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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. Can't wait to see the in-game content @@GPChannel. Will you also be adding movie style SFX sabers? Like the one's in the "Movie Battles II" mod?
  2. Personally.. Quite interesting! It's a pretty good take, with the graphics and what not? Are you feeling this as being the final build or still playing around and trying new ideas?
  3. @GPChannel Unfortunately, this doesn't replace the default Kyle model in the Single Player campaign? Is there any chance you could include that option in the .pk3 file, so it does replace default Kyle, in the game. It would certainly come in handy for him, when you do the mission with him on Vjun, in the acid rain. Not to mention, it makes him look a lot better than his base model.
  4. Version v1.1


    Description: This mod is the "Complete Package", which includes both music replacements from my previous 2 versions (for those looking to have the 'full experience') and is heavily inspired by Anakin's turn to the Dark Side in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith', with John William's powerful "March on the Jedi Temple" and "Battle of the Heroes" soundtracks. Whilst matching up similarities with the end duel between Jaden and Kyle (provided you choose the "Dark Side" choice), I thought there was a similar scenario, after you kill Alora on Taspir III, when you basically storm the Sith Temple on Korriban and kill all the Sith Warriors, inside. Which bares resemblance to Anakin and a battalion of Clone Troops invading the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 'Revenge of the Sith', to slaughter and wipe-out the Jedi. And of course, for the purpose of accuracy, there's also an npc .pk3 file included which will allow you to spawn in Stormtroopers (if you wish to do so), so you can have your own army of troops fighting alongside you, just as the Clone Troops did for Anakin, in Ep. III. To spawn in the Stormtroopers, enter "npc spawn stormie_ep3" in the console and press enter. Then press ^ on the directional pad and enter to spawn another. Repeat process for desired number of Stormtroopers. Known Bugs: None, from what I can see so far. Comments: Like the previous two mods, in order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side". Credits: George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the powerful soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
  5. Version v1.1


    Description: Whilst matching up similarities with the end duel between Jaden and Kyle (provided you choose the "Dark Side" choice), I also found there was also a similar scenario, after you kill Alora on 'Taspir III', when you basically "storm the Sith Temple" on Korriban and kill all the Sith Warriors, inside. Which bares resemblance to Anakin and a battalion of Clone Troops storming the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 'Revenge of the Sith', to slaughter and wipe-out the Jedi. This mod includes the "March on the Jedi Temple" music replacement, that will play when you start the penultimate mission on Korriban. And of course, for the purpose of accuracy, there's also an .npc .pk3 file included which will allow you to spawn in Stormtroopers (If you wish to do so), so you can have your own army of troops fighting alongside you, just as the Clone Troops did for Anakin, in Ep. III. To spawn in the Stormtroopers, enter "npc spawn stormie_ep3" in the console and press enter. Then press ^ on the directional pad and enter to spawn another. Repeat process for desired number of Stormtroopers. Known Bugs: None, from what I can see so far. Comments: Like the previous mod, in order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side". Credits: George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the incredible soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
  6. Version v1.1


    Description: After watching Anakin & Obi-Wan's duel, on Mustafar in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith', with John William's powerful "Battle of the Heroes" soundtrack, I couldn't help but notice the similarity between Jaden and Kyle Katarn in Jedi Academy. So I thought it'd make perfect sense, to combine the two.. Considering that Obi-Wan is Anakin's teacher, as Kyle Katarn is Jaden's teacher, in Jedi Academy. This mod simply changes the music during the duel between Jaden and Kyle Katarn, when they duel at the end of the game, on Korriban in the Temple of Marka Ragnos, to be exactly like Anakin and Obi-Wan's battle in "Revenge of the Sith". If you’re looking for more Star Wars authenticity, then this mod is for you. Known Bugs: None, from what I can see so far. Comments: In order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side". Credits: George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the incredible soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
  7. Yes.. Essentially, trying or wanting to change the effects of Force Grip, as mentioned in the original post. I always thought Level 2 of Force Grip was too much like Level 3 and Level 1 is so lacklustre, it's like it isn't even worth having. And also wanting to get rid of that red glow, that's just an unnecessary effect to add on. All it really does is show the "area of effect" and shows that it's a Dark Side Force Power. Like Kyle Katarn basically says in the game; no Force power is inherently good or evil, it's how you use the power that determines the morality.
  8. Yeah, it wasn't supposed to be specifying "Force Heal", in particular. It was just showcasing the Force Powers screen and that they all have 3 levels. I was trying to find the screen that showed Force Grip, but this was the only one available on Google Images.
  9. Ok, So for a while now, there's been this running thing going, with the Force Grip in the game. I've often found the "base" Force Grip in the game, somewhat not like the real thing.. Or certainly how it is in the movies. So, with that in mind.. As we know by now, like every other Force power in the game, Force Grip has 3 different levels/stages of development.. (see below) Level/Stage 1 of the Force Grip is the basic level, that allows you to Force Grip an enemy (initially) for about 1-2 seconds, but have no control over their movement or direction and isn't really that effective, at all. This is quite underwhelming, even for the first stage of the Force Grip power. Now, personally I've always thought that Level/Stage 2 of Force Grip would be more a case of what we know and have seen from Vader, in the movies. Specifically, what Anakin/Vader did to Padme in Ep. III: RoTS (see below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3zVq-n9WHw Being a much more powerful and stronger version of Level/Stage 1 and being able to Force Grip the enemy until death or until released (with the enemy still being stationary on the ground). Again, this isn't the case with this animation, as the animation and effect is much more like what is seen with Level/Stage 3. Level/Stage 3 of Force Grip, allows you to control the movement of the enemy, by holding them up in the air and can essentially throw them around and pretty much have complete control of the enemy, until death or until they're released (This is also raises the enemy up, off the ground and allowing for control of them in mid-air). This level of Force Grip, makes sense.. As it's maxed out. Is there any way to modify this and improve these effects and animations? **Note** Also, to improve the overall visuals of the animation/s, is there a way to remove the *red glow* effect around the victim/enemy's throat and the Attacker's hands?
  10. I don't know, he probably could have done.. Why? If you have Steam, you can add him and contact him through there. Just search up the name "Plasma". His picture is of the Arsenal Football Club emblem. But I probably wouldn't waste your time asking him for other maps and requests. etc. As, if he's working on content for MBII, then he's gonna be spending a lot of his time working on those projects. I only contacted him and asked him if he could release his Starkiller Base map, once it's finished and is integrated into MBII, 'cos I thought it would be very useful in this mod.
  11. This isn't my work. This is the work (And it's still a "WiP (Work in Progress)) of one of the 'Movie Battles II' devs. I don't know the dimensions or anything about the map, as such. Only that this was found in the Online Steam Jedi Academy Screenshots library and I've contacted the creator who is working on this map. Again, THIS IS CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS.. And most likely, relatively mid-way through being completed. I don't know if this is an early build or recent build. That information wasn't specified or given.
  12. @@GPChannel Hey.. I don't know if @@Barricade24 told you, but I wanted to bring to your attention, this awesome WiP done by @@Plasma. I have him on Steam. He's one of the "Movie Battles II" devs. I was searching through screenshots on Steam for JKA and came across this map of Starkiller Base, he's currently working on for the next update (or the update after that) for "Movie Battles II" and anyway.. Long story short, I got around to asking him (via Steam) if when he releases it for MBII, if he would release it on JKHub for use, in this mod, (I told him about your Force Awakens conversion mod). And he said he probably would, once it's integrated into "Movie Battles II", so hopefully this is good news for everyone here.. That we'll hopefully, actually have a REALLY good Starkiller Base map for mods. Anyway, here's the screenshot that's saved in the Steam library (Remember, it's still a WiP)
  13. I like the overall idea.. Maybe instead of doing both symbols on the same side. You could have the Resistance emblem on one side and the First Order emblem on the other. Although, it wouldn't be a bad to toy with the idea of having characters from the movie, on the main menu screen. Like ripped from movie posters or something. Possibly in game format or something like that.
  14. Version v1.1


    This mod changes the Coruscant skybox in the Single Player mission "Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant" to look more like Coruscant from "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith". The default one looks pretty bad, as it's just black sky and stars, so this hopefully makes it a bit more accurate to the movies. If you’re a stickler for detail of Star Wars canon, this mod is for you. Known Bugs: None, from what I can see so far. Comments: None Credits: George Lucas and LucasArts for the images from "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith".
  15. @@Psyk0Sith Do you think this would work well in Single Player, on the Coruscant mission where you have to capture the Crime Lord and are faced with about 4 Droids (A replacement for each one of those Droids)? That was one of the earlier ideas I had for this mod, when I saw the most recent build. "Excellent work, my master."
  16. Also.. You know what this means, don't you.. More awesome Disney Infinity 3.0 Playsets and characters!!
  17. @dark_apprentice Maybe you can use this, to improve it even more; The "outer-blade" isn't always present and is only there, from a flickering effect. Due to the Saber's unstable crystal.
  18. Not bad, Seven.. Not bad. But the problem is, they all look pretty much the same. There's no real variation between them. It also might be helpful if you add in some more screenshots and show the different models you've done, because having all of your models in one screenshot really doesn't help. But as an improvement, I would definitely suggest varying the looks, a bit more. Mix it up a bit.
  19. Oh ok, well that should help GPChannel, in any case. The blade and glow just looks thicker and overall, better, imo. More accurate than the standard, default blade. But I haven't used the default blades in god knows how long.
  20. @@GPChannel The idea and overall look of the lightsaber blades + saber glow, I was trying to get across to you before (Not very well), is this: The blue lightsaber in the game, should resemble the same colour & glow of Obi-Wan's lightsaber, in the above picture (left). This is the same colour as Anakin/Luke/Finn/Rey's lightsaber in TFA. If you can replicate this, this would be fantastic! Hope this helps! **Note** The above image was taken from the Jedi Academy "Jedi Fighter" mod, found here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-fighter/images/jedi-fighter-beta-2-character-list#imagebox
  21. @GPChannel Any chance you could (when you get 'round to it) include SP Support for this, to replace the default Kyle in the game?
  22. Shame you can't actually get them like that in the game, then.. 'Cos they look very reminiscent of the Ep. III sabers (The movie), not to be confused with these: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1839-episode-3-blades/
  23. Rip those lightsaber blades from the game, would be my first thing. They actually look really authentic. Especially in the above image.
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