Just touching base because I havent posted anything in a bit. I have made almost all of my characters off of a base mesh human male. The past few weeks, I have been getting that base mesh rigged so I can just transfer over weights for the most part with GATOR with just some extra fine tuning. This way I dont really have to rig each character so individually. I also have been playing around with the mouth_eyes and eyelid setups and getting that so I didnt have to do it for each character. I have maybe 50% of the TIE Facility character pack ready to rig, with the rest just needing some adjustments. I am almost done with all of the TIE Facility throwables. Thats in the past maybe two weeks. Ill try to get the rest of the T.F. characters ready to rig in the next two weeks and finish up the throwables. After that, I will be finishing all of the T.F. map objects so I can lego it all together. Im hoping I dont have to build my own maps though, as there are so many talented people here with GTK Radiant, and I barely dabble with it. The map will be built already for them, it will just need floors and area portals and stuff. I am also going to build a "pathway" through the T.F. out of a few planes that hopefully we can convert to ASE and use as bounding planes for the map objects, instead of having to go through and noclip brush them all or whatever. Once I get these things done, I will be focusing on the menu/Rogue Shadow. The ingame menu will be a map with different areas of the ship dedicated to different options (training holodeck, skins, mission selection, save/load, saber selection, upgrades) This way, once I get these done, I can maybe release the T.F. as a beta for the mod and get good feedback by the time its done as to what should be changed or added. Seems pointless to post any pics right now... Ill post a video or something soon instead, IN the TIE Facility, AS a Kota's militia sabateur, force repulsing a bunch of cool crates around and using my custom force push to obliterate. Thanks for your patience.