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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. It seems like that would make accurate skinning a pain... unless you realized that ahead of time and took it into account when unwrapping, overlapping the triangle filled discs on top of each other respectively so you can tell what parts arent being seen and thus giving you proper edges. It does reduce the transition poly counts by 50% though XD. Good advice
  2. Well... tbh... You should have modeled it all out of one cylinder with like 8-10 sides. If you look inside your model you will see hidden and wasted polys because its a few pieces stuck together I believe as opposed to one flowing piece. Looks more like an unreal weapon as opposed to jka. But... what you can do... is finish it, then use it to render high res shadow maps to apply to a lower poly more cleaned up cylinder that the engine will love you for =) It will help you immensely on the unwrapping process as well. Edit: nah, theres not enough fine detail there to need to render out any maps from it. From a community standpoint, I say finish it up, see what she looks like... from a personal standpoint... But thats why we nitpick, because maybe you will learn from your mistakes and be greatful in the long run for being forced to do it right. Sorry for hijacking
  3. Does anyone remember how to adjust the amount of tcGen environment in a shader? I thought it was "tcgen scale" but no

    1. AshuraDX


      I think you want alphaGen const x.y

  4. Thank you for the offer! This particular mod will have no need for ports or Frankensteins. It is actually the polar opposite of the point of the mod, which is to have a bunch of new material that people can Frankenstein and mess around with. I will take a look at your mod though!
  5. Also, take one of those models with the high details and tri counts, and spawn it ingame... you will notice that the minor details literally cannot even be seen. I learned that by trial and error. Takes a bit of problem solving, but you wind up with the best results by a bit of trial and error and calculating a proper relationship between tri count and texturing. Staff looks nice though man. My theory is she ends up weilding a saber pike.
  6. @@Rooxon The menu editor part would be awesome. I have a few ideas but besides that I have no set ideas as to how the mwnu would look or function. My ideas pertain to things like... -Pause menu is small and centered so you can still see the game -Cheats menu Also, i was setting up menus in a fashion that had "unlockables". Like once you get to the next level, the menu system has a few more things unlocked as you progress.
  7. I vote for this little area. It doesnt look like any other jka map ive seen. Maybe dogfighting going on above you? This would be a nice one https://youtu.be/FEmyB9iUUek
  8. I put the image comment in spoiler tags for your appreciation. I almost have it figured out as a material
  9. The displacement map so far. Im fine tuning the Militia Elite right now getting him ready to get unwrapped.
  10. No, I saw it directly. With my face. I just thought it didnt matter if HSLS was more advanced, as long as we could get it to somehow emulate the OpenGL shaders we need. We could compile things like -The GoZ plugin for Softimage>Zbrush -The Roadkill plugin and python scripts needed for it to function -Mini's biped rig -Emulated JKA shader All into one nice Softimage JKA pack
  11. I got everything except that environment map looking decently accurate with the ultimap preview which is in HLSL What bothered me was seeing the blend_func and stuff to set gl_zero, i saw those options in the GLSL shader I got a really good environment map working by playing with reflection map... but I just couldnt figure out the shader code enough to copy and paste all I needed into a full shader. Jesus I hope that made sense
  12. Yeah, plus it would really help to have the different alpha and blend functions and stuff... Crap.
  13. So I got most of it working in Softimage. I used a Realtime HLSL shader setup... namely the ultimap preview. I got the specular, normal, and diffuse to load up and look pretty close to what I see in JKA. I cant figure out how to add the env part of it though. The ultimap preview doesnt have an input for it. Nonetheless, if we can get this figured out, upload the shader so anyone with Softimage can check out thier texture maps in action (or maybe any 3d modeling program could use the custom hlsl shader Ok... so now that I understand my question lol... can someone please write a HLSL shader with Environment, Specular, Diffuse, Normal, and Displacement inputs?
  14. Mac only huh? It really doesnt seem like something too difficult for Softimage's Material Editor... I just dont get the same spec and env functions that you see ingame and would like to get a basic mayerial uploaded here that mimics jka It doesnt even have to be an "editor", just any way to preview the shader youve written without loading up jka or fumbling with q3ase @@minilogoguy18 any input on the Softimage end of it?
  15. Im sure we have talked about this 100 times, but I guess I still need clarification. What do we need to do to achieve a realtime shader preview editor like Marmoset Toolbag or something dedicated to JKA? Isnt there a certain way we can set up materials in Softimage to preview them just like how JKA shows them? Seems like something that should be incorporated in a new modview or something
  16. Proko.com has helped me so much. Check out the lessons tab.

  17. I need a few people to start getting all of this pieced together. Someone fluent in GTK Radiant. Area portals, waypoints, etc. Someone familiar with texturing. Organics, metals, junk, anything. Menu editor An animator. Just PM if interested
  18. Fixed my Zbrush-Softimage problem. So Ill be sculpting off and on in between models. Im also making a bunch of terrains just practicing to be exported as ASE models for Felucia and Raxus
  19. Crease tool in Zbrush really helps with that problem in case anyone else needs it

  20. Ive missed out on a lot in my absence... any mods or revelations in modding I should go check out that may pertain to what Im doing?

    1. Rooxon


      I'm restarting my recreations, other than that, a few very good hilts and playermodels came to us. JK: Enhanced as well!

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