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Posts posted by Daedra

  1. So, you want to make a backhand saber? Look no further!





    What you will need:




    Blender JK Plugin Suite:




    Steps to take:


    1. Install Blender and install the plugin suite into Blender.


    2. Ensure that your version of Blender looks like this:






    3. Drag out the box on the top right. It should then look like this:






    4. Left click first, then right click second on "Camera" and click "Delete". Do the same for "Cube" and "Lamp". It should then look like this:






    5. Go to File>Import> JA Ghoul 2 Model (.glm), and locate and open the .glm model of the saber you wish to turn backhand. Please note you will need to remove the "default" text in the "Skin" box before loading the .glm, or you will get errors, so just backspace that out:






    6. When the model imports, it will look small, so zoom in (with the mouse wheel) so it fits nicely into the window, try to get it to look like this (very important) :



    Initial loading:



    Zoomed in:




    7. In the box at the top right, click the (+) button to the left of "scene_root" then left click once on "model_root" so it is highlighted:






    8. Just below the box in the top right you will see a bunch of Icons. Click on the orange cube:






    9. Press "A" twice on your keyboard. This should put an orange line around the model:






    10. IMPORTANT! Remember EXACTLY how the model is placed, in this case the top is just below the grid line:






    Go to the "Transform" section on the right, and change the "Y Axis" to 180. It should then look like this:






    11. In the "Transform" area, adjust the bottom number under "Location" so that the rotated model matches the same place as the place you remember (For me, -8 worked) :






    12. Press "A" once on your keyboard to remove the orange outline from the model.


    13. Go to File>Export>JA Ghoul 2 Model (.glm).


    14. Rename the output name at the top, adding "_bh" to the end of the name. Also, backspace/remove the data in the ".gla name" box on the left before exporting:






    Things to note:


    This DOES NOT automatically make the in-game characters hold the saber like a bad-ass. You will need to install additional backhand animation mods for that.


    Case and point from my mod here:



    Notice the preview image. The default animations do not make having a backhand saber look cool - at all.


    This is only the .glm model. You will have to create and/or edit the .sab file to include a _bh version.

    Mike Tallway and Tompa9 like this
  2. O ok, I think I get what you mean? So they replace the mod's sabers, but I can rename them in the files to use both types?


    The model only uses 1 saber because there's only 1 .glm file (the hilt). The .sab file has two separate calls for the two different sabers. One has the green color and the other has yellow. You just duplicate those, rename the glm and add that in the duplicated text.




    Since it uses 2 .pk3 files it's complicated. Here's a single .pk3.


    for backhand sabers do:


    saber tano3

    saber tano4


    Also you can spawn ahsoka as so:


    npc spawn ahsoka

    npc spawn ahsoka_bh


    And playermodel:


    playermodel ahsoka

    playermodel ahsoka_bh



    Pickles256 likes this
  3. This is a request to convert these models to mdl & mdx and their textures to tga, so that they're usable for KOTOR 1 & 2 to add diversity to both games, a few aliens here and there have been ported from KOTOR to JKA, so I'd like the favor returned.


    With these Aliens;


    Every Alien on the right side of the Gran except the Kaminoan.














    Bothans from the Cloud City mod, if the author would be so kind.

    So, six in total.



    Head-swaps might be possible, but full blown conversions to KOTOR are unlikely.


    For the texture conversion you could do that yourself fairly simply with a free software like GIMP, should allow you to open the texture files in their current .jpeg / .png and resave them as .tga


    And to add to that you can convert models easily with Noesis. I know Noesis opens .GLM and can convert to other formats.

  4. *Small Update*

    Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised.


    Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:





    Nice. Is there any way to replicate this without coding for JA/OpenJK? Maybe finding the "ball glow" texture and changing it?

    Matt the Radar Tech likes this
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