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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. You can edit character.menu in the UI folder of assets1.pk3. It contains the code for the character selection screen. I guess you can look for examples of sliders in other .menu files and add one to character.menu so that you can manually rotate the character.


    And don't worry about swearing:


    What do I need to open .menu files? If I remember correctly, they can't be opened with a simple notepad?

  2. You know how it is, you select a model in character creation, and it keeps rotating, so you can't see the whole model on your own terms, and have to wait for it to do a full 360. It's really a bitch when you have several models and want to check them all out, you know?

    I would like something similar to what @@redsaurus is doing/ did for JK:E:


    Note: Bitch isn't a swear word, or at least, it's admissible.

  3. The models themselves are not jagged. You are running the game at a comparatively low resolution from the look of your screenshot there.

    This causes pixelated, "jaggy" edges along the contours of objects in the game. Even with high resoltuions this is still a thing.

    Anti Aliasing is used to smooth those pixelated ages: here's a quick explanation of what it is and what it does:

    Thanks for explaining, and the video.

    The screen is not from my game, I just found the screen on the internet to show what I meant. I would post my own screenshot, but I don't know how to add a pic from the computer to the forum here.

  4. Most of those "duplicate slots" is caused because different versions of the same model. For example. the Starkiller Jedi Adventurer robe file includes 2 versions, one for SP with Custom Animations (that is the one that looks as if it walks faster in the menu selection) and one for MP with standard animations.


    You can go to https://jkhub.org/files/file/2876-galen-marek-jedi-adventure-robes/?st=50#commentsStart and read all the messages for a full explanation.

    Ah, thank you. Does this apply to the vanilla Jaden skins as well?

  5. ...that are basically repeated. I think they only become visible with JA++ or such mods, but they're there. These skins are mostly the vanilla Jaden skins, but for some reason, there's two of each variation (two for Twilek, two for Rodian, etc.), and they differ in nothing at all.

    Likewise, some of the skins created by the community here (mainly the Starkiller Jedi Adventurer robe) also have several slots, the only difference between them being the walking animation as the skin appears in the preview - one skin walks faster. In the .pk3 these additional slots are caused by the 'mp' folder in the 'models' folder, but then I ask - why? The "single" skin works just fine.

    Can anyone explain the purpose of the second, third, etc. slots?

  6. Namely, TFU1: Ultimate Sith Edition.

    In TFU, you have the Jedi holocrons that you need to collect as a side task on each level, and they give you lightsaber crystals, costumes, and upgrade and style points. That much is clear. But what's the purpose of the holocrons in Ultimate Sith Edition? When you start the Hoth or Tattooine levels, you already have all the stats maxed out, and all the crystals and costumes unlocked, so what's the point of collecting them other than some points? Do they give anything else?

  7. At the time which you are describing, the Jedi Order was fairly institutionalized into the Galactic Senate as almost... their personal stewards (or army, in some instances, before the clones). They answered to the Supreme Chancellor so were likely given a wide berth in carrying out their activities by local law enforcement. I think they were even written into the Republic Charter as a division of the Department of Justice. So imagine, for example, what would you do if you were a street cop and you got called to a disturbance and it was revealed that the Secret Service was there doing some arrest or operation?



    In the scene you're describing, though, I believe those airspeeders belonged to Padme's protection detail. They were parked right outside her apartment, sported the yellow Naboo-ish type theme, and Anakin started it right up without having to 'hotwire' it or whatever. And then, it looks like their pursuit didn't exactly terminate in an amazing part of town. I highly doubt the average beat cop was in a hurry to respond to a speeder crash with no injuries in the ghetto. They probably got there an hour later, impounded the stolen speeder, and contacted the registered owner. (I mean, cmon, surely Zam didn't use her own speeder to carry out a hit.)


    Everything they did was justified. Hot pursuit of an attempted murder suspect (on a government official no less!), terminating the pursuit by forcing Zam to land, and then sabering her arm off when she pointed a gun at them (that authorizes deadly force.). The only really questionable thing that happens is yes, Zam technically dies in their custody, so they’ve got some ‘splaining to do. But Jedi probably deliver their evidence and reports directly to the Senate and Courts. And they had evidence enough to clear them of any wrongdoing in Zam’s untimely demise.


    This minutia just isn't interesting enough to portray on the big screen obviously lol. I did laugh when Finn got tasered for Illegal Parking in episode 8 though... that seemed a bit harsh.


    Overall, I guess you could ask how the Order got to be in such an institutionalized position. Their power and wisdom would be invaluable to the state government. And, before the negative shift of opinion brought about by Palpatine and the Clone Wars, the Order was widely held in high regard by the honest citizen and those that held religious beliefs about the Force, but weren't necessarily Force Sensitive.


    In the EU there are times the government and the Jedi Order butt heads when it comes to the law. The biggest instance that comes to mind is when Natasi Daala is elected Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, she challenges the Order's lawful authority and involvement in government.


    But, in the time period you mention, whether you hold them in high regard or ambivalence, you can't ignore that they are backed up by the Galactic Government so you just kinda got to let them do what they do best; Slice people's arms off and then tell you to get back to your drink.


    Finally, if you don’t like something they did, you can always call Bob Goldstein,


    Fair points, I suppose, though I never heard it anywhere that the Jedi were an institutionalized govt. organization. Eh, the more you learn. :rolleyes:


    'At last, we will have our revenge!' - that was goldstein! :D

    RebelChum likes this
  8. Hello everyone! I'm new here, as a registered member, but not so new as a visitor.

    So anyway I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right category, but I've searched, googled all over the place and couldn't find a solution.

    I've recently imported JO into JA with this: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1860-jedi-academy-outcast/

    And thought I could update the old skins with the ones found here:




    So the Luke, Kyle, Lando etc skins look fine when playing, but in cutscenes they're all messed up, cuz of the new model.glm animations not compatible with the old JO game, as far as I can tell.

    I've tried to find a solution for this, like an animation, glm converter, but with no luck.

    Can I still somehow use the new skins in SP JO game mod for JA?

    Btw look at what I mean :D

    Why not just take the JO model.glm and replace the model.glm provided by the JA models? :huh:

    Also, that video's funny, it's like Kyle and Luke are doing a battle in interpretative dance :D

    Reminded me of this:

    (sorry about the quality, couldn't find a better video  <_< )

    RobiWanKen0bi likes this
  9. First time I saw anything like this! :D

    It's a shot in the dark, but maybe there's some kind of faulty connection in the code? Like the code that 'stops' the previous level and loads up the next one. Maybe it starts to load the next map, but can't finish the task because of that gap or error or whatnot? :huh:

  10. I think I once tried assigning the shadowtrooper class to other npcs to make them invisible, but I don't remember them dropping crystals on death. Not sure if they even became invisible at that :|

    Look in the code of the game. I think it is for npc class shadowtrooper. Make new npc with this class and check if crystal is dropped or not The crystal is as i remember correctly called item_force.

    I think it is like for npcs - you must set many things in the npc file right to make it to work. The best way - copy npc file of shadowtrooper change nodel to kyle and change the name and spawn it

    I remember because i wanted to make a bonus in my arena mod - to give player this crystal or spawn it. Sadly i couldnt do it. There is no good description for this item and i couldnt set the count of spawned crystals.

  11. Ok, so imagine this? I had a dream about JKA! :lol:

    In this dream, I saw this really surreal map, it was all purple, gray, and orange. The setting was something like Bespin, but the walls were like in Palpatine's office, but purple, and there were those Tibana gas tanks (skyboxes?) and giant windows with red (or blue Vjun Sentinel?) forcefields instead of glass. The floor was simple gray/ silver. You'd spawn inside a ship of a sort (looks like the alien ship from Prometheus) that's stuck in a hole in the floor (kinda like the Outrider in that old JO map of Malachor, or the Ebon Hawk - pictures below). The ship's interior was kinda like the Outrider, but somewhat more spacious. You could get out by jumping up a hatch, or down into the bottomless pit, though that would obviously kill you. The map also had corridors, several levels (not like 'proper' levels, more like simple elevations that you could reach by walking up ramps) and imperials (Stormies, Stofficers, and Imp-officers) running around.

    Yeah, that's a messy description, and I doubt anyone's gonna make it, but stranger things have happened. :shifty:




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