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Everything posted by Delmi

  1. @@Ruxith Really appreciate it, thank you!!!
  2. Hello, I'm searching for a Saesee Tiin model. I know that there was one on JK3files for a while but I can't seem to locate it. Any one remember what I'm talking about and can point me in the direction to get it? Thanks!
  3. Someone creative could probably edit the Desann model enough to get the look you're looking for. I'd take it on, but my time is far to scarce sadly. Though, it would be neat to see. Good luck with your request!!
  4. I would love to see a updated Saesee Tiin model!!
  5. I'm not currently working on them, as a lot of my projects have sadly been put on hold. You've got a lot of them covered already, though.
  6. Give us a little bit more details. Are they Star Wars models? If not, what are they from? Many people only do requests that interests them so it's best to be a tad more specific.
  7. I've been working on a big pack of robed aliens for quite a while too so feel free to use whatever you have of mine!
  8. You need to untick the "animations" box before exporting!
  9. While a lot of those might exist, they commonly leave something to be desired. Like the Vong model :S
  10. I'm pretty sure I have them but they're in .dds form so you'd have to find a way to convert me. Let me know if you're interested.
  11. Bad news is that sadly I don't have the Dooku anymore. Good news is that it wouldn't be too hard to cook it up. I'll see what I can do in my free time. @@Circa I do have some of that older stuff, or rather newer updated versions. I might throw up a thread and see what takes people's interest.
  12. Really nice!! Been needing a nice Qui-gon for a while now.
  13. Ya that was me. Let me look through my external and see if I still have this or not.
  14. In addition to rotating the saber itself, you'll also have to fix the tags so that the player model will hold it where you want it. Also rotate the blade tag so it's not coming out the side like you said. Before opening up MD3View to export, write a .skin file for the hilt. When you open the .md3 with MD3View, go to "Import Skin..." before exporting to .glm. Pick your .skin file you made for the saber and that should fix the issue with it not recognising the skin.
  15. Odd that there isn't one actually, I'm kinda surprised that there isn't. I'd like to see a Dagobah map as well. Too bad I can't map or otherwise I'd help you out!
  16. Nice! Look forward to seeing what else you got.
  17. He's got those little chicken wings simply because you have that part of the model weighted to the wrong bone. Try playing around with the bone's influence. As for the cloaks, they can be pretty tricky to get them to deform or animate smoothly. A good think to remember is that one vert or point can be weighted up to 4 different bones in JKA. So, if the maximum effect you can have on a vert is 1.0, you should try to split it up to make in run smoothly. For example, you can do 0.25 to rfemur, 0.25 to lfemur, and then 0.50 to pelvis, which would still ultimately up to 1.0. Sadly there's no one right way to rig something, so you really have to just play around with it.
  18. Cool, thanks! Using that version fixed the problem. I got the old one from here on JKHub.
  19. Still having this same problem. Is there anyone who can help me fix this? It's getting very annoying at this point as I'd like to learn this program for JKA.
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