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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. Joey-Omg-Gif-On-Friends_208x208.jpg





    Although this is a rumour - I feel certain there's truth to this.





    In the upcoming episode, we'll see the Republic excavating ruins on a neutral world for a weapon; and this planet is referred to as the “Sith Homeworld”

    The ancient sith lore speaks of a weapon powerful enough to bring down entire plantes, the sith are well aware of the ruins within the Sith Homeworld  and that

    it holds some sort of an ancient machine within, almost like a control station; the planet itself is the weapon. Darth Plagueis the Wise had it all figured out.

    His desciple, Darth Sidious, was so hungry for power, that he sought to rule the galaxy by himself and plotted against his master, killing him in his bed.

    Darth Plagueis, however, did not die. The Sith were in hiding untill Palpatine reformed the Republic as the Galactic Empire -declaring himself Emperor.

    He revealed himself not only to the Jedi, but the sith aswel - to his master. Sidious' own version of the ancient sith superweapon was not perfect, it failed.


    Darth Plagueis can now basically just walk to the center of the theatre, declare a war and reveal the superweapon, that may be even 3x bigger than DeathStar.



    Bek likes this
  2. @@NumberWan

    If Darth Plagueis is the main villain, then I made that plot reveal ages ago  :shifty:awesome  



    Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?







    Max von Sydow  to play  Darth Plagueis the Wise


    Could the “Darth Plagueis”  novel  have an influence on what will transpire in Episode VII?


    “In dealing with Plagueis’ quest for immortality, I originally structured part of the book as a kind of race between him and Qui-Gon Jinn,
    they inadvertently sabotaged one another without either of them realizing they were pursuing the same goal. In the end, Qui-Gon succeeded
    by making contact with the Whills- the mysterious species of immortals George Lucas mentioned in an epigraph for the first Star Wars novel.” 
    ―James Luceno, Star Wars Insider, Issue #130, 2011 Author of the "Darth Plagueis" novel



    Above is and official concept art compared to a Darth Plagueis toy found from Google




  3. :D so then it could be anyone in the Galaxy  - and we're back at square one. Fulcrum may be Ezras dad, that would be a typical Disney plot twist.


    Ezra hasn't  yet heard about this Fulcrum -  which also is strange -  so we don't yet know if he could recognize Fulcrums voice, or even the name.

    The latest episode revealed that his parents even had radio equipement hidden underneath their house, for podcasting anti-imperial messages.

    This is just guessing, but such characters could easily be involved with the rebels in general, and Kanan and his crew aboard the Ghost.

  4. Yup, the imperial army is an army nonetheless, and armies need to be kept motivated - celebrating their mighty power with a parade is one way to do it.

    It was strange to see the parade though, but Im certain we wont be seeing troopers drinking at the mos espa cantina, blasting bottles and imitating Vader.

  5. Is it possible to make a bulb model and give it a shader that will emit the light?


    if you mean retexturing a model with a lightemitting one, then yes. - infact, if there would be a lightbulb pack, downloadable here at the Hub,

    one could just load the model in Gtk and place it somewhere, without creating brushes with light textures. That would make mapping more fun :)

  6. If you're going to create toilets, and a bar and a library - then you're clearly working on a RP map, no? I think it would be a bad idea, here's why :


    I never played KOTOR, but if the Korriban there was designed, as you say, based on the strong ruling - then they did a great job creating that world.

    After all, Korriban is a sacred planet for the Sith, there are many ancient  tombs scattered around the planet - containing immense dark side powers,

    which only confirms the claim that Korriban was created as a referance to Egypt and it's rulers. This totally justifies the design of the world in KOTOR.


    So my suggestion is that you don't make this map in the usual RP way, but rather, as a refugee place;  as if the tomb was inhabited by a sith group.

    Perhaps make an area in the map that look like the main entrance into the tomb, but it has collapsed in the past. Random square shaped tunnels and

    maybe a few lamps here and there pointed at the walls, dirt and stuff on the ground, piles of rock, even big rocks fallen from the roof might be nice.

  7. I actually started working on the shirtless Maul_vm model not long ago, but the model itself is too bulky - a real oddball. (maul_vm)


    Meanwhile I'm focusing on creating a shirtless Savage using DT's newly released model, I've not yet contacted him about this -so might aswel mention it here.

    That Savage Opress model is absolutely fantastic, and I immediately visioned him shirtless - how gay is that? - so I started working on it instead of trying to

    create a shirtless maul from the _VM model. I wanted it to ressemble the one from the cancelled game but the VM model is just crap, and I'll say 10x times.



    Creating a TCW maul would be possible if one would use DT's new Darth Maul model. And for the record, @, Maul isnt that muscular :)

    http://jkhub.org/files/file/1964-dt-darth-maul/   + see the difference; https://jkhub.org/images/GPnlKrJ.png   Phat Maul vs Darth Maul

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