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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. 807 downloads

    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: Star Wars: Vader's Meditation Chamber AUTHOR: Kylo Ren (Formerly Arachno-Man) FILENAME: vaderschamber.pk3 FILESIZE: 10.4 mb DATE RELEASED: March, 15th 2015 CREDITS to: Livingdeadjedi and myself. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the vaderschamber.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: Vader's Meditation Chamber from the Star Wars movies. There is a Meditation Chamber made by Ravensoftware for JKA, it was part of a vjun map. However this version is VERY different. This was a Map originally created by Livingdeadjedi that ONLY worked in Jedi Outcast. I have added alot of missing textures, fixed up some shaders and added new music! I have included Screenshots of the map as it is displayed in my JKA game. I have also made a video showcasing the map, which you may find over at JKHub with a little bit of searching. This map is FFA and Duel (from original version). BUGS: None at all! If you find any problems let me know. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Video preview (imperfect recording). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muNLaFGyFxw
  2. Nevermind, those textures are not giving a huge difference to the map at all.
  3. I rather to wait 1 year than 2 or 3. Besides that is not even the half of it. If you want to know the full story between Episode 6 and 7, Disney will be releasing 20 books between now and Episode 7's release that you will have to read all of them to understand the movie, apparently.
  4. Well I fixed some problems, I can now record 60fps 720p with no watermarks, but there are some slight lag issues sometimes but that's not really a problem since the image is clear enough.
  5. The strange thing is, it is the actual .bsp file that is requesting the textures. However I tried to create the textures myself, making one bright red and the other bright green, to know in the map what the texture covers. And it doesn't actually change anything, at least nothing that I can see at all. Perhaps I don't need them?
  6. Title says what I need, I need to find some textures that are not from the base asset files. All I know of the textures I need are these: textures/destroyer/vadmedwall2 textures/shiny_marb/marble These textures are from JK2 mods (I think) but may be included in JK3 mods. If anyone has these or can help me find these textures I would be very grateful as it will help me release something awesome!
  7. I found it but it downloads as a .jar file. I have no idea how to install or set it up.
  8. It is what it is. This is free and still clearly shows what needs to be seen.
  9. @ For stances: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Clone_Wars_Stances_and_Effects_Mod;106889 Put these in Base folder: The Map is here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1247-kotor-ii-malachor-iv-trayus-core-duel/ However my version I put custom music which you can get here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC4ekBXECqY @ everyone else Sorry but this is how the recording will be, i'm no professional and I am not rich to own a high end PC. What you see is what you get for free.
  10. to extract and create .pk3 files, use winzip. Extract the ventress .pk3 using winzip. Then you rename the .npc file "alora.npc" in ext data then put all folders into a Zip folder Open the zip folder, then File > Save archive copy as > rename it to "ventress.pk3" save it then put in base folder
  11. That's what I said in the first place! xD
  12. There's the NPC. Not sure what to change, maybe the "//" before the dual playermodel.
  13. Make the Ventress NPC file seperate from the rest of the Ventress files, Make the model, sounds etc into a .pk3 and add that to your Base Folder. Then edit the Ventress NPC file name to "Alora.npc" then put this in another .pk3 and put in your Base Folder.
  14. I know there are modders here that create new maps and playermodels/skins, and they would like a video showcasing the Mod. I will offer this service for free. Here are some examples of my recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFklfjO3Ywk& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH5E4pnSlEc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--MXwYnAfdY Things to note: 1. Please only contact me through a Private Message here on JKhub. 2. You must provide a WORKING download of the modification you want me to record in the PM. 3. I will ONLY RECORD SINGLE PLAYER, I do not use Multiplayer so understand that. 4. I mostly will only record new Maps and Skin/Playermodels, but anything too small like Hilts will be no good as it will be difficult to see on the video. 5. Please be patient with me! It takes time to record, compress and upload the complete video, but as it is finished, you shall receive a Private Message from me containing the youtube video link, where you have the option to use a Youtube video downloader, OR you can just use the link I provided. The videos will never be removed. Thank you to JKHub and all of the community here, be happy continue to love Star Wars!
  15. The fog that appears in-game when you execute "r_we light_fog" and "r_we fog". I need to know the EXACT texture images the weather uses. I know there are various ones for gunsmoke and other effects, but I want only the textures that the weather fog uses. I will need the exact texture names & where to locate them. Thanks!
  16. Shaking is mostly for the movement of the Train, taking that away, everything appears to be in order, minus the thunder flashes, the thunder rumble sounds and of course the lightning strikes.
  17. Yes I would love to combine it with gustingwind and heavyrain + heavyrainfog. I think it would be incredible and give a new diversity to maps
  18. @@Langerd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH5E4pnSlEc Also this has a bug, when throwing the saber, the cross becomes a straight saber.
  19. Of course, I made 3 requests so far, so I understand that each time you pass another of my requests it will be added to the end of the list. I am patient for works of art.
  20. @@Rooxon Just another one to add, a new Shaak Ti hilt based from The Force Unleashed Shaak Ti: http://jkhub.org/topic/5357-the-force-unleashed-shaak-ti/ Here are some reference pics: http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%203.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%201.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%202.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%204.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%205.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%206.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%207.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%208.JPG http://www.scottandtemphotography.com/graflexSaber/shaktii/photo%209.JPG Please note that this is a real life version, so it has electronic wires that would not be there on the model. Then there is a video of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJkrOXgBNiE That should be the world record for best references. lol
  21. I think he wanted you to link up the md3 and tgas to the objects/models... I am not certain though.
  22. I would love to get a new Weather type in JKA. The current weather uses "r_we rain" etc. I want to propose a new Weather type "r_we storm". It would look like this: Dark clouds filling the sky with thunder flashes and sounds, along with lightning bolts that randomly hit the ground causing actual damage, potentially hitting any NPC standing around which would electrocute and kill the NPC. There was a force power based on this here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/284-force-storm/ Maybe someone could bring this to a larger scale for weather use in maps?
  23. @@Langerd Summoned.
  24. The creature does not grab the character properly in the creatures hand, at least it does not work for me. I do not know how that works for you
  25. It only happens in single player. Multiplayer it works fine but I want it to get fixed to work in single player.
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