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Darth Sion

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Posts posted by Darth Sion

  1. How about having a go at creating some NEW Saber hilt models for Single Player, @@Seven? Not really "preset character" related (like Ahsoka, Anakin. etc.) but something that could be used from the start of the game that would resemble the lightsaber hilt that Jaden would create on Coruscant, before joining the Jedi Order? Something to replace the awful hilts in the base game. The only one that is remotely appealing, currently is the "Arbiter" (below)


    Seems like a rather big task, but it'd be fresh and something we don't have on the forum, currently. You could maybe head over the Saberforge website and take some inspiration from their hilts.. Or maybe even other website that sell lightsabers.

    GPChannel likes this
  2. You could try something like




    Head/hands (and "gun" for the holster) from @Omega1's Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Journeyman Customization I 1.1

    Body + original textures from @@Scerendo's Poe Dameron

    Holster-belt from @Seven's Han Solo




    .....of course, it is not identical, just a thought.....

    That model, itself is very good! It's just the face and such that needs some work. If you've made that model, yourself. You should defo release it, when you've finished it. It's definitely the closest thing to the Coruscant Jaden, that I requested. What say you, @@AuriusPheonix?

  3. Blenjeel Will be jaku in the mod :)

    Coruscant mod?

    Can i see something about the map? :)

    And about the jacket. I read somewhere in a star wars webside that the jacket what poe weared example is a resistance jacket. So that is why i use it a lot, because i imagine that that is like an uniform for the good guys :)

    You know kyle is not the same person in jka. He is more wise And he is the part of the jedi order and the rebellion

    That is why hes wearing the jacket :)

    Yeah, our Coruscant map mod can be found here;










    Wow! Looks damn nice! My only quarrel with what you've currently got, is that the menu text needs positioning properly, so they're not being overlapped by any selectable items. etc. But wait until our Coruscant mod is complete and you'll be able to throw that into the mix, too.

    Personally, I think your Dark Forces II Kyle Katarn is better. Finn/Poe's jacket seems to be used a bit too much, now. I like Kyle's head, you've used in this mod. But as far as his attire goes, the Dark Forces II version is better. It keeps Kyle unique and not like seemingly every other character.


    On a side note, it might also be worth seeing if you can change the name of "Blenjeel" (the mission where you have to recover ship parts and get attacked by a huge sandworm) to "Jakku". That would be pretty fitting for such a mission and map. It might also require some sound changing, too.. But don't quote me on that.


    This mission;

    yeyo JK and Smoo like this
  5. Which Han would be most needed atm? I can probably put some time into one.

    Personally, I'd go with ESB Han..



    Although, his Endor and attire/garments from "A New Hope" are almost identical.






    But the stripe down the side of his trousers in 'A New Hope' are red and in 'Return of the Jedi', they're like a yellowy gold.

    Smoo likes this
  6. I'm not sure what cor1 sounds like because unfortunately I can't blast star wars music in the middle of class, but its probably worth looking at the Battlefront audio tracks, as there's a ton. Same for the ambience. 

    Well, if you know how or want to extract files from the PC version of Battlefront, then go right ahead. I can't do it, 'cos my version of Battlefront is on PS4.

  7.   So, as the majority of you may well know, by now.. 'Jedi Academy', the last game in the 'Jedi Knight' series (unfortunately), was rushed through development. Simply because Raven weren't given the amount of development time for the project. Most likely by LucasArts (I would imagine). Why? I don't know.. But obviously, 'Jedi Academy' has so much missed potential or things that could've been done and/or implemented and simply wasn't, because of said time restrictions. Anyway, I digress.. After seeing 'The Force Awakens' and continuing with what we now know is "Canon" with the STAR WARS universe.. 'The Force Awakens' is set 30-some years after 'Return of the Jedi'. Personally, I see 'Jedi Academy' as being set after 'Return of the Jedi', but before 'The Force Awakens'. Perhaps around the time of when Ben Solo (now known as "Kylo Ren") was training with Luke, as Luke looks to rebuild the "Jedi Order" (NJO = New Jedi Order). Which I will come to momentarily. From the footage we've seen in 'The Force Awakens', we know this is not Yavin IV, as it is in the game. But anyway, this is how I see the improvements to the game's campaign/story, to be;

    So, first.. We have the game's Menu system, which isn't a bad design, but could certainly do with a visual improvement. The best Menu overhaul, to date that I've seen is @@Sentra's "SkyLine Menu", found here;


    Unfortunately, this is ONLY available for the 'Multiplayer' Menu screen. @@Sentra, if it's possible in any way for you to do a version of this for the 'Single Player' Menu screen, that would be great! Maybe even swap out the image of the Imperial Tie-Fighter Pilot with one of two of the characters from the game's Single Player campaign (unless of course the Tie-Fighter Pilot is embedded into the image, itself). But in any case, a Single Player variant of that screen mod would be a refreshing and welcoming change.

    As you'll also notice.. The current (base game) Menu system has no BGM or theme, behind it. Which, right from the off, can sour the initial immersion of the game and make it seem very dull and doesn't really do anything to increase the game's appeal.

    Thankfully, this is something that can be modded into the game. Personally, I prefer to go with either one of these, as they fit the game's overall tone and vibe..


    This one would probably fit the game, the best.

    If you prefer to keep more in line with 'The Force Awakens', then this is quite fitting..


    Next, we have the Character and Lightsaber Creation screens.. Now, for the most part, these screens are fine, although the overall look of them could do with somewhat of a visual overhaul or update.
    (Current "Character Creation" screen)


    However, this is much more of what I think would be a more detailed and in-depth creation screen, with an additional, what is essentially a "Bio" window. But seeing as how this is one character; Jaden Korr (despite the choice of species (i.e Human Male/Female, Rodian Male/Female. etc.); It would only really require one bio, as such and not a plethora of bio's.
    Something along the lines of;


    (Right side of bio)
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Species: Human Male (or whatever species is selected in the "Species" menu option)
    Born: 1 ABY

    Height: 1.82m

    (Left side of bio) (Suggestions?)
    Force Sensitive: Yes
    Weapons: Lightsaber & Blaster Pistol

    (Scrollable written text underneath)
    Jaden Korr is a Force-sensitive, born around 1 ABY, who spent his childhood on the galactic capital of Coruscant. While living with his adoptive Uncle Orn, Korr was guided by the Force to construct a working lightsaber in 14 ABY, an achievement that earned him a place at Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on the moon of Yavin 4. On his way there, aboard the shuttle Yavin Runner II, Korr met and befriended a fellow recruit, Rosh Penin. Assigned as an apprentice to Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, Korr spent much of his training fighting a newly emerged dark side cult called the Disciples of Ragnos. Utilizing a Sith artifact called the Scepter of Ragnos, the leader of the cult, Tavion Axmis, used it to siphon Force energy from places with powerful Force auras. She then intended to release the contained power to resurrect an ancient Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos. Korr undertook multiple missions throughout the galaxy, foiling the cult's plans as best as he could. During the mission to the planet Vjun, Korr discovered that Penin had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force and had joined the Disciples. After escaping from Vjun, Korr was promoted by Skywalker to the rank of Jedi Knight, and he continued his fight against the cultists and their Imperial Remnant allies. Eventually, Korr successfully brought Penin back from the Dark Side and defeated Axmis on the Sith world of Korriban, stopping the Disciples of Ragnos.

    **Again, if there's a want to bring the game's story forward, keeping in line with 'The Force Awakens', the line "After escaping from Vjun, Korr was promoted by Skywalker to the rank of Jedi Knight, and he continued his fight against the cultists and their Imperial Remnant allies." could be changed to "After escaping from Vjun, Korr was promoted by Skywalker to the rank of Jedi Knight, and he continued his fight against the cultists and their First Order allies."**

    I was thinking about the campaign/story, at this point of the game.. And logically & authentically, to give a more realistic feel to the game and add to the immersion.. The choices in the above Menu system (as far as Character Creation goes) should only be a temporary or initial phase of the game (Seeing as how Jaden has just boarded the flight to Yavin IV on the shuttle, where he meets Rosh Penin for the first time, he won't have acquired any Jedi Robes or garments). I would imagine the same goes for Rosh Penin. With Jaden coming from a city planet, like Coruscant.. It's more believable that the sort of attire/garments he would wear/begin the game with is something along the lines of these;

    Obviously, these are only 2 choices (excluding varied colour choices for the clothes, like the base game currently offers), but at the beginning of the game, both Jaden and Rosh should be wearing something resembling that from a City environment.

    These would be the clothes that are worn by Jaden and Rosh, during the "Arrival/Shuttle Crash on Yavin IV" (the first stage of the game, where Jaden fights 2 Stormtroopers and a Reborn (if I recall correctly), waking-up and being greeted by Luke and Kyle Katarn and the initial Jedi Academy initiation ceremony, up until the first mission.
    After the initiation ceremony (once Kyle has spoken with Jaden and Rosh regarding being their teacher), before the first mission begins, the "Character Creation" screen will appear again and you'll then be able to select your Jedi Robes; which would (if possible) be Spanki's "Jedi Customization Plus" found here;


    (Rosh Penin would also automatically be given his)
    From here on in, all the Jedi in the game would also be wearing their Jedi Robes from this customisation pack.

    It would make sense for Kyle Katarn to remain his garments that he wears in the base game (from 'Jedi Outcast').. As he never really fully converted to being a Jedi Master. Or perhaps, to improve on his base game appearance, his garments from the "Dark Forces II" game, that @@GPChannel has done could be used (with his permission) That file can be found here;


    Which, personally.. I think is overall, a better look for him. As far as Luke's appearance, I think @@DT85's 'The Force Awakens' Luke is the best fitting one, for this (with his permission to use it, obviously). He's wearing his Jedi Master robes and because he has a sort of Old Ben Kenobi look to his attire, it shows that he's the main Jedi Master of his Academy. Again, that file can be found here;


    Or if someone wants to have a go at creating this pretty impressive Luke skin/model, this would work pretty well. As Luke is gradually starting to grow his beard, at this point.. That we know he has and see in 'The Force Awakens'.

    (It seems he's wearing a slight variant of Vader's arm (right arm), perhaps to honour his father). And although we know he already has a mechanical right hand.. Surprisingly, this actually works for his character.

    Moving on, to maps and missions.. There's a number of levels that could do with Skybox replacements. My Korriban (the final mission in the game) is a good example of this. It really helps with the immersion of the level/map and is more lore appropriate. Also, the music/BGM of a level really helps to deliver more immersion. As we're talking about Korriban and the Sith. Having the Sith theme play throughout that specific mission, really embeds the feeling and authenticity of being in that location. That file is here;


    As the Coruscant mission in the game, of capturing the Crimelord Lannik Racto, me, @@Cerez and @@Asgarath83 are working on updating that specific mission to make it much more closer to its lore counter-part (thanks to the incredible ground-work, already in place, by @JCulley3D's Coruscant map) and it's still in development. It can be found here;

    Upon reaching the Taspir III level, where Jaden goes in search of Rosh, after he'd been captured by Alora. You're given the choice to pick the Light Side and to save Rosh or the Dark Side and to kill him. If you choose the Dark Side, there's not really enough "feeling" there, to show that Jaden has actually turned to the Dark Side, other than his personality change. A visual change in some way would certainly benefit and work with this change in character. However, as mentioned in another thread by Circa, the visual change (by way of giving Jaden, the "Sith Eyes" look) wouldn't really take affect until around the time of his arrival on Korriban, in the final mission. There's already a thread on the forum about Jaden's "Sith Eyes" after the Taspir III (Dark Side turn) scenario/incident between Jaden and Rosh and Alora. The link to that thread can be found here;


    Finally, to close out the thread, I was thinking that there's 2 other subjects that could be looked at, to improve their respective areas of the game. The first one, being Reborns (Sith-like enemies). I don't know about anyone else.. But personally, for being Dark Side enthusiasts, I don't find them at all intimidating and could certainly use some sort of visual update to their models/characters to make them more "menacing". Spanki's Sith Customisation would be a great way to achieve this. The mod found here;


    Or failing that.. A new model that replaces the Reborn's or "more advanced" versions of the Reborns to look more like these versions;

    And finally, as we're talking about visual updates to the game.. I know over the duration of the past few months @@Rooxon has been going through the weapons in the game and improving them and bringing them upto scratch, as far as HD quality. Although I'm not entirely sure if every weapon in the game is being updated. If it is, then great! And it'll certainly raise the overall quality of the game. Which is the goal, here.

    That's my summarization of improvements to be made to the game.. If you can think of anything else, then leave your comments and discuss it, here...
    Delmi, Smoo, Cerez and 1 other like this
  8. I will have a look at editing and scripting in the ambience sounds when the time comes. I've found a new, powerful (and open source) editor that lets me edit audio and video material easily, and I'm in the process of learning it at the moment.


    P.S. I like "cor1" -- sounds fitting as a background track. ^_^

    Awesome! Anything that will help with progression is always a bonus. Hopefully, it's not too hard for you to pick up and can get to grips with it, pretty quickly.


    Yeah, I agree. The "cor1" does have a certain "crimelord underworld" element to it that I think fits pretty well, for this mission. @JCulley3D actually did a really good job in putting things like that together, for the map and obviously makes our job a whole lot easier, than having to sift around through different BGM's to get something that fits with the tone.

  9. Ok, so @@Asgarath83 and @@Cerez.. I'm looking into the soundtrack/BGM for our mod and wondering if a different tone would work better with the map/mission than what is used in the game, currently? The base game version uses this as its main "exploration" soundtrack;

    (which is known as "narshaada_explore")

    Now, I've been listening to a few different BGM's from the game's assets and was possibly thinking of something more along the lines of this;

    (which is known as "impbasee_explore" and is taken from the "vjun2" folder in the assets)

    However, I've also listened to the BGM that James has included in the assets of the map, already and this is the BGM that is used;

    (which is known as "cor1" in the assets)

    Personally, that one does sound pretty good, but just wondered if a different take on the BGM would be more accurate to the map/mission, in general. Of course, this isn't forgetting the fact that to give the map/mission more immersion and ambience, we'll be using one of these to give Coruscant that unique "city planet" feel;

    Star Wars Ambience - Coruscant Apartment Background (White Noise, ASMR, Relaxation) One Hour

    Star Wars - Coruscant Traffic Background Ambience

    Do either of you have any ideas or suggestions for BGM? Wanting to try and keep in line with what was used and done in the Prequels, if possible. @@Cerez, I don't think we need anyone with music editing experience for this, if we're just sticking with BGM's from the game base assets, as it'll be a simple swap. But do we need someone who can add the music and ambience to the map/mission, to bring it to life or is that something you're comfortable with doing yourself? 'Cos if we need someone I can ask around, unless of course you know of anyone, already. Maybe "therfiles"?
    Smoo likes this
  10. In that case we should join efforts. There's no sense in doing this project twice (unless there are considerable structural/design differences).

    That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.. How would you feel about that, @@NumberWan? You'd probably have to give us the low-down and info on what your plan is and what you've done, thus far..


    Having said that, @@Cerez.. I do believe, from the message that NumberWan sent me, recently.. He said this;


    Our Coruscant is a different thing in DP – it includes a few mini-hubs and a large city-area, but it is changed a bit, as the fight is taking place, both in air, and on ground.
    And included this screenshot;
    Cerez likes this
  11. Any progress on this is welcome progress for me. Just keep me in the loop (so when I get around to working on this, we're not doing useless double-work).

    Will do.. I'm currently working on trying to compile "SFX Sabers" effect into MD2 (Movie Duels II), at the mo and need to speak with redsaurus about it. Once that's done, hopefully.. I'm gonna have a word with Circa about the Sith Eyes for Jaden, for his Dark Side turn (after killing Rosh and Alora). Then I can hopefully get back into the Coruscant map mod and we can get it finalised and finished off (incl. the Assassin Droids changes)


    @@NumberWan is also doing a Coruscant map mod, as he feels exactly the same about the level/mission, as we do. So it'll also be interesting to see what his end product will be.

    Cerez likes this
  12. Ok, so I've recently found some motivation to get back into modding, again and was looking at improving the "Movie Duels II" mod.
    (Showcased here; http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-movie-duels

    (NOT to be confused with "Movie Battles II").

    Personally, I'm not a fan of the whole MBII being a "multiplayer experience ONLY", which is why I much prefer MD2, as it's basically MBII, with the Single Player aspect, instead of multiplayer. Now, I'm well aware that MBII uses 'OpenJK'. However, I'm not entirely sure about MD2. I seem to recall @@Plasma mentioning to me a while back, on Steam that MD2 uses a version of OpenJK (or something or other). Anyhow, I was looking to try and update the MD2 mod, myself and add in the "SFX Sabers" effect, to get the realistic movie saber trails, as I don't think the MD2 mod, uses them. From what I know, this seems to be to do with coding.. But if both MBII and MD2 use OpenJK, in some form.. Is there any way to make this happen? If anyone has any info or advice about this, it would greatly help.


  13. Ok, @@Asgarath83 & @@Cerez.. After a recent discussion with NumberWan, some new information has come to light and a fresh idea on the cards. As far as using Psyk0Sith's Jedi Hunter Droid as a replacement for the Assassin Droids that are already on the base game level, I thought about the idea of instead, using these to replace the Assassin Droids in Vader's Palace on Vjun, which would be more logical and more unusual. He was a veteran from the Clone Wars, after all. And secondly, the Vjun castle is old, so the droids might've been kept there for years.
    As for Coruscant, I was kind of thinking of preserving the Assassin Droids that are already there and their look/means of use. etc. Clumsy and freaky in design, just the kind that bounty hunters would utilise. As the production is illegal, Racto might have used old junk and metal piles to create them on Nar Shaddaa, so that could also be the reason they look ugly, too.

    I spoke with him about adding pedestrians to Coruscant (which I believe has already been done by Asgarath. If not, then should be easy enough to implement in) and perhaps add alternative Assassin Droids side-by-side with the original ones. Did you know, there was a model of the Assassin Droid, but re-purposed to be able to use standard animation and a lightsaber? That's what I've been told, anyway.

    Anyhow, lemme know your thoughts and what you think..
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