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Posts posted by Daedra

  1. A bow would look weird. But a crossbow...


    Daedric Crossbow: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22113


    Think about it.


    Only doing weapons from the actual game. Besides, that particular crossbow isn't your average bowcaster. If you look at the images it seems to use custom animations. Just like the regular bow & arrow, it wouldn't work well in-game without new animations. Don't think I haven't thought about it though - I have it's just it needs to look good in-game and it just wouldn't, plain and simple.

  2. Finally, this map makes sense! :D


    I know! Fun fact: I actually only knew about this map because of a youtube video. That super popular Kylo Ren mod I released got a lot of attention, and some guy decided it was a good idea to fight Kylo Ren in that map along with a ton of Stormtroopers. So I influenced someone to influence me. Influenception! A fun video, and a great map too honestly.



    the_raven likes this
  3. @ How do you forced JKA to accept models with so much polygon complexity without the "shader_max_indexes_hit" mesh "have more of 1000 vertexes error"  and "run out of trasform space of ghouls2 adjust mini heap size?" these errors are my nightamares every time i work on a HD model! >.<


    The Punisher optimized the model, so he knows how to do that if you were to contact him. Though I'm not sure if the verts/polys of the model were quite low to begin with.


    Other than that, the model works just fine in OpenJK.

  4. Interesting how you split the credits for a ported model between you two without even so much as a mention of the original creators of this model.


    I don't know if you ended up paying him to port this @, but I'd advise you to be more careful with this in the future.

    If you payed him for this service you essentially paid someone to commit a form of copyright fraud, which may or may not be the wrong term for this. This certainly crosses the borders of the "porting grey area" and definitely breaks out of the usual "fair-use" scenario.


    Be careful with this stuff, for your own and the well being of jkhub.


    I never paid for this, The Punisher helped me for free, and he can vouch for this. I also forgot about updating the OP since I've been working on getting all the files together for an update to the mod, so I've added the extra credits I was meaning to add before.


    Edit: updated the OP with a new download to an updated version with model fixes.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  5. I want to personally thank The Punisher for doing most of the work on this. He's an amazing modder, and deserves 99.9% of the credit for this. I only deserve 0.1% for adding/altering files and names. Credit to Bethesda/friziones for the original model. Major credit to Rooxon for helping out too!



    What this includes:


    - Bot support

    - NPC support


    Credit to Droidy365 for creating a soundpack (could not have done a better job myself, great soundpack here) and some weapon sounds which I have checked and adjusted & also fixed weapon sounds in the .sab file.


    See this post for a cool feature:






    Skyrim Crosshair Mod:


  6. That's for porting. 20$ an hour (~12 pounds). To be fair however the price would be adjusted, as i've mentioned, there are things that will affect the time it takes. A simple model could take 15 minutes while a nightmare of a mesh could take 8 hours.




    Hm. Alright. So let's say if you were to do this for me, but only port the one single model, the full armor with helmet, and forgetting about these:


    the model without the helmet

    the shield

    the weapons


    So it would literally just be this porting (model download in the video desc) :



    The money I'm offering would be ok for this?

  7. So essentially that would amount to 21$ CAD an hour. Within that hour, who knows how far i could get...because i have take into account: initial model pose, model complexity, segments + capping and finally LODs. In reality, with best conditions it might take a minimum of 8 hours to do. That's for the player model, not counting the weapons.


    Is that from scratch? Or porting?

  8. I have to be frank with you, as a commission to do something so detailed that's a really, really low offer. I could easily see 80-100 pounds minimum being what's needed.


    Lmao. If it was for a PS4 game, like DICE's Battlefront, and I wanted it made entirely from scratch, then sure I'd understand that. But JA, wanting a low poly model that could be easily ported? I think what I'm offering is fine.


    This is a good opportunity for porters to earn some easy money. Perhaps something which would interest The Punisher or dark_apprentice.

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