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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. If I might ask, which map were you planning on cutting something out of, and what part of it?

    Well, there were two actually. First one was Vjun3 (was it 3?), the starting area - the huge room you jump into once you get out of the hole at the beginning of the level.

    The second was one of the areas from the Coruscant Jedi Temple, but then I remembered that that area is a standalone map in KOTF already, so no need for it - this was just for personal use, no uploading anywhere.

  2. How is it that you couldn't figure out which files were what? Every map is sorted into its own PK3 file :D

    Which maps did you want?

    Well, I tried getting the Naboo Throne Room map file, but apparently, it didn't have all the necessary files inside the pk3 itself - it just wouldn't show in the non-KOTF JAMP list of maps.

    I want the 'Ep2 Duel Jedi Temple' for now.


    I wonder though, where do I get some of the maps/ models/ hilts from KOTF that are not uploaded to jkhub?

  3. Hello!

    I'd like to ask someone to make me a model (or link me if it already exists, or something close to it)


    Here's the image of the model i'm requesting, if possible!




    If by any means there's something not that clear on how to make it, pm me or post it here and i'll try helping on how it should look like.

    OBS: The model doesn't have to look 100% like, but it should go on the same way, if you get me.TtbQ4KZ.png



    Can it be made? Does someone wants to make it? Please?! :D:(

    Who is that supposed to be then? :huh:

    Siegfried likes this
  4. Well, it technically is if you want to decompile the map in question to extract that piece of map, although by now everyone and their mother decompiled some maps (like that MBII CMP facility map which is a port of t2_dpred). Otherwise you'll need the original .map file, open it up in Radiant and copy-paste the piece you want.


    Another alternative would be to look carefully at the geometry and simply attempt to replicate it, but it's quite difficult.

    Thanks for the reply. Sounds like something that's beyond me, at least, at this point :(

  5. Note: couldn't think of a better topic name >.<

    Anyway, I'm rewarching the prequels right now and some issues concerning the law rise with me. For one, the Jedi keep making decisions that somehow outrank the official police forces on different planets (mostly Republic planets, but not necessarily), and sometimes, even of the planetary, or local rulers. For another, namely in AotC we see how Anakin highjacks an airspeder, how they crash the assassin's speeder in the middle of a street, how they even cut the assassin's hand in the club, but after Anakin says 'we are Jedi', everyone calms down; heck, the assassin dies during interrogation, but they just go about their business, no police investigations or anything!
    Throughout the films we see how Yoda and Windu are unsatisfied with how the Senate Palpatine keeps meddling in their affairs and arguing with their decisions - this can be understood for the internal Jedi affairs, but not in general - and at that point they didn't yet know he was a Sith Lord, just that he was (supposedly?) difficult to read.
    The Jedi have enough authority to perform arrests, to interrogate, to hold in captivity, and to carry a highly dangerous weapon, but none of this is something a religious figure should have, right? (unles you're a catholic in medieval Europe) Still, unlike the inquisitions, they don't performs acts of mass terror (thanks for that at least). There are many other examples in the EU, at least in the old one, where the Jedi outrank the political and legal authorities.
    I just can't understand how and why a monastic religious organization in a liberal democracy gets to have so much legal and even political authority, because they're clearly above your average 'citizen's arrest' and 'lobby group' kind of crowd.

    Droidy365 likes this
  6. Antialiasing is a setting in your graphics card control panel. But if you only use onboard graphics then you might not have an option for it. Either look around in your GPU panel for the option or google where to find it for your brand.

    Ok. So does it respond for the jeggedness of models?

  7. I keep looking through the visual settings (all the tabs), but there's nothing to suggest smoothing the surfaces (then again, I don't know what antialising and things like that mean). It's a minor issue, but it makes the game a bit visually unappealing. You can understand. All those jagged models...


    Note: My game looks better than in this picture, it's just an example (that I found on the internet) of the jaggedness of which I'm talking about.

    I just can't figure out how to upload my own pictures to the site :(

  8. Basically, I want to know how I can fix these blasted settings:

    • In Duel mode you never start as one of the first duelists, instead, you have to wait for the whole list of players/ bots to duel.
    • In PowerDuel you're always assigned to 'paired' by default.
    • In TFFA you're always assigned to Blue team by default.


    How do I change these so that:

    • In Duel, you start earlier.
    • In PowerDuel you spawn as 'single' by default.
    • In TFFA you're assigned to Red team by default.


    It's a small annoyance, but I still want to change it.

    Thank you.

  9. Jose Carlos released a model for that back in February. Assuming that he were okay with it, you could replicate the Dark Saber into various different colour schemes like this:






    That's just a rough example. If you took the time, you could get a better result with the colouring. :)

    Well, based on what's written on the mod page, editing the file without Jose's consent is not permitted. Still, for personal use, it's generally acceptable, as far as I know. We should ask him, maybe he'd actually be willing to do it? :huh::rolleyes:

  10. I think it's a script or a trigger (if such even exist in q3 engine), because making a random npc file is simple. As far as I can figure, the maps themselves are pre-scripted to spawn certain npc files in certain areas, so unles you can figure out how to write and assign those to the maps you want, you (and the rest of us) are out of luck. This should be fairly easy too though, if you know coding and stuff.

    bigphil2695 likes this
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