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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. If you remember from the flashback in KotOR Revan wore the same outfit even when he was a Jedi before finding the Star Forge. Some cool pics BUT the blades I think are too thin.
  2. New 27" monitor on the way. =D

    1. Bek


      What brand are you getting? Will you be using a dual monitor setup?

    2. minilogoguy18


      Acer, nothing too fancy, just single. No need for dual really. I'm not on my PC that much to need 2 monitors.

    3. Bek


      That's the same brand I'm using. Copped it a little while ago over at a thrift store. Of course it's not a 27" :P.

  3. Well when someone finally does get around to making a code change for this I'll export this one that I made. You still though could probably come up with something that looks better than the default stance even though it's forced to use the same LOWER animation as the basic standing animation.
  4. I don't think there are any and if there were they were lost with some of the other sites like JK3 files. The problem with gun stances is that unlike a lightsaber stance they are 2 sequences blended together so if you make something that replaces say the rifle holding animation the legs will still be in the same position as default since it uses a combination of UPPER_xxx and LOWER_xxx animations as opposed to a lightsaber using an animation that is a BOTH_xxx sequence. This could be changed with coding but that's going a lot further than most would bother since most coders don't know how to animate and most animators don't know how to code.
  5. I'm still using carcass, have no plan on changing that anytime soon. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I also didn't spend loads of time figuring out Assimilate and Carcass more in depth than what exists online to get custom animations working to just ditch it for something that MIGHT replace it like some plugin. It still has quite a bit of usefulness past file conversion.
  6. ^This, almost. You just need meshes rigged to the bones with a hierarchy set up so that all meshes can be accessed through "mesh_root". If you look at my humanoid rig I have only 4 meshes under mesh_root with the one at the COG being parent to the other 3. There are no tags, not even stupidtriangle_off and the meshes are just simply named polymesh, polymesh1, polymesh2 and polymesh3. The set up compiles just fine and loads in ModView to where the animations can be checked before merging with the _humanoid.GLA. Now, if you leave out all these tags and such on a player model it will have all sorts of problems in game since the tags are used to define a lot of different parts of the model and how it interacts with the world but it will compile without them. The naming of the body parts has to do with damage mostly if I'm not mistaken.
  7. Well, since you managed to pop in without actually being summoned Xycaleth, anything new to share?
  8. A lot of people also don't realize that the Valve Source engine (HL2) was actually a heavily modified Q3 engine.
  9. I'll let you know soon but I plan on making another revision to the AT-ST which I'll give to you to add to the assets. I want it to have another LOD for collision purposes since it still is a bit unstable in the vanilla engine and even though OpenJK wont crash from the transform space error it should still help with performance.
  10. Something I'm curious about and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned. Would it be possible to use lower resolution textures on the LOD's? Like say for instance the lowest LOD uses a texture that's half the resolution as the main texture. Would that increase performance on a noticeable level or does the render engine stumble more with high polygon counts? I've worked with other game engines that used low res textures but they also only had 1 other level of detail rather than 3+the high res model.
  11. @@DT85 Why did we get away from SVN? It was nice just being able to right click on the folder and hit update any time a change was made.
  12. It never turns out good when you try to retarget a FK skeleton to a IK rig, I don't see it working because I tried it too only for it to look terrible. Now though, if all of the JA animations were on like say my biped rig it would just be a few simple clicks and I could transfer everything over. @@DT85, I plan on just making my own rig and animations. It's something that I can't wait to do and will probably spend all my free time on so it should actually go somewhere unlike most of my personal projects lol. A genuine walk cycle as well as many other things will look much better than a retargeted human walk.
  13. It's because the animation.cfg files don't match, they have to be rewritten. Simple.
  14. In, JO yes, but if the sequence doesn't exist in the JA animations then you wont be able to use it in JA no matter what skeleton the character uses.
  15. Well there is more of a benefit to convert JA->JO and that is all the extra bones that JO has that allow for better animations. All the fingers with all 3 joints are there, more face bones and there are toe bones for better foot roll. It's a real shame they opted out of using as many bones in JA as they did in JO.
  16. The forearms are twisted though, a lot of basic sequences like a run or walk cycle wouldn't have the radius/ulna twisted like that, it would require input to correct it on a lot of basic movements.
  17. Must... have.... MOAR! Rotate the forearms back? Yes, but straighten the arms? NO. It works better for rigs to keep a slight bend to the knees and elbows, mostly for the resolution plane of the joint to avoid any adverse flipping when moving the wrist constraints.
  18. It's literally the same thing, just reversed. All you're doing is weighing the model to another skeleton set.
  19. Well if it supports it, the other problem is locating the model file. It's not so black and white as JA as far as naming and location in the assets.
  20. About to invest $160 on a almost 17 year old console that only cost $199 at launch to hook it up to my TV. XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Archangel, look at Ping, he knows what's up. The Dreamcast is a great console with great titles. There are older consoles out there that people go crazy over that aren't half as good as it. Definitely superior to a PSX or N64 which were it's competition at launch. I recently bought "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver" for it and was blown away by the visuals being more than twice as good as the PSX or PC versions.

    3. Smoo


      I just emulate dreamcast games on pc hehe :P Godzilla Generations is fun

    4. minilogoguy18


      Yeah but I has 60" smart TV, way bigger than PC monitor and nicer to sit on the couch. Also, the controller was quite well designed IMO.

  21. I'm using Softimage, not 3ds Max and I'm not really looking to install it just to port some models over for some fans even though I do want a couple for myself but not that badly. If someone with 3ds Max wants to convert the models and send them to me in like 3DS or OBJ format I'll take that and go with it.
  22. Yeah, that's a very big no no that the original author did, it's OK in some instances to do this but anything that walks along the ground should always have the model_root at 0,0,0 in global space.
  23. If you had the original dotXSI file we could just run it through carcass and edit the size there which would automatically generate a new GLM and GLA at the size you want. The models original root.xsi file isn't in the PK3 is it? Some authors would include it back in the day.
  24. The VEH and NPC files must match, the problem probably is that one of the files controls the bounding box and it's the size the model originally was so it appears to be floating when it's actually sitting on its bounding box. Pretty sure it's in the VEH file, like so... ATST_vehicle { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 //Try adjusting these 3 lines width 80 //Try adjusting these 3 lines height 272 //Try adjusting these 3 lines centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin default radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_mossy { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin mossy radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_clean { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin clean radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_rusty { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin rusty radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_snow { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin snow radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_random { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin default|clean|mossy|rusty|snow radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 }
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