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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. It is perfect, and works for all stances. I was trying to avoid using scripts by using an invisible playermodel (then you would only need to combine first person view ' with playermodel invisible) but the script is fine too.
  2. Can you send me your invisible playermodel? Mine is not working properly.
  3. No, I just made an invisible texture for this model: https://jkhub.org/files/file/27-ghost/
  4. The skin file looks like this: I guess I am missing something.
  5. It's the best reference for textures, and for the model itself.
  6. No no, the problem is that the saber blade for the weapon is invisible when it is being held by the model. I want to make the blade VISIBLE while it is being held by the model. When you saber throw with the model, you can see the blade (which is perfect!) but the blade goes invisible again once the saber throw is over back in the models hand. I need a fix so we can ALWAYS see the saber blade.
  7. I have made an invisible model, but there is a problem. When in-game, I make the command: playermodel inv This makes my character invisible. The problem then appears: The model is great, but the lightsaber blade is invisible too. However when I make a Saber Throw, the saber blade can be seen, it just cannot be seen while being held by the model. If anyone can take a look and see if they can fix it that would be perfect! http://www.mediafire.com/download/dtvo7ewg66cokyi/ghost_if.pk3
  8. Probably. I have it too, but I have one small problem with it. The Saber blade is invisible, I set the NPC to be WP_NONE yet it still holds a Saber in-game that has no blade. No matter what saber I change it to, the blade is invisible.
  9. The "views.cfg" works fine in single player too, it just needs an invisible playermodel. I used to have an invisible playermodel pk3 but I lost it. I know how to remake it though.
  10. Was curious about any update on this? #YOLO
  11. All the references I could find. Way back in this Thread should also be a picture of Lukes robot hand holding a thank you note from JJ Abrams.
  12. Yep, it's all in the right place. Not really sure what's going on.
  13. Still got the same error with the new EXE. I did notice I cannot find the uix86.dll anywhere, maybe I am missing that?
  14. Wait I never saw a link to a .EXE, maybe I am missing that link since you only posted a link to the .PK3
  15. The game crashes for me, something to do with the UI_API_VERSION was expecting 1, but got 2 for the uix86.dll --- ambient sound initialization --- Sound memory manager started VM_Create: uix86.dll succeeded Mismatched UI_API_VERSION: expected 1, got 2 GetGameAPI failed on uix86.dll
  16. Why don't we just come out and say it? We need a total overhaul of the Vehicle handling coding first, then we can implement new vehicles that won't control like this:
  17. Yeah definitely! The map looks great but Vader deserves light shined on him. Just because he's a badass.
  18. No offense, you have done great work with the map, but it looks a little dark. Perhaps if there was more lighting in the map? One that could shine on the statue or something, kinda like this:
  19. I had asked about it in the Coding section here: https://jkhub.org/topic/6132-about-the-first-person-gun-mode/ That's the best progress there is.
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