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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. JO has 32 facial bones. JA has 8 facial bones. It's a pretty big difference, those 24 extra bones if constrained to proper controls could make for some nice facial movements. It could even be put through FACE ROBOT. The reason JO didn't look particularly amazing in the cut-scenes is because of the lack of detail in the face mesh's and coding the lip sync.
  2. We talked about this some I believe @@DT85 but are you still wanting to use the JK2 skeleton? If we did in game cut-scenes we could have WAY better facials and even in game having the toes and fingers all present would make things even better looking. We aren't worried about breaking compatibility since it's a SP mod and we don't have a high amount of characters so we could do it. Using something like GATOR in Softimage would greatly speed up reweighing the characters we need.
  3. @@Archangel35757 If I still have the source files I could, if not then I'm just going to make a quick PDF with pictures since it's super simple and takes literally 5 minutes or less. I've also updated the _humanoid rig for Softimage, I don't know how much easier I can keep making that part. I posted a new status update about that, I'll get around to updating the file after making sure I can't break any of the new controls.
  4. Hopefully it won't be abused like the env map is by newbies, making everything look like a glazed doughnut lol.
  5. I don't know how much easier I could possibly make it for people who want to make player animations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZL87nt5uU8

    1. Kualan


      Looking good.

    2. minilogoguy18


      I need to test it, I'm on the fence about adding another synoptic for the face.

  6. You could take the weapon file for the probe, edit it to use the efx file for say the E-11, save it as a new weapon type and then apply that to your SBD.
  7. I dunno, I bet if we just made a simple "How to merge GLA files" tutorial so people could do that part on their own it wouldn't be so bad cause it's a super simple task. A drag and drop ability would be nice but MP compatibility gets in the way. The end of my animation video shows the process but most people aren't even aware that the couple of minutes at the end of the video can show them how to add whatever animation they want to their own _humanoid.gla.
  8. I live to trigger.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bek


      Dew it Mini. Offend everyone while driving 65 mph.

    3. Jango40
    4. JAWSFreelao


      There's a difference between hate and free speech though. That line is different for everybody. If you're a dick, people will generally dislike you. I don't think that's unreasonable.

  9. Alter the games code to add another weapon slot. Pretty sure there is a tutorial on this around here.
  10. Well don't get too into the file I last gave you, I'm nearly done with the new setup and it's really gonna wow you and probably a lot of other people about how much it'll speed up workflow. Think about the extra menu I added but turn that into a interactive image map with clickable, buttons that run scripts and interactive sliders. Big things are happening, big things.
  11. Hope this goes well, it could really put a lot more momentum into the mod and possibly attract more artists, especially for our pretty much non existent level design team.
  12. Now I'm diving into html and scripting x_x

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Photoshop is also used for making buttons and such. Scripting in Softimage is pretty easy since it uses 2 very basic scripting languages (VBScript and JScript).

    3. Cerez


      Fair enough. Sounds like you know what you're doing -- I won't interrupt. ;) I recommend using Dreamweaver for active region slicing. It's probably better suited (more accurate) than Softimage for this task.

    4. Smoo


      html is quite easy and quite useful

  13. Xycaleth isn't actively working on an SP port but I believe @@DT85 has made some progress on it since we want to use it for the Dark Forces 2 mod.
  14. I need a hundred beers... exactly 100...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Archangel35757


      Why? You gonna sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall?

    3. Noodle


      "We don't serve people who've awaken lake trolls."

    4. minilogoguy18


      ^See, one guy gets it. Congrats.

  15. This is hugely off topic but you should probably switch softwares and you might wanna see if the size of the file changes because the software may be doing something when saving. You should open the source file, choose save as and save it under a different name. Open the files and compare their properties, you'll probably find something has changed.
  16. I've seen 1 person recently using Maya, if I were forced to migrate to another software that would probably be it since it received a lot of ported stuff from Softimage but the interface is a total disaster that requires immediate user revision before even using it. I like to learn hotkeys and do away with all the toolbars to leave more room for ortho/3d views on screen. If that day comes hopefully there will be dotXSI export, if not I'm sure there would be some FBX->dotXSI workaround.
  17. FINALLY got Softimage 2015 to install, seems it didn't like that I already had a VS C++ version it was trying to install.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Of course it didn't like it. What were you trying to feed it, anyway?! It won't take no common VS C++! :P It's on a special diet.

    3. minilogoguy18


      I dunno if they upped it but I thought the educational license was 2 years, mine says 3.

    4. Archangel35757
  18. ^This is true, I never noticed a slow down.
  19. @@AshuraDX From certain POV's certain things can look not right especially with the scene camera's FOV setting which I may have to mess with. It makes me look at how we're limiting how we're showing content, dotXSI is going away along with Softimage. It'd be nice if we could get a new carcass to support the more widely used FBX format which was made to be like dotXSI but for Alias Maya before Autodesk bought it. They have a really nice model viewer for free that's way better than the old XSI Viewer. I kinda wanna send the model out with some of the sequences to have you take a real look at it.
  20. Good cause I have a pretty good victory animation in mind, it could probably even double as a taunt but I'll try to think of something a little different for a taunt. Haven't done anything lately, been updating my rig for the _humanoid since I've had some interest in it and have found various ways to improve it by some of the things I learned making a rig for Gorc.
  21. Reguardless, this thread is pointless, with all talk and no action it may as well just fall to the bottom of the forum.
  22. Linear games suck so bad, especially the ones that are just 1 long interactive cut scene. Just upgrade the existing engine since movement and mechanics wise it really can't get much better, just needs visuals improved and physics added. @@Echo, JA didn't add anything but extra saber blades, all the powers that are in JA are in JK2, just not all of them are available in the SP campaign.
  23. I thought that's what you said but I think the file size thing depends, on 1024x1024 maps with alpha channels and such PNG does come out to a much smaller file size but it probably is due to compression or possibly a setting I was using. Best to use what loads fastest and since we're not counting Mb anymore with how large HDD's are the size is a non issue. @@eezstreet what about the progressive option question above? I don't ever remember using it or seeing what difference it made. I just used standard jpg for anything that didn't use transparency.
  24. The .JPG format is widely used for anything that doesn't use transparency because it's a smaller file size and uncompressed. The differences with .PNG and .TGA is that .PNG is a compressed format which leads to smaller file size but possibly increasing the load times as the game takes more time to read if I remember right. These formats support an alpha channel which is needed to achieve certain effects with certain shader types. @@eezstreet would know more. I think I remember him going over the pros and cons of using PNG versus TGA, I always thought that PNG was nice because it could do all the same things as TGA but had a much smaller file size but in the days of TB hard drives it probably doesn't matter much.
  25. As far as Rey and who she is, her parents are in ep7 and this is confirmed info, some people have guessed it but no one at disney is saying who's right but they are there and you'll find out who when 8 comes out.
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