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File Comments posted by bigphil2695


       81    3

    About time someone made Boga. I blame the original game devs for someone not making this sooner. They should have put the rancor riding level in the base game, and then everyone would be making beast riding mods

    colonel-the-general likes this
  1. A friend of mine on Facebook looked this over with me, and he discovered there is an extra " by blocksound2. When I removed this the crashing issue was fixed. I have no idea if this is a specific issue for my version of openJk or if it's a widespread issue. Anyway, it's working now with no problems.

  2. I get this error a lot when using this shield. Seems to be when it's used against lightsabers



    Seemingly only when striking a lightsaber. I'll look in the ext_data to see if I can fix it. Doesn't effect hitting anything else.

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