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Posts posted by Daedra

  1. Sorry I was none too clear—I was referring to the audio distribution. What I mean by that is how it fluctuates between the left and right speakers, it seems to rise unevenly in either side throughout certain lines.


    Oh I see. What is your purpose for the audio? Is it for Jedi Academy? If so - then the left and right channels won't matter. JKA will only play MONO audio, not stereo (so there won't be a left or right channel) sampled at 44100khz. However, I'd recommend optimizing your audio beforehand. If you use audacity, you can import the audio, and ensure that both the left and right channels are at the correct amplification (selecting said channel, going to Effect>Amplify). If you struggle with this then feel free to send me the audio and I'll fix it.

    Effacer likes this
  2. Recently, I've been trying my hand at impersonating Kylo Ren's voice for brand new sounds in JKA. I've already done the editing in Adobe Audition. The trouble is I recorded the sounds from a phone, not an actual microphone (as I can't afford one ATM), so the audio phasing is a little all over the place. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to best center the audio--I've tried automatic phase correction and whatnot to no avail.




    What do you mean by phase? The actual distortion sounds fine. Center the audio? Do you mean in terms of loudness or? Sorry but you need to go into more detail if I can attempt to help.

  3. Its only 1 texture repainted. Do you even care ? Credited tex360 in info txt. It have tex head and maybe your body from something else. Original tex_quigon model was released like 2002. I don't calim any "license" on my textures.


    Technically it doesn't really matter since it's on a mediafire upload and it's only a quick personal skin. However if it was uploaded to the JKHub file section then that would be another story, you'd have to pick a license on the submission page, and would be YOUR choice alone to make, since you would be the "Author" adding the submission to begin with. For example, with my uploads, it's my decision to choose what type of license a submission has. Providing that I have all of the correct permissions, of course (which I do).

    General Howard likes this
  4. Was there a backstory for this character? If he is not used in anything I would like to use him as one of the villains in my mod that I'm still working on, just as an NPC. Would you allow it? The Escape Yavin IV remastered edition. All credit would be given to you for the model.


    The backstory is in the readme (it is quite extensive). However since it's entirely from my imagination, it's not actually real or canon. And sure, go ahead. I may also recommend these:






    Each go with Vaang and are all related to each other. The other background lies in the Zovirex readme (which explains some of Starstriders backstory also). I think Zovirex and his saber would make a fine addition to your mod also.




    Ok! I Am 100% sure that this is code issue. And i may found the issue:


    In the wp_saber.cpp i found this lines and most importantly i found one line that i will select here with red font (I am not coder but maybe We will found a solution to fix this)







    Ok now the observations - THIS Line is (i am 100% sure) for the entities (Mostly for npc's because they have hitloc system) that are one of the 20th - 40th etc. loaded glm model on the map. I dont know if this for optimalization purpose but for some reason game turns off the dismember for npc's completely. It hit limit but i dont know what is this limit and where i can increase it. The best solution would be to remove this system COMPLETELY. And now some weird stuff..  i was checking some things and see how they works in the game and i end up confused... When i removed these lines from the code - wp_saber.cpp


    2275 to 2299 something weird... happend. The enemies are now completely not dismember able... ALL of them. So it screwed up the npc's that were working. I turned on the g_debugdamage code  and i see this 




    Hitloc shows -none- so game doesnt reconize the saber hit as the dismember hit. .. and the this is not the weirdest part...


    in the begining of the code i changed the 



    Aaaaaandddd... this is the part i am 100% SURE that these lines in this code optimalize the game to turn of the dismember for reaching the limit or bytes that game is using. Blocks only for saber.. of course.


    The enemies after this change.... are completely invincible because the hitloc on the saber .. shows (null). I created a bug (for observation purpose of course) and i cant kill the enemies... THIS IS NOT TRUE because ENEMIES with working dismemberment (as i said in one of the threads .. i played my cloud city map so often that i remember which enemy i can dismember and which not) ARE DYING WITH THE SABER *Mindblow* Soooo the enemies with not working dismember are not dying with the lightsaber hit but the guys with the dismember working - are dying.. with dismember. 


    Here are screens to prove it to all of you.









    AAAAAA how to fix this!!!! Grrryyyyrrrrrwwrwrw



    I understand that it is annoying.. but..





    CansecoDev, Fuse294, Xioth and 6 others like this
  6. And you're just telling us this now? If you uploaded the original model than the accusation holds true, that it was in fact the exact model. His post was harsh, yes. But you didn't even point out that it was the original model until just now.


    I don't doubt you were able to do something like this in one day, after messing around in Vectary myself it makes things very quick. No harm there.


    Again, I encourage you to use this method to keep learning. If you give up after someone accuses you of copying work, then you just appear guilty.


    It was accidental though, I was thinking it was my version of the model (I had the two obj files in separate directories which were named the exact same "untitled"). I again still stand by what I said. I'll get through this moment in time first (sickness). The future can always change. I was going to retire anyway, because Vaang was going to be my last mod, but I thought why not try out making a full model from scratch before quitting. I can always try it another time.

  7. If you were given a picture of a cartoon character and a pencil and a stack of paper and told to recreate the picture to the best of your ability with unlimited tries and final product as to be done from scratch, what do you do first? You'd probably trace the original picture a few times right? To get the feel of how the character is drawn. Then you move on to doing it without tracing, because the rules state it has to be done by your own hand, not the original artist's. Since you had unlimited tries, tracing it in the beginning is not a problem, and is expected for you to learn.


    Same applies here. Tracing and using the original model is fine and encouraged. But to take that and claim it as your own and from scratch was just completely false. That's the issue people have here. Using the process to learn things was great, that site looked really cool. The fact that you did that project within like 1 day was impressive, hence me asking what site it was because I wanted to also check it out.


    The fact that the original model is a port makes it worse because you would have been fine by just keeping this a port request. Nobody cares as much as you are making it seem regarding asking for ports. It only becomes an issue if you submit ported content to our file section, which that whole situation was handled almost a year ago now.


    The point of this whole thing was to question your mindset on claiming that model as your own, and instead use it as a learning stepping stone to actually creating it from scratch. I encourage you to work towards making a version without "tracing" the original. It'll take a bunch of tries I'm sure but it would be rewarding and you could actually say you made it from scratch.


    Again I wasn't directly tracing.


    This is what I was doing basically:




    But digitally.


    I was using the original model for reference. I was trying to model my way for how I could understand it and learn, and not do it the way professional modders do it. Also I didn't try to claim the original as my own, I was trying to find a platform to give a 3D preview, but I uploaded the wrong obj model by accident, and I didn't notice until it was rudely pointed out.


    And I stick by what I said. If Ashura still wants to take this up he can, if not then cool. Perhaps in the future I'll go back to Vectary and try out some more things. For now I just want to get through this Flu & Infection and don't need extra drama for trying out something new. That is also why I was able to do it rather fast (to cover your intrigue), I didn't really sleep much, so I spent most if not all of the last 3 nights at least doing that without breaks.

  8. Is there a way to disable the idle animation by using code within the .npc file of a character? When the character stands still, looks left and right and twitches hands? That animation. Or alternatively is there an npc class that has this disabled?


  9. Well the true test then would be the original model and your model as an overlay. Because the reality of it would be that nobody copies every polygon perfectly, even when trying. Verts would be slightly off all over the place. In other words a fake of a painting could be determined, it's the same with a model. If your model were put directly over the original, would all the verts match up perfect?


    No they wouldn't be the same, I did try to copy it as closely as possible, though there are still imperfections on the model and I don't think it's even the same scale as the original. Its my first attempt ever, but I've been blessed to get a lot of time to put into it.



    Saying you made a model from "scratch" by tracing an existing model is kind of a stretch, wouldn't you say? And also seems kind of pointless. You may as well just use the original model, no?



    Well its hit and miss. Let's say I just made it without using the original model as a guide, that would be fine and hey that's some original art! That's good, but my intention is not to make an art piece, my intention is to make a model that resembles the source as much as humanly possible. It is probably a stretch, I can agree on that, but still.. it's like lightsaber hilts. Most, if not all of them are made from some form of reference, no? For example: It's not disrespectful to whoever designed Kanan's Lightsaber in SW Rebels that someone made an identical looking model for JKA, it's actually a nice homage. It's all about certain points of view.




    On a different note:


    I'm just going to retire from modding. I'll leave this open as a request though and any other requests I have made. If Ashura still wants to do this model, don't let me stop that from happening, not going to be negative about that, in fact I encourage it!


    I've deleted the model I spent time on to create. The whole point of modding is to be motivated to do so, you need to have at the very least a bit of passion to do it and put effort into it, but all the negativity has lost my motivation entirely. I still have the soundpack for this though, so I'll just leave that here if you ever want to use it for this model or any other, I don't really care:



    This community isn't very good at all. The only good thing about it is actually getting new content which I do like, and of course, meeting a select few people who are super nice, but that's about it.


    And it's all about this "mentality" that's going around, I'm actually sick of it. This is a modding site for old SW game(s), if they aren't already abandonware by now. First you have the requests in general; someone makes a request and what do you see? "Do it yourself, learn how to do it." "This won't get done because nobody else wants this character in this old game." "Nobody would make this model from scratch since it does not interest them." I am tired of the negativity honestly. Requests are supposed to be positive, and if you can't help make the request real then why bother posting at all? Save your wasted time that you took to type that out. And let's say people actually listen to those negative advices (like I did) and actually attempted it themselves. Look at the negativity THAT also created! This is super motivational for people to actually learn how to mod.. NOT.


    Secondly is all this hot mess about ports. People are getting so obsessed over ports to the point that it just gets entirely blurred and it becomes easier to shout "PORT!! IT'S A DIRTY PORT!!! SHAME ON YOU!" rather than to actually appreciate that someone took the time to attempt to learn how to mod and take a stab at some creativity (however you see it).


    And there lies the flaw in the community. Case and point.


    And yes, I'm aware that to others this post may come across as whining, or that I'm just a crybaby. I'm none of those, if anything I'm simply tired of people double backing on their own words. It's pointless, all of it. You make a request, it gets ignored or you get rather negative responses with little to no actual help. Then taking on that request yourself and you get slandered even more. And this coming from the very people who PREFER if you make it yourself, even pride themselves on their crumbling words and beliefs of how they want others to mod.


    So far the only decent people I've actually seen in this thread is TheWhitePhoenix and Lord Of Hate, at least in regards to positivity and on topic. Decent users and people right there.


    I won't be making any more mods and I will not make any attempt to improve on the skills I learned from Vectary at this point in time, my motivation just isn't there, together with the Flu I've had, I guess I'm just not feeling up to it. Perhaps way in the future, if this community actually gets any better I may take it up again, learn some more skills and take another stab at making a model, if people here actually change for better and stop demonizing people who join and try to participate in this site.


    I've said my peace, that's all I have to say. :ph34r:

    Omega and PreFXDesigns like this
  10. @


    Up until now, I honestly thought you were a decent guy.


    But this is absolutely not okay.


    While taking a closer look at "your" model, I noticed that the right hand of "your model" was clutched, just like it was on that screenshot of the ripped model you showed in your first post before editing it.


    Let's compare a few screenshots here:


    The left third shows screenshots from the game and the right two thirds show screenshots from the clara.io link you sent

    The bottom half of the image shows the same screenshots but with a few paintovers I did to highlight the 100% matching mesh topology between both models.




    I did not yet get my hands on the original game mesh to do further comparisons between the rest of the mesh and what you uploaded to clara.io - but I think this allready suffices to call you out on your bullshit.


    This is HIGHLY disrespectful to the original creator of he model.


    If you guys want to post requests for ports - fine, do it!


    But claim ripped models as your own Work and I'm going to expose you as the liars you are.



    I don't want to catch you doing this again.




    I think you are misunderstanding what I did entirely. I made a side-by-side copy of the model, drawing the lines and extruding the faces  doing 1:1 comparisons from the front, left, right, and bottom to get them looking as close to the original model topology as possible.


    Also thank you for pointing that out about the clara link. Totally missed that I uploaded the wrong obj model! That one I can admit to. Don't need to be so angry about it.

    PreFXDesigns likes this
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