Reiving Siege (abbreviated *rS!) is a small siege clan. As there's really no other siege clans to play against, we're pretty low-key and non-competative, and function more as a social group of people who enjoy playing siege. We promote good sieging habits on our servers (when we can fight off the pricks, that is), as well as attempting to instruct the rawer players on how to become better. We accept pretty much anybody, as long as you play siege, and are not a general douchebag. I'm a regular member, and hold the unofficial 'titles' of creepiest player and chillest player in the clan. I'm maybe of average skill for the current players, near the bottom if you include all those who have passed on from the game. Both of our founders rarely play anymore, as well as most of the better siege players out there. Nevertheless some stick around to help out, while others stay to hang out and chill with the rest of us. Interested in playing siege, and playing it better? Give us a look-see by following the link below: