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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Added support for: 

    surfaceSprites flatten ...
    shader option for MP.


    This was missing from MP but supported in SP (used in t2_trip).  Resulting in the sprites not appearing at all or very weirdly in MP when playing said map.










  2. The vanilla renderer never actually checked it before OpenJK.  It only looks for the first 6 numbers anyway.  The extra information to ext is only for q3map2.


    You missed the point, though DT85, you wouldn't use BOTH in the .mtr file as vanilla can't load it.

  3. You don't need q3map_sun(Ext) and q3gl2_sun, one of them (hopefully the latter) will be used always.  And trying to plug said shader itself into vanilla will break on q3gl2_sun and q3gl2_tonemap anyway.

  4. You have to use the respective commands not adding the extension.


    screenshot by itself is jpg screenshot_tga is tga, screenshot_png is png.


    NOTE: PNG screenshots in vanilla don't gamma correct, everything else does and all 3 do in rend2.


    And JPEG screenshot command is identical.  Sounds like issue/conflict with driver or something.

    eezstreet likes this
  5. But that does remind me, I also need to fix problems with the light grid not lighting entities properly. Players always seem to look a lot darker in rend2 compared to the vanilla renderer.

    They should be identical if r_hdr is off.

        // bonus items and view weapons have a fixed minimum add
        if ( !r_hdr->integer ) {
            // give everything a minimum light add
            ent->ambientLight[0] += tr.identityLight * 32;
            ent->ambientLight[1] += tr.identityLight * 32;
            ent->ambientLight[2] += tr.identityLight * 32;

    This is if ( 1 ) in vanilla.  I'm assuming he did this cause it looks weird with proper hdr?

  6. You can't mix other model formats with ghoul2 (API).  And if you want extra formats otherwise, bye bye compat mods.


    FWIW Format wise, IQM > MD5 in basically every way.  The implementation used, is just a basic one though.

  7. it fixes only the model issues that were also in ioq3 version.  I don't honestly know whats going on with rend2 rendering right now...


    (There is a fix for not requiring r_floatLightmap in ioq3 tree now too, but I'm not too concerned about that yet)



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