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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Thanks since I plan on eventually finishing my character exporting series and redoing all the links every time I add a new part is annoying.
  2. Whenever I'm in the edit mode all youtube videos and my content links disappear and if I save they're just flat out gone.
  3. Don't know if the mods are aware of this but say if I edit a tutorial with embedded youtube links or even my content links from this site once you click on the edit button every embedded link breaks causing you to have to redo them all every time you make a small edit. Would be nice if this could be fixed since I'm constantly editing the Softimage tutorial to add new stuff.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dr-xcyLqC8 Still one of the best metal songs and albums of all time.
  5. Yeah, I'm already liking the population density but I feel we could have even more civilians since it is a densely populated planet.
  6. ^I was thinking exactly that when playing the latest demo, we really could use all the little screens and loading screens that show in between levels to really make it feel less like playing JA and more like playing DF2.
  7. Nice, wanna job with the DF2 mod Szico? =p
  8. Well we just thought it would be a good old+new mix on things, old as in it's Qu Rahns saber and new as in using the JK2 pointer. I like it, it's got a good blend of old and new. I'm also liking that it's already formatted in widescreen since IMO, we shouldn't even bother with 4:3 images for menus, load screens or cinematics since no ones using a square monitor anymore these days. You should make it higher resolution though, my monitor resolution isn't even high (1600x900) and it's still fits easily within my monitor with plenty of space. True PC gamers run high screen resolutions, we wouldn't want the menus to look low resolution because they'd be stretched to fit.
  9. That would probably work ok, it actually doesn't seem bad as it is now using the existing NPC's and Jaden variants. Although to make it feel closer to a stand alone game maybe some new models would be nice, they wouldn't even have to look like the old DF2 ones, just random people.
  10. Well don't know if you've played the original DF2 but it just had melee, it's not really heavily used, just last resort and there were NPC's that used it.
  11. ^That can easily be fixed, you forgot about my awesome character rig for Softimage? Makes making new animations easy.
  12. I used to not like G2 format but honestly after doing some things like making my character rig and some other custom animations it's really not that bad. The only real problem is there isn't a really good way to reverse compile it other than using Blender which getting people to leave their preferred software for a file format isn't going to happen.
  13. I was just going to mention that you wrote a force power tutorial, I'm pretty confident we can pull it off DT, just use the concussion as a base since that's nearly exactly how the power behaves in DF2.
  14. After playing through the most recent I'm gonna say maybe some of the melee Gran that you took out should be put back, those guys are a challenge since they do a lot of damage and I wouldn't want to make the game too easy. As far as the other thing that was mentioned in another thread, how do the ammo pickups compare with the original game? Maybe I'm just good at conserving ammo by jumping out from around a corner and landing charged head shots but it would be nice to make the game so that ammo must be conserved. Maybe as far as the shields go we could do like the original game and have more small shield boosters rather than having big ones, I don't remember the original DF2 having any large shield boosters, maybe 1 or 2 as hidden items in every other level. I think the map also really needs a sky as well as some sort of tricked perception of depth like when you look down over a ledge, make the fall seem like miles. The sky shouldn't really be just black, I think we should look at KotOR 2 some as far as the sky, have a skybox with buildings and give the skyline a 'glow' similar to when you look out over an urban area and see the glow on the horizon from all the lights.
  15. That's fine, I'm mostly that way, I usually wont show a model until it's more than half done before I post about it then 1 update before it's done.
  16. I would be interested but I'm trying not to distract myself from the DF2 mod since I do so enjoy working with custom animations and control rigs. It seems these days I'm probably the only one left doing these sort of things when it comes to NPC's with custom skeleton and animation sets. Jedi Moves was a good site, actually had a few really good models I never saw for download anywhere else.
  17. No, not just because I'm not a fan of the series but mostly because I have way too much on my plate to even make a small adjustment like that. At the moment I'm still trying to work out the "shoulders" as far as control rig, I pretty much want to be able to grab 1 control object at the first large leg joint, be able to move it and have the "shoulders" move properly. If you look at the model in 3d you'll see what I mean, the joints at each end are similar to a u-joint on say a propeller shaft on a FR layout car. I MAY however release this model as a pure, unaltered Softimage scene file for others to use as learning material on how to get models with custom skeletons and animations in game that are a little more complex than an x-wing with landing gear. Making a non humanoid NPC is pretty much the same.
  18. No one plans to release anything so it's like the most pointless question to ask on a modding forum since everything is made at our leisure, it'll be done when it gets done, whenever that is.
  19. Going crazy trying to solve the U-joints on the AT-ST with a 1 controller does all rig for the "shoulder"

  20. Actually skin files can point to both, an example of this can be seen with the models caps, the skin file on all the base models actually points to a line in a shader file, not a specific shader file itself but a line within one. I'm sure you all have noticed that there is no caps.tga in the stormtrooper folder. models/players/stormtrooper/caps //this is what the skin file points to, an image the game makes by layering 2 together { q3map_nolightmap { map textures/common/caps //actual image file for the caps } { map textures/common/caps_glow //actual image file for the caps blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen wave noise 1 0.5 0 2 } } Instead of all this guess work why not post either the pk3 or some pictures since I'm certain your problem is super simple.
  21. Well reguardless, I'd like this thread to stay open, I still REALLY want a MD3 import/export add on for Softimage. I want to avoid using 3rd party software to convert files.
  22. Going to spend the day learning ZBrush

    1. ChalklYne


      Awesome. It's a bit weird at first, especially navigation, but you will get used to it.

    2. NumberWan


      Planning to do that as well.

  23. Makes me wonder if Raven had a tool to do such a thing since you have animated MD3 models in the base game and they just never released it. Would still be bad ass to have a real MD3 exporter from Softimage that even supported vertex animation via plotting so that you could use bones and envelope weights for speed.
  24. That's a tough one, there was no boss in the original game, we'd have to really sit and think if the bosses of the original game (dark jedi) are enough. Perhaps remove it and keep only the original level boss line up but make them much more challenging than the original game. I'm thinking like say Sariss=JK2 Tavion, Jerec=JK2 Desann, Boc=Alora 2nd fight, Yun=Hard Reborn, Gorc, Pic and Maw may need to be totally unique though. Too bad 8t88 couldn't be the boss, it wouldn't match up with the cutscenes.
  25. Yeah, just figured if we were gonna give him a better proportioned skeleton why not just make a new model altogether but that is a lot of work too. I might just heavily modify his to have better general proportions since it was modeled to fit the JA skeleton. No matter what happens the hands are going in the garbage, the recycled base hands look dumb on this model.
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