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Posts posted by the_raven

    1. Force Sense affects your weapon aiming.
    2. Gonks give batteries.
    3. Saber Staffs can be cut in half.
    4. Kyle Katarn is voiced by Johnny Bravo.
    5. Pull resets the countdown on charged weapons.

    1) Didn't know that, though I think I've used it at least a couple of times during my playthroughs (especially on Hoth, in JKA) :D

    2) Knew that they gave me something, but didn't understand what it was

    3) Knew it, though it almost never happened when I used a staff (and I use a staff almost all the time)

    4) Didn't know that (though I did know the same actor voiced Revan in TOR)

    5) Didn't know that


    Also, the thread's called "Top 10 things...", so where' the other 5?

  1. He's a near human alien Jedi that was doing a vow of penance during the clone wars for an unnamed reason. He had set traps for possible tresspassers, not padawan learners.


    Vader's chasing him to fulfill his rite to corrupt a kyber crystal, which he does by fighting the jedi battlemaster unnarmed.


    This is all during the first months of the Empire.

    thank you

  2. 1.) He's an alien

    2.) He's a more battle focused Jedi Master

    3.) It's a training bot because he's constantly training

    4.) In new canon Palpatine told Vader that in order to have a Sith lightsaber you have to kill a Jedi for it. Vader uses his saber for a while in the comics after he turns the crystal red.

    5.) In the final image it shows how Vader views himself

    1) But is he an actual alien, or a near-human\ sub-human?

    2) Still doesn't explain why use traps for padawans. Eh, I'll take it as a 'chaotic good' character.

    4) But then, how does Vader still use his own saber in the movies? Also, how can anyone change a crystal's color anyway?

  3. Surprising, then. Maybe it just hasn't been cracked yet by the usual people that crack games. Not sure. I'm sure it's harder to crack modern games compared to a few years ago when you could get any game cracked. With the DRM that Origin uses I'm sure they have made it difficult.


    But not sure, you make an interesting observation. I doubt it has any reason to do with the fact that it's an EA game. I can't find a lot of recent games on TPB just from a quick search myself. The first EA Battlefront isn't on there either. Perhaps nobody that is able to crack has any interest in doing it? Who knows.

    I'd imagine the main reason is the MP-exclusiveness, since even the more SP-friendly MP games, like the classic BF's, don't have many pirate servers, or players thereof - basically, it's just not worth the effort. But the ones that focus on SP, I don't know. Most likely, you're right, and it's the improved anti-piracy protection games are getting (though I did come across several articles that spoke of Denuvo finally being cracked, Rise of the Tomb Raider being one of the cracked games that uses Denuvo, but if I remember correctly, there was no proof, just the pirate group boasting about it). Another reason might be the games' size (as dg1995 mentioned), since it still takes some time to download even 20 gb, even nowadays, whereas most of these modern AAA games have ~35 at the very least - add the banning of net neutrality, which everyone is afraid will drastically slow down the internet, and it's a (not) pretty picture.

    Circa likes this
  4. My gods, the guy in the last video has an annoying voice! :angry::


    As to the topic, personally, I never understood the point of these battle simulator games. I mean, if you want to play model soldiers - like those green ones we all (most of us?) had as children - it can be fun, especially when you have different open-air maps like town, castle, factory, ship, etc., with platforms and levels of different heights, but most of these simulators only offer one plain map with the occasional trees and boulders littered about, and the A.I.'s are generally pretty weak too. I just can't see the point. :(

    Still, I suppose a proper Star Wars battle simulator could work (for ground battles at least). Methinks that since someone could make a classic fighting game in JKA (Jedi Fighter), something like this should be quite possible. Way I see it, it could be a custom game .exe with its own menu; maybe take the spectator mode from MP, and add some spawning menu from one of those other mods (sorry, can't remember what mods had them), and add a 'start\ stop' and 'victory\ defeat' commands and\ or triggers. Maybe even have the possibility to switch between npc and bot A.I.'s.

    Yeah, technically, if one has the programming knowledge, if should be fairly easy to make. All one really needs is motivation. -_-

  5. I haven't read the comic (I don't follow comics actually), so I have a bunch of questions:

    1. Why is the Jedi gray-skinned? He's not human, I take it? Or is it just the 'lighting'?
    2. Why is he setting up traps for Padawans? That part of their training, or is he a 'chaotically-good' kind of character?
    3. Is that a training bot, or an assassin bot?
    4. Did Vader take his lightsaber for himself, or was there some reason for it?
    5. What's the post-impressionist character in the final image?

    I'm not afraid of spoilers, nor am I going to look up the comic, I'm just curious. If spoilers are a problem for others, please PM me. Thanks in advance!



    As to the request, it should be fairly simple to make, provided you have a good model to retexture, and have some skill.

    bigphil2695 likes this
  6. For .. (i am sorry but) fuck sake . I know that this is again - another rant about ports and another rant about the porting stuff to the jedi academy .... This time i cant shut up. 


    I check jkhub everyday and i see at least one topic about port - port from battlefront, port from force unleashed.. port from force arena .. the list goes on.... I remember the times when under the every model for this game .. there was author in the credits. Sometimes two or three of them (you understand what i mean).  But i knew that model that i am looking at or the model that i take and put in my base folder - is 100% work from scratch.. The Jk2-jk3 communities specially modding communities were huge and they created ton of amazing inspiring and cool models,maps,textures and even sp /mp modifications (huge modifications). What is just beyond me .. that at these times many programs and possibilities were MUCH MUCH lower and it was harder to even make something like this - These models were ... hell hard to made i believe. For Jk2 some models were so hard to make that textures on the model was a goddamn pain.. There were no possibilities like now to change the scale of uvlayouts or even edit them .. It was.. very hard to do it the nutshell (very f@cking hard...)


    Now i see - ports .. ports everywhere .. and many discussions about is this good or bad? Or maybe is it ok when most of people dont have time for making original and work from scratch models.. Like i am sorry but for me (and i may sound like a prick and rude ) making models with ports and used models because there is no time to make something from scratch - is not excuse for me to kill originality of this game and the past modding community that made a ton of a lot models from scratch.. with heart and love to modding and game and star wars in general


    .. Even skins that looked funny or dumb but many artists made so amazing looking skins that they looked completely diffrent.. like a goddamn make up. Simple changes. 


    this is most important -> I will not stop people from making these and i dont have rights and most importantly - i dont have will .. i dont want to .. to make people stop putting requests,wips or even topics. You love this game and you want to put something that you like.


    But i will only.. recommend one thing - Keep.. the orignality alive before it is too late. If You are taking a model from diffrent game .. completelty. JUST ADD SOMETHING original.. not just copy paste .. with shadless textures or bad weightning technique or crappy looking shaders that were made in the second.. to make.. him.. glow or something... 



    This is sad for me and i am not longer happy from what i am see in our forum sections. I just want to say that for me .. this entire porting-modding is taking a bad path

    Sounds like something that should be on the starting page, eh? :rolleyes:

  7. I don't know whether you played the game or not but slashing with your sword in Rising felt more satisfying since you could cut almost through everything in every way you wanted to. I mean sure, the JK has great combat system but swinging the lightsaber just doesn't feel as interactive as using the blade mode in Rising to cut objects and enemies freely as you wish to. I don't mean to derail the topic, but imo the JK combat system could be polished a little better.

    I haven't played Rising (in fact, I can't even find it, is that the game's full name?).

    What I think of the combat system in JKA, well, 1) I disliked how the saber's been nerfed - you know, no proper dismemberment or one-hit-kills (even compared to JO! I see the point of it, but still); 2) it does have its weak spots (as I already mentioned, it's silly that the floor stabbing animation doesn't always toggle when you're attacking a lying-on-the-floor enemy), like the high-chop animation being restricted to the red style, and again, not always toggling when attacking and jumping, or not being able to kick with a single saber (without mods or other edits), etc. As to how natural the handling feels, I always thought that it's because the 'blade' isn't a hard object (you know, like a bat? but yeah, that's a lame excuse).

    When it comes to regular swords in JKA, their blades are always misdirected. With a lightsaber it's not an issue because it's 'blade' can cut in any direction (theoretically)(and the 'blade' itself is cylindrical anyway), but with an actual sword - the sharp edge of the blade (the cutting one, in case it's a sword and not a saber) is always pointing to the left in vanilla yellow stance, it just looks stupid.


    It has a great combat system, but the blade mode is one stationary mode, and in JKA, the swordplay is one of the best, ever, like, in any game, its just fantastic.


    You can go just as fast as in Rising, and then faster still, and you still have set animations, whereas this game can be customized to its utmost fullest.

    What do you think of Mount and Blade's combat system? It's simplistic, yeah, but they say it uses good physics, is well-scripted (in regards to the player character's stats), and actually takes a lot of practice to master (this much I know for a fact)

  8. Ok, we're all happy for Langerd for winning the Halloween contest, but it's already been X-mas and New Year, but the frontpage hasn't been updated.

    Yes, the holidays have passed, and no point in updating it now, but timely updates would still be nice, if anything. And yes, I know the admins are busy with their own lives, but it's something that we, as regular members actually can't do.

    Just a piece of my mind. -_-

  9. Ok, right now, I don't have the time to read the whole op and discussion, but by skimming through it, I gathered it has something to do with non-Star Wars sword-fighting characters being a rarity among JKA mods? If so, then I actually spoke my mind in a different topic, though I was talking about lack of modern non-Star Wars content in general, but most people brushed me off because...

    It's a Star Wars game, and it's a Star Wars fan and modding community

    Anyway, if I'm missing the point, I'll write again later.

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