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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Requires menu asset fix (not happening by us)


    Lack of subtitles for things is not going to be fixed by us once again.


    You should really try to learn some English if you want to communicate better.

    Yberion likes this
  2. You're expected to have a legitimate version of the assets, if you don't thats your moral choice.


    However, some check for assets or cd might come in the installer.


    There's simply absolutely no reason to keep checking for CD in this day in age to be in the drive and have it cause random errors if you use a no-cd.


    These were some of the first things we removed because its annoying as hell, especially when developing and would likely have triggered the anti-tampering with custom builds anyway, because of a different executable checksum and memory location.

    Omicron likes this
  3. Your translated text is very hard to understand clearly, but for the most part these things are not going to be touched by this project they are out of our scope of what it's goal is for.  Some might even not be possible compatibility wise.

  4. Doesn't look like rend2 (ioquake3) has anisotrophic filtering judging by the readme.

    It does. r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic its supported by the regular ioq3 renderer too, thats why its not listed as specific to rend2.

  5. Some things noticed need work: (not complete)


    r_hdr causes some shaders to be broken.

    Demp2 alt fire effect broken

    Absorb shader doesn't work

    Bubble shader (boons/invuln) looks bad.

    Push/pull half sphere's are not implemented to correctly work as they do in vanilla.

    Lighting changes due to RBSP and lightstyles not yet compatible with rend2.

    Weapon marks (saber marks seem to work though)


    Non-brush based fog




    Shader commands not implemented:

    glow (silently ignored)

    noglfog (silently ignored)

    q3map_surfacelight / surfacelight (might not really be used)

    surfaceSprites (silently ignored)

    ss* (silently ignored)

    Smoo likes this
  6. @@Serenity937 What exactly is your problem with using OpenJK or a fork of OpenJK? Do you wish to re-do all of the things that have already been accomplished?  Anything released by raven earlier this year is bound by GPLv2 terms, that was not something OpenJK decided upon.

  7. Oh dear, it's openJK...I might get a blackscreen again...well I'll try running it anyway.

    How about instead of complaining that its openjk, you try to find out why this is happening?  Nobody else reports this.


    I must say I'm very impressed, I had no idea one could recreate the first level that well. Of course with limitations of the engine, only so much that can be done. Only complaint I have is with the mod installation.


    The files that require the mod to run properly, OpenJK related, come up as false positives with Norton so I had to make a .bat file to run the mod. Unfortunately this meant that the base game would run instead of the level, so I'd have to do the map command to get the map to run, and I'd end up playing as the default female twi'lek. Weapons work fine though.


    I recommend just using the base code to run the mod as not everyone can use OpenJK.

    You just said false positive, so...  There is no problem, only crappy antivirus that doesn't recognize an unsigned binary for an unreleased engine.  Don't spread FUD please.

  8. I believe adding custom skin and shader support may not work so well due to the fact that they have to be cached and stored in some configstring.  Which would break saving compat.  :wacko:

  9. Out of curiosity, did you compile openJK yourself or are you using one of the prebuilt ones from buildbot?


    I've been able to connect to JA+ servers fine.  Has anyone else been able to reproduce this?




    For those questioning version info above, I'm pretty sure the embeded versioninfo for the executable is just so its not that he's not using

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