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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Do you now? How many polys in that ther head? Maybe 7000 tris or so? And the polyflow is horrendously translated from 3dripper or whatever. Couldnt deform without little triangles poking everywhere. Dont even get me started on the triangles. Even if you cleaned that mesh up, youd be left with something way different than what you started with and the uv map and normals would all be screwed and hed have to be repainted. Head is shit my freind. Its a bizarro version of a very beautiful model
  2. No, I dont need head proportions, as I mentioned earlier his proportions are spot on. No, I still dont need any Frankenstein stuff and Id appreciate it if you burned that ported head.
  3. I have no idea what OpenJK, JKE, vanilla, or rend2 are. The more I read Im like reeallyy??!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      So i take it sculpting my whole mod and getting displacement and normals for all my models might have been for something after all.

    3. Tempust85


      rend2 is currently MP only.

    4. eezstreet


      Xycaleth is interested in working on an SP version though. We want to make all of the renderer code universally shared between MP and SP before we do that though.

  4. Ill leave this for a while and see if anyone thinks it needs major changes. Besides the fact that I have to remodel his beautiful rack of chin breasts. I screwed something up and now his chin has nipples in the sculpt.
  5. I was going for despair The eye socket to cheek area needs love... makes him look like hes got a long face
  6. in progress waiting for my kids to get off school Right now hes still screwy...but bare with me
  7. It looks nothing like witwer to me... so ill be using this as a base to sculpt from
  8. Oh ill dropbox u the obj right now. Last night, I wantrd to start a new head... and i was always pissed I couldnt get his lips right, so i just imported the SK model and traced around his lip lines with far fewer polys. After that... I was liking the results and kept going. Granted his head is very lumpy and the shadows dont fold perfect... but the topo is good and I know its proportions are correct because I stuck as close to the model as I could. Ears modeled cheaply, nose as well... but I wanted to save tris and didnt think those areas needed that much anyway. Ill send u a link. Ill be finishing the militia sabateur most likely today... But Id like to transfer Sk's eyes_mouth over to his first.
  9. Yup I just have to snap a few verts together for it to be on there... just wanted to get it positioned and everything. Screw those ears for now lol
  10. so... I wanted to paint this guy before I showed any pics... but... I just broke my mouse lmfao Im off to buy another one.
  11. I pulled an all nighter and finished something killer... expect pics in a bit, im geeked.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Sherlock mode on: considering it's most likely TFU related, and coupling that with your need to create a shader with rust / dust over shiny (metal) parts... it could either be a construct, or Raxus Prime. Or something related to Raxus Prime. Because I don't recall much more rusty or dusted stuff in TFU aside from that cursed place.

    3. Bart


      where are an pics?

    4. Bek


      That's what she said.

  12. I need to lay a dirt/rust layer on top of a spec and env map... so the dirt and rust dont bling. Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AshuraDX


      I helped barricade wat shader, it's a variation of the shader I used on a bunch of my models eg the Assassins Creed weapons and my Rancor skin

    3. AshuraDX


      wow did I jsut type "wat" instead of "with that" o-o

    4. ChalklYne


      Lmfao. Well i think i got it looking nice.

  13. Just touching base because I havent posted anything in a bit. I have made almost all of my characters off of a base mesh human male. The past few weeks, I have been getting that base mesh rigged so I can just transfer over weights for the most part with GATOR with just some extra fine tuning. This way I dont really have to rig each character so individually. I also have been playing around with the mouth_eyes and eyelid setups and getting that so I didnt have to do it for each character. I have maybe 50% of the TIE Facility character pack ready to rig, with the rest just needing some adjustments. I am almost done with all of the TIE Facility throwables. Thats in the past maybe two weeks. Ill try to get the rest of the T.F. characters ready to rig in the next two weeks and finish up the throwables. After that, I will be finishing all of the T.F. map objects so I can lego it all together. Im hoping I dont have to build my own maps though, as there are so many talented people here with GTK Radiant, and I barely dabble with it. The map will be built already for them, it will just need floors and area portals and stuff. I am also going to build a "pathway" through the T.F. out of a few planes that hopefully we can convert to ASE and use as bounding planes for the map objects, instead of having to go through and noclip brush them all or whatever. Once I get these things done, I will be focusing on the menu/Rogue Shadow. The ingame menu will be a map with different areas of the ship dedicated to different options (training holodeck, skins, mission selection, save/load, saber selection, upgrades) This way, once I get these done, I can maybe release the T.F. as a beta for the mod and get good feedback by the time its done as to what should be changed or added. Seems pointless to post any pics right now... Ill post a video or something soon instead, IN the TIE Facility, AS a Kota's militia sabateur, force repulsing a bunch of cool crates around and using my custom force push to obliterate. Thanks for your patience.
  14. Yeah i do it all the time? Not sure what I was thinking there lol. Im excited to see how this turns out. I just built one I consider to be quality out of 1600 tris... so once i get some time to sculpt it, we will set them side by side ingame and get a good feel for exactly what details should and shouldnt be modeled in for future projects and reference.
  15. Yeah i really dont see how you can even use it to render shadow or high res maps because youd have a completely different uv layout between the high and low res. You would have to unwrap it by cutting one seam and do the same with the low res on the same edges and try to line them up in photoshop? Id reccomend a low res model with a high res sculpt Or... we could experiment and you continue making an extremely high res model, ill do a low res with some sculpting, and lets compare ingame?
  16. Thank you mini! Im about to go play with her now. Edot: Amazing work man. Now how can I get a controller or object oriented correctly to use as a reference in the two person animations i.e. kyle stab or hug and stuff? Ive always wanted to play with those. Also, maybe a wall thats in the correct position and orientation for reference on anims like wall run?
  17. So. Much. Awesome. Im playing with this today.

    1. Rooxon


      Zbrush seemed wierd to me at first but it truly can be used to create some fascinating things easily. :)

  18. Well... we have people here who take pieces of models and stick them together... we refer to that as frankensteining. Which requires you to have to base xsi files, or do some crazy hex editor stuff... either way, those are the people youd need to ask, and the WIP thread is loaded with them.
  19. Im sure one of the Dr. Frankensteins we have would do this for ya, as they most likely have all the base xsi stuff ready to rock.
  20. I know you can add a bolt_driver to anything... you can add yourself the vehicle anim lines from their animation.cfg but with frame #s corresponding to your own personal gla frames you want to choose for that particular anim. You can add custom gla's to the .veh files. So to sum it up, what it would require is maybe instead of playermodels you spawn .veh players?
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