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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. On to the Militia Elite I guess (trying to finish the models by order of appearance kinda) this one has a few extra items for variations so he looks cluttered a bit... but its all rearrangeable in the .skin
  2. But literally... the spot behind the "ear" looks too wide. 0_0 I like to be over critical about all of the community's projects then rush through mine like a toddler.
  3. Might rig him for kicks on down time, but Im moving on now. By moving on, I mean I'm going to do this same thing to the next character, and if anyone chooses to help with rigging or texturing or shaders or whatever this ones ready to go. Id rather just crank out allthe models first then have a massive rig-a-thon in case I get any snags and stuff that might hold me up right now.
  4. So Ill leave his textures like this and hope a few people want to help church it all up before release. I struggle with texturing and want to keep the momentum right now. Going to fine tune some stuff then dropbox his textures and an .obj. Once I gett he heirarchy all set up and caps and tags and what not ill upload the xsi file and call him "done". Hoping to get some help rigging/texturing at the end of it all once the material is all out. ID like to sculpt them but Zbrush R4 has a problem exporting UV coordinates so Ill just come back to that or work around it after all characters are modeled.
  5. Does anybody have a workaround for the UV coordinates problem when exporting maps from ZbrushR4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Say you import a low res object... then subdivide it while smoothing is on... then you sculpt and do your thing... well the UV coordinates on the original mesh get warped and smoothed when you smooth the mesh

    3. ChalklYne


      So, you have to export the newly modified mesh to have the texture map be for the mesh it was intended. If you try exporting a texture and applying it to the same mesh you imported without re exporting it back out of zbrush then its normals havent been smoothed in correspondence to the UV

    4. Tempust85


      Export the original low poly from Max/XSI, then export the high poly from Zbrush. Then just use Xnormal to export maps.

  6. Almost done unwrapping...wont be texturing too much right now... Going to set up heirarchy and caps and get him positioned correctly next.
  7. You click that little box at the bottom and set wireframe to black or whatever instead of opaque. Yeah I was sitting at McDonalds this morning checking it out and felt the ankles needed work as well. This little box
  8. I just got back and just had some suggestions, theres always the possibility that I have no idea what Im even talking about, so take that into consideration as well. I can totally relate to the frustration though, Ive unwrapped SK alone maybe 100 times lol I know how much of a perfectionist you are, and youd be much more frustrated if you noticed the adjustments needed yourself after releasing it because no one would say anything prior. Also, look into the angle of the semisphere on top of his head in yours and the ref pic. It almost looks as if the ref pics semisphere is tilted back to maybe a 5° angle where yours is perfectly horizontal. I couldve been wrong about the height of the helmet as well, it looks ok at a second glance. Just things to keep an eye on, I trust your judgement on these things more than my own lol
  9. my 2 cents... Id shorten the length of his eyes a bit... then take a bit out of the middle there making him a bit shorter, then look into his profile a bit... i tried a quick example and included refs backing it. very awesome man. heres yours heres a ref pic and a very quick paint over showing some of the corrections crudely
  10. So Ill leave this here for a few hours... if theres no further objections Ill unwrap him.
  11. Reworked his face and a few more small things then Ill unwrap, (i.e. the neck, the back faces of the shoulder straps, etc)
  12. Ill focus on that now and update soon @@AshuraDX what is an acceptable target tri count? I been keeping them under 3000
  13. Sure you could use Blender for some map objects and such. Texturing is needed badly as well. Think Raxus Prime... tonnnns of texturing
  14. They are randomly appearing as guards and militia for now lol
  15. It depends on your strengths. I could really use random map objects and animations TFU related. Ill have the Militia Sabateur ready for sculpting this evening, including UV unwrapping and what not. Ill then upload the .xsi scene to dropbox and post a link and instead of rigging him and fine tuning textures and shaders, ill move onto the next one. That way we keep the ball rolling. Feel free to adjust UV maps and stuff to your liking if you decide to help. I could also use a lot of junk textures for Raxus Prime, and like I said map objects for all maps. Oh and faces! I need faces. Random guards, Maris Brood, Juno, Ill take Starkiller though lol I have a personal vendetta with that 1
  16. Ok long story short, the checklist is pointless. Its daunting. Im taking it one model at a time now until character pack is done. Then one map at a time. Kotas Milita variants first.
  17. Mesh bad. Tried again. Maybe do another quick sculpt in zbrush just to form the low res mesh better to what ill be sculpting at the end? Then after i work a basic zbrush sculpt i can export the low res mesh and unwrap it and it should eliminate stretching crap from the sculpt at the end. Sound about right?
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