Hey there, My name's Niko and I'm from croatia. I played JKA the first time, when EPIII came out and still play it sometimes and beat the singleplayer or have fun in the MP. It's really one of these few games, that I have always fun to play. IMO one of the best SW games. I also have some skills with Maya '14 (I guess it's pretty useless, if I want to model something for JKA right?) I found in the SW wookiepedia a cool race: The Tiss'shar. Humanoid Raptors. They kinda look pretty much like the ones from Jurassic Park. Just badass! That's so awesome JP and SW, two of my favourite franchises kinda fused I tought about how would look a "Jedi Raptor" and made some sketches: Jedi: http://s7.directupload.net/images/140930/w3ykb7k3.jpg Sith: http://s7.directupload.net/images/140930/gjl5ga9c.jpg I saw the Trandoshan & Desann in robes models and was really happy to see it, cause it's kinda rare seeing reptilians in a good role (or atleast as a Jedi) I tought this might be a cool though of a Jedi Raptor ^^ atleast it's kinda innovative I'm glad to see many talented people doing some really cool things for this great game! N!ko