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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. You said as long as they release their source code, but how restrictive is the whole no use of original assets deal? Is it expected that people make all their own animations for their stand alone games and nothing can be reused?
  2. Code mod would be necessary since there isn't any current AI that will move underwater in such a way.
  3. I'm pretty confident without being a coder it should be possible, seen other model viewers that were capable of rendering shaders in real time, like normal maps and such.
  4. Check the tags on the gun model itself, they may be messed up, it's an easy fix.
  5. Hopefully NPCs will behave as they do in SP soon, bots are so dumb and unchallenging to fight.
  6. http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=3614899&cid=43357479
  7. Rich may even help you out if you ask, he responds to emails.
  8. I'm hoping to see a flood of new players and modders, would be awesome.
  9. ^It would break MP, unless someone removed the restrictions that all characters must use the same skeleton, JK2 and JA have different skeletons for the player models.
  10. You know theres still a chance of that game being produced right? Disney more than likely has it and is just asking around to game studios to see if anyone wants to pick it back up, if no one cares then it'll die.
  11. ^No becuase you'd have to close down all religious instutions too.
  12. Looks like he has something sour in his mouth...
  13. I think the tool that can really be a lot better if updated is Radiant, I'm always reading about people using all kinds of different versions. Why not just make a end all be all version that uses up less resources and can take full advantage of x64 OS's?
  14. I had a feeling Mike Gummelt was gonna drop by eventually, you can even see those files being used for screenshots of my old Star Viper vehicle. You should submit both Asteroids and Siege Destroyer on this site, the bad thing about Gamefront is that it blocks a lot of countries, one of the main reasons for the relocation of the JK commumity.
  15. I normally don't even read/watch the news, ignorance is bliss, especially judging by the things people talk about at work that seem to stress them out. =p
  16. Holy shit we made it all the way to NBC news?! JK modding community could possibly boom from all this coverage of the JK games source release. *crosses fingers*
  17. It's no fun story wise, you know how it ends, better to make side stories of events that are spoken of in the movies but not shown, like Shadows of the Empire for instance. Yeah I'd like to see some updates to the Assimilate program, mainly just automated .skin file generation to work properly. Also reworking carcass so that it accepts dotXSI 6.0 files, that way all versions of Softimage, 3ds Max and Maya will be able to be used for modeling and animation as they once were back in the day.
  18. XBOX had more than a few buttons, I've played tablet games and I just don't see how you could make the controls work and like eezstreet said, the performance isn't good enough to run the game as it is, you'd have to remake all the models, maps and textures into a lower resolution, no ones going to do that.
  19. Why are people interested in this so much? Even if the iPad could run it visually it would take so much modification to make it work with touch and swipe it wouldn't even be the same game. The JK games are what they are mainly because of the unique saber combat that isn't found in other games, I don't see how you could possibly emulate it on something that doesn't have as many keys or ways of input. It'd be like trying to put x-wing alliance on a PSP, there just aren't enough buttons to even fly the ship.
  20. ^I had a feeling you were wanting to get into modding the console version since you did the same with SWBF2, though to me console versions seemed very limited as to what you could do but perhaps it's more of a challenge. I play too much MP to be interested in console though, PC games always have the best multiplayer, way more player slots equals more fun.
  21. ^I knew, like I said, you're a bit late to the party, in lugormod they expanded the force powers up to level 7 allowing for you to eventually (with leveling and skill points) learn the desann and tavion styles. First used them on others in MP about 6 years ago maybe?
  22. ^It can still be released, another developer will just have to pick it back up.
  23. What's up with people and scratched discs? You guys must not take very good care of your belongings, I have original PS and PC games from the time of release and they're still flawless.
  24. The ability to add new styles and also new guns is just gnarly to even think about, it's finally possible. I'd love to animate some new styles.
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