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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. "safe" only exists on command-line to determine of skipping the relevant game config (ie: jaconfig.cfg / openjk_sp.cfg etc), its not a real command or a real cvar.


    Also, the dynamic glow cvars have been removed of their cheat status in OJK (and just a few minutes ago also in OJK SP)


    I really doubt anything is actually calling cvar_restart, rather config just isn't being saved or loaded as per safe-mode as explained.

  2. -> means save

    --> <-- means quick save.


    I know, but it is more confusing than something like:


    This one doesn't have any manual saves, but has a quick, auto, and mission restart.

    Img 1


    This one has a couple of manual saves:

    Img 2


    And carrer list:

    Img 3


    Is much better representation of save/carrer imo.

  3. ** UPDATED AUGUST 20th with few more things **


    Make JK2SP actually work with cmake builds!!!


    Make SP game code more moddable.


    - Make netfields customizable in the mod dll. (entitystate/playerstate/usercmd)

    - Make holdable buttons be customizable in mod dll +attack etc.

    - Allow some jka and jk2 specifics to be removed easier?

    - Make it so that weapon and force power systems are more generic so mods don't have to rely on the forced defines. (this could allow you to actually remove lightsaber and others for example, from dfmod maybe)

    - Make a mod option maybe some new text file that says what your mod supports { Use tri-part model+skin (jaden) , use singular model with model_default like JK2 (kyle) }  Could possibly be used for some other things.

    - Maybe at a later time split the UI portion into a DLL so that JK2 and JKA can have separate UI codes without having tons of if JK2 all over the place in UI.

    - Don't load base auto saves/checkpoints from a mod in menu.

    - Don't display base saves in menus when running a mod.

    - Don't allow blind deletes of saves without confirmation.

    - Disable load quick button from default config and possibly add confirm quick load to avoid accidental quick load presses mid-game.

    - The whole save/load menu is a bit confusing to me -->  and -->    <-- doesn't really mean anything.

    - Would like to revamp the save system entirely.  Possibly a named campaign so you could have multiple campaigns going.

    - Sandbox mode that doesn't save to affect your checkpoint progress etc (even loading some custom map or MP map will trigger a save in SP heh)

    - Mission screens can get bugged if you've loaded a map from console.

    - No return to main menu / quit from mission screens.

    - Investigate the force lightning tossing of NPCs all over the place if this is in original.




    - Fix up mind trick 4 or replace it with a new power even.

    Circa, katanamaru and CaptainCrazy like this
  4. You would have to create an entirely new & compatible (not crashing) humanoid animations that are not derived from the original assets if you intend to distribute with a custom engine such as OpenJK because of legal reasons.  Same goes for any and all other assets not released with GPL source code including the menu files.

  5. Also getting rid of vm_create failed issues completely would be nice, especially when its caused by two jamp.exe's running.


    That's because the extra instance can't extract the dll from pk3 since it already exists and the file is locked to the first instance.

    eezstreet likes this
  6. When I say we should cater for players, I don't mean to add extra features. I'm referring to what they actually see when they run OJK. So this means, whether it crashes, whether there are noticeable bugs, and so on.


    The problem that @@eezstreet mentioned where animations/menu files aren't loaded properly.It must be fixable some how :(

    It is but that pretty much means we'll probably have to sacrifice netfield override support or figure out how to restart the game properly during really early stage of svc_setgame without having it restart later too.  This comes before the systeminfo does so...


    Part of it happening is also likely because of the severe changes raven made with how models and animations are cached too. :|

  7. @@Xycaleth the DMA sound backend wont go away.  The both ones will just be migrated and cleaned when we get there.


    What mod loading problems?


    >> Mod menu I suppose?  Though connecting to a server is actually worse than using mod menu :}  And our hands are slightly tied because of svc_setgame and the fact that overrides are in pk3s.

  8. There is 1 very large glaring issue with adding cloth as a shader parameter in that you can no longer distribute the mod as working for the original game.  Because the original game's shader parser will see "cloth" and "go uhhhhh wtf is cloth", and mark the shader as defaulted.  There are a few ways around this and since this is likely something to go in a non-vanilla renderer, we can always add .mtr that will get loaded with newer shader parameters and the old .shader files are used as fallback for compatibility. (SmileTheory's renderergl2 for ioquake3 does this iirc)
    Seems to me like it would make more sense to just fork the game and try implementing a full fledged new physics engine instead of only focusing on cloth.
    @@Archangel35757 Neither of those implementations seem like they're even decent fit with the existing engine.

  9. SET_ORIGIN is probably fixable, but unfortunately move() is not, simply because it sets the entity type to being an ET_MOVER rather than ET_FX which means no more fx.  In SP this is fine because its already being a ET_MOVER and it plays the effects directly from the game-side code.  But because clients are using ET_FX to tell it that it needs to handle it as an FX entity we can't fix this without a compat breaking change.

    eezstreet likes this
  10. I know it's different, but it pretty much sounds like a no-cd-crack and I guess legally it will be seen by LA as the same (if they really care)


    "Pretty much sounds like a no-cd crack" When it has nothing to do with removing cd key checks other than its not even the same game engine anymore so that license does not apply.


    I don't really want to keep discussing this, so:


    A) The license agreement with the game will apply to assets (Nothing from the assets will be distributed with iojamp if it ever released)

    B) The SDK License agreement prevents you from making new mods that don't specifically also run with jamp. If you keep them compatible, then I don't see it violating this (the same applies to Quake3 mods that are still closed on the MOD SDK)

    C) The iojamp license is under GPL rules, not the license agreement for the jedi academy installation therefore the cd-check bits do not apply.

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