahead and tell you how crucial your opinion is... That being said, what you got for me? 990 verts
  5. I will revisit his nose next time I open it up, thank you. This is the low poly model with textured decal on. so exactly what u would see in modview
  6. photosourced and retouched in Zbrush had to get the right alignment for his lips and stuff and then pained the correct colors in. its better that way so i stay in the lines lol. and i like to kinda handpaint it too so u get these nice crisp textures like here ill zoom in a bit and u can see what i mean.. so its not as blurry photosource and its not haint painted cartoony. i cant paint for shit handpaint without some sort of base.. look what happened to kazdan lol
  7. Doesn't the topo seem to be flowing a bit better? So this is all in a day's work so far. sculpt came out pretty decent i think i can get some good shadows off of it and apply it to this texture
  8. So uhhh.. you guys are probably going to kill me.. but.. I started Starkiller over again XD But all for very important reasons. So.. here is the new base topo, and a beginning of me starting to sculpt in zbrush.. I got a bit better topo going on here, in almost half of the verts that the ladt one was in, and it can be sculpted and easily brought back down to a game friendly resolution. I can also use the high res sculpt in XSI to render a really nice shadow map for him so trust me this restart was as necessary as the last hundred XD Plus, before I started really shaping it perfectly to his face, i saved a copy of just the decent topography and will be shaping it to be kotas militia members.
  9. Nah it wouldnt be facial expession as much as it would be possibly the eyeball texture or shape of the eyes themselves.
  10. Roger that. Next ones will be more neutral
  11. Eat turkey nom nom

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      use the force


      lol it should be working?

    3. gerbilOFdoom


      The member ChalklYne cannot receive any new messages


      Inbox probably full?

    4. ChalklYne
  12. here is some updates on the body shape and a bit of tweaking the face little bits at a time while removing some verts.
  13. Well.. here is my theory on that... Back when I was in art class in school.. I would focus very much on the fine details of a piece and not really get the overall shape correct.. or have the angle very off. I think I do everything backwards even to this day. I would focus very heavily on wrinkles and shading and blemishes and stuff and the damn shape and angle would be all jacked because I kinda did that last =X I was very focused on the folds of the fat of his lips and his buttchin and things of that nature that I never really initially just made it look human first XD Make any sense?
  14. ok onto the overall shape of the body... WAIT... sorry I am going to start reducing the polycount on this head slowly and posting pics to make sure I dont lose the overall shape.. gimme a minute k before we move on..
  15. On to the body I guess. Thank you. I have almost all of the map objects done for the facility now, just some retexturing and the catwalks need redone and the tall pillars in the hangar. good stuff thanks again
  16. Screw it I'll stick to modeling XD

  17. yeah different lighting, but i am just now learning really nice lighting techniques and should be able to get some decent rendermaps soon. thank you for the feedback guys
  18. Where do you live @? I might be able to get you a female or two. it says Oceanside on your profile... if that is correct I can definitely get u laid bro. As long as you're over 18 and not looking like a complete ogre. If you DO live in Oceanside... PM me I will hook you up. We're practically neighbors. PM me about getting some ladies, and try not to flirt with any more of our members plz XD Now stop spammin muh thread before I sands of time your ass.
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