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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. This new trilogy isn't going to follow the same theme as the 6 before it, the 6 films before it were all about the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. The other characters are just there to give more depth to the story. The only characters that are in all 6 of the original films are Anakin, Obi-Wan and the droids. The problem with this new trilogy I foresee is that it's going to be a different person writing each one which may make for some odd points that don't quite match up. TFA wasn't as terrible as you suggest @@Cerez but it definitely isn't better than the originals, it's mostly a nolstalgia trip for people like me who remember the original originals. Rogue one was good, the story didn't contradict anything and I like how they didn't tamper with things like they did in TFA. I mean TFA changed lightsaber sounds FFS. I'm surprised you like the CW series so much when literally none of it matches up with the movies. The 2d animated version made by Genndy Tartakovsky did a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better job of filling the gap between episode 2 and 3.
  2. Holy cow Maya's interface is super cluttered and bloated. I would like to see though a dotXSI 3.x plugin made just to give people more options but I don't think they even offer the PLE version anymore which is why Autodesk is just going down the shitter.
  3. How do you expect to make 4 arms work? Someone would have to make custom animations for him.
  4. Yeah, the standard walk had this but I guess I never did it for the crouch, I've fixed that. I'm making notes on all the swings needed and how the naming works for them, I've got the games acronyms for the swings figured out.
  5. Yeah, I didn't think about the spine until just now. Your confusing terms, the null skeleton is just that, you guys don't have my actual rig. I need to know if I need to change the local transforms of any of the bones in the spine to make the character look and bend over properly when the crosshairs are aimed at the floor. I'm using a shadow rig, the nulls are just a game skeleton that accepts the plotted fcurves on export. There is a another skeleton laid over that with full IK and controls that the nulls are bound to. I wouldn't export an actual SI skeleton, the IK chain heirarchy doesn't match up with the simple FK parent/child chains that JA uses. This is why I said using the CS biped as your actual bones is dumb and using it as a shadow rig would let you add controllers to the CS biped if you wanted. I'm still not interested in using any JA base animations, there is enough recycled content around, don't need any more, I want to actually make something.
  6. What do you mean? Rotation in the hips? At full stride the hips should twist in the opposite direction of the torso but the way you word it makes it sound like they should twist in the same direction when my hips don't do that. Yes, I act out my animations before and as I'm making them LOL.
  7. I've been thinking of going back but the thing is I want to come up with a collision setup to fully automate the motions of the flaps. The upper body twists with each step, I could increase it.
  8. The DF2 mod is picking up in terms of models and animations but we really need mappers. If you're interetsed PM one of the members!

  9. Can you give a list of the orientations, I may not have the spine bones oriented correctly.
  10. I actually have a model that is UV mapped that I made with no textures. It's kinda old and I feel like it could be better.
  11. I'm taking this list and making a animation.cfg file using these with the _humanoid.gla so I can get an idea of what each one is and making my own notes. I left out the running animations. I've got all of the core but the strafe which shouldn't take long, a few blocks, some force powers which aren't listed, the legs are quick and easy and I'll be starting on the swings soon. I think a lot of these are also "blend" animations that reference frames that are used in the core swing sequences so that makes the list a little shorter. I'm not sure what to do about the "special" or kata move, I personally never liked them and would rather them be removed from the game but it's your call. The only use they have is when some dummy comes into a server, uses it because it's how he beat the SP game but quickly realizes how open it leaves them as they're taken apart by a regular MP player.
  12. They are limited, and bones are just part of what you can do to make a custom rig, mine include IK chains, nulls, curves, implicit objects and polymeshes. I've seen custom rigs in 3DS Max that make those preset bipeds look like FK animation in Dragon. You forget, I used to use max, I know all about the CS bipeds, I used to use Keshire's that he made that was a shadow rig with the JA skeleton as dummy objects that received the plotted motions. The Max 4 or 5 (I can't remember which) file is probably floating around the net somewhere but I may have in on another HDD. To the second part after the quote, well duh. There isn't a single bit of animation on my null skeletons, they just receive the plotted motions from shadowing the rig on export. If the CS biped can't get a good result without animating the nulls that the model is weighed to that will be the game skeleton then it isn't a very good solution. Using the biped as the game exported skeleton is what's not going to work that great. You wont get the local transform values you need and the heirarchy of the biped I'm almost certain varies from the hierarchy the game uses for say a player model. A custom NPC you can arrange the bones however you want but rearranging the biped I'm almost certain will keep it from working the way it was meant to.
  13. I don't see how using shadow rigs is limiting, you just simply pose constrain the nulls to the biped then plot the animation on export. Every 3d forum I visit game artists use shadow rigs, I'm sorry but saying it's the less ideal solution is flat out wrong. When using custom custom rigs especially you can arrange the hierarchy how you need to get the rig to move in ways that require animating fewer controllers and automating certain movements. For instance, moving the hip controller should NOT move the entire character like it would by just simply moving the game skeleton hip object. It should however let the character crouch because the feet controls are NOT child to the hips or any of the leg bones but under a move all control. My rigs also do NOT have the same local orientation as the FK game skeleton nulls, in SI we use the constraint compensation option to allow the driven target to retain it's local transforms rather than inheriting them from the driving source. This is how I was able to fix the issue with the AT-ST's feet, I simply removed the pose constraint on the talus bones, removed the envelope, rotated the bone, redid the envelope, applied a pose constraint and exported plotting the same animations with no need to touch anything else. It literally was a super quick fix.
  14. I must have forgotten to update the AT-ST file, it shouldn't crash in base JK2 when shooting at it, I fixed that by adding more LOD's since the game computes weapon collision by using the lowest detail LOD. I'll update the file.
  15. Yeah, when it comes to games you never want to directly weigh a character to a biped rig, you'll only limit yourself with how you can arrange the hierarchy so that it can work in game otherwise you'll have problems. You also lose a lot of control and freedom over how the rig drives the character.
  16. I'm just trying to solve the finger controls, I might just make a synoptic view that has a bunch of buttons to put the hands in different poses as well as maybe some sliders that control individual finger curl.
  17. Cool stuff going on in here, I'll try to have that revised rig ready for you possibly the start of next week.
  18. You probably aren't getting any feedback because there are so few modelers here now a days. Blender users really just run chop shops, I've had people here and there ask about Softimage, mainly just for animating and the only people I know of using Max are you, Psyk0, DT and Ashura.
  19. Updating the _humanoid rig, good thing I never took the BETA tag off of it.

    1. Noodle


      Can't wait to test it.

  20. Oh, Mod Tool can do WAY more https://jkhub.org/files/file/2812-high-resolution-at-st/ https://jkhub.org/topic/8761-gorc-custom-animation-set/page-2?do=findComment&comment=126691 2 examples for you of my recent stuff. But, one problem exists, you have to use something like Noesis to convert from something that Mod Tool exports to MD3 then use MD3View to convert to GLM to create a saber since Softimage mainly deals with the format that the games animated models use. I have a feeling Raven artists used MS3D for a lot of the MD3 and static objects since it's a quake engine and MS3D was aimed at that engine. For IK bone animation they needed XSI. You could try Blender but the interface is a total dumpster fire and I don't think it has a good of a node based programming solution that can compete with ICE in Softimage. I'm still trying to find out who I have to jerk off around here to get a MD3 plugin made...
  21. Yeah, that would be good since every character has a flourish animation. @@DT85 if you have Mod Tool still installed I can send the scene to you to look at if you want since trying to bring it into another software you'd lose the rig.
  22. I'm not sure really, they normally just stand over you and look down but I bet something could be done. I think it's just the angle you're looking at, if you saw it straight on you'd see that his hips tilt up with the leg he's lifting as well as centering his weight over the foot that is one the ground for balance. I act out the animations before I make them to try to get them looking as realistic as possible with all the little movements. I had to come up with a very different crouch walk as opposed to the base animation given how bulky this character is which is why I'm very convinced retargeting wont look good at all.
  23. I'd like to see the exact opposite, always wanted to see a realistic Asajj Ventress.
  24. I think BOTH_STAND2 is the medium stance, I don't know the strong. You'll have to just open ModView and play them to find out which is what but it'll be something similar to what the yellow is. You need to change the frame number of those animations to the ones you want. If it isn't in the _humanoid.gla file then you'll have to merge it first. It's all quite simple.
  25. Added a floor and made some of the changes suggested by @@Archangel35757 I've got a pretty good idea for a flourish animation that would play if he killed you that I think is very fitting.
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