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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Probably the best looking use for refraction was setting it as a trail effect for swords. I forget the command but it would unfortunately replace the lightsaber trail too, would be nice to separate it out and only let it be used on swords.
  2. Yeah, pretty much any mod now a days should be based off of OpenJK.
  3. LOL, people always expect to learn this stuff overnight but I think that's just kids these days, they give up at the slightest chance of a challenge. Look, it's going to take time, you either have the patience to do it or you don't. If you want it bad enough then you'll get it.
  4. I'd use blender if the interface wasn't such a dumpster fire, I also can't seem to find anything that beats the IK system in SI. The roots and effectors system that resolves the resolution plane of the chain automatically based on how you draw it saves sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much time compared to other software where you have to manually set up IK. There's so much high quality Softimage training material out there also which can be used for Mod Tool since the only things really missing are exporting to certain file types and the render engine has a limited resolution output but I doubt you'll be making any CGI movies. There are blender tuts of course but professional training videos are more plentiful with SI and they're much shorter than watching someone fumble around who's just making the video in their spare time.
  5. Do you have any idea how many times this has been talked about? It's not going to happen, even if it did it would be nothing like it should be and would suck. Modern games are too heavily driven by pretty visuals, fast paced game play doesn't really exist anymore. Games are also way too easy these days.
  6. He's like Gorc though, too muscular to work on the base JA skeleton, need something custom.
  7. ^It'll look cheesy as hell, he'll still bob up and down when walking, I've seen other mods where they do something like this and it looks so half assed. I'd say modified seeker, would be best.
  8. Maybe just a tweaked human AI, like Tavion, Alora and Kyle are altered. He won't really have any commands out of the ordinary, the main difference will be the saber style which I thought could be implemented as a new style rather than possibly causing naming conflicts with an existing one. Other than that, remove the ability to do acrobatics which has already been mentioned and IF we get so far maybe, MAYBE add something unique, like a special attack but that should be reserved for if we get him working. This guy shouldn't be too far out of the ability of any coder in the community, now Maw on the other hand might be a challenge to pull off...
  9. Classes do define what animations are used but the only problem is the naming of bones and tags used must match. Ramikad's solution will probably work best, if not I'll just add lines for the acrobatic moves in the animation.cfg file and simply use frames for the normal jump to be used. I guess though if someone in coding is experienced enough a new class could be made.
  10. Yeah, I'm not going to make any acrobatic moves or even a run animation. He will have jump animations but no flips and they'll be very heavy landings. He will be able to crouch but no rolling. I've already got a great flourish animation in mind but not sure about special moves. His style will be mainly heavy 1 handed swings, he'll fight more like a juggernaut rather than a fencer.
  11. I thought I would break this off into it's own topic so that @@Psyk0Sith can use the other solely for the artwork for the "brothers". I also figured that thread would get way too long to sort through if I started adding to it with the custom animations. I'm going to have to do a lot of animations before the character will be considered working. Once I have all the basic movements covered I might start testing in game since the FPS in SI and in game can vary. Here's the current walk cycle. Saber stance. Force push, there are frames to this but it's so short, it essentially starts from the saber stance to this. Now that I've figured out how to render GIF images from Softimage I'll probably post sequences that way.
  12. Do you think he should even have a run animation? Seems like it would be more realistic to just have him be slow but very strong so no running or acrobatics. I'm of course going to use the naming conventions for code reasons with the exception of the saber moves, I'll come up with a new naming setup for the swings where A3, R3, S3 and T3 are replaced by something else but the rest of the naming will be kept like TL_BR=top left to bottom right swing.
  13. Thanks, if you notice I got into some basic scripting and I have that little custom tool box floating on the top left that allows me to with a click of a button go back to the root pose or any other pose that would be useful. I also need to tweak the torso weights some more.
  14. Yeah, I had lowered it some but not all that snapping of the joint is gone, I'm gonna lower it some more. Should only take a second. I've got some ideas already brewing for the swings and the jump animation. I'm not going to implement a combat roll, I feel like this guy isn't very acrobatic, he wont be flipping either when jumping. I got rid of a keyframe that I was using on the feet to make the stepping look more heavy, seems I didn't need it since I achieved the affect using the foot roll controller.
  15. I feel like the movement of the feet need a little tweaking but I've been fooling around with this. The rig is totally custom other than the SI spine, I had to reweigh the model, just used the CS biped as a snapping guide. I'll set up the saber to be an actual control object that drives the animation for the rhang_tag_bone. What do you guys think so far of the walk cycle at least? Any changes needed? I tried to make the steps heavy and the overall look of it menacing.
  16. I want to show off my menacing walk cycle but camtasia studio isn't cooperating on uploading to youtube. =( @@DT85, since you're familiar these days with the games code could you possibly make a list of the swings needed to make a saber style? I know there are the standard 8 directions but aren't there like these funny, in between, short sequences?
  17. You need to give more info than "the game keeps crashing". You shouldn't have a problem but there could be something small causing this, probably an OpenGL issue. You need to copy/paste the console.
  18. I'll have to watch some gameplay footage, never noticed it being backwards, just knew that when he held or swung 1 handed it was with his right hand. Sorry, just something that has bugged me A LOT about the prequels, all those high paid actors can't even hold a sword correctly.
  19. Ummmmmm, the basics of swordsmanship is the dominant hand goes at the top, the movies got it VERY wrong showing actors who were right handed holding the saber with the right hand at the pommel. I can't knowingly follow the movies when it's straight up WRONG to hold a sword with your dominant hand at the pommel, JA got it right. Everything we know says Gorc is right handed.
  20. The difficulty matters a lot, I'd be willing to bet the people doing it on Padawan wouldn't be able to finish the game to even make a speed run on Master.
  21. I'm with @@ent, I like the fact that Recon's was on Master difficulty, even if it is slower. Someone needs to do a JA speed run on Master, the one I watched on youtube was on Padawan, that's like uber pussy coddled snowflake difficulty.
  22. I have been hard at work btw, there aren't any sequences yet, mainly just been trying to "break" or test it in other words. This way there won't be any surprises when animating, mainly the expressions used for the figures and foot roll tend to be a bit touchy. Here is a quick pose of the saber stance which is a throwback to the original DF2 game, he will be breathing rather than the standing 1 frame pose stance, it'll be more like a 10-20 frame looped animation.
  23. I'm sure I can speak for most in this section and mainly the older guys that none of us can be bothered with digging through those ridiculous WIP threads to find anything. It was a bad habit brought here by former SWBF2 modders.
  24. Yeah, there isn't much to go by, this image is small but the only really clear one out there. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/9d/GorcsLightclub.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080417210859 As long as it's something close to this it should suffice, it's quite long.
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