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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. Could you edit Kyle or Jedi Trainer so that they would have some stormtrooper parts on them?


    for example; remove jeditrainers shoulderpad, replace it with stormtrooper shoulderpad, add the forearm armor and the handplate.

    Why not change the entire arm? BECAUSE = reskinning the jeditrainer arm is easier than reskinning the stormtrooper arm.


    If you'd do that for me, I could create some really cool clonewars type Jeditrainers and Kyle for my SP


    here's a photoshop frankenstein, recoulouring those parts and overall reskin of jeditrainer makes a wonderful armoured jedi



    krkarr and Jugador 0 like this
  2. So it is confirmed that the Teaser Trailer will play in select theaters (only 30 major ones) this Friday. Do you think they'll release it online as well? If not, we'd see some bootlegged copies that were really low quality. 


    Do you really think that the teaser would not be uploaded to youtube? since after its release, we'll have to wait a looong time 'till we see a longer trailer,

    and a whole year before the movie comes out.

  3. I am kinda wondering about Luke Skywalker's role...


    .. what they said is that he would look scary when Republic find him. Furthermore, this new villain in Episode 7, who is supposed to be a Sith Inquisitor, is obsessed with Darth Vader - who is Luke's father. And they said somewhere that one of the main characters will die. Now... I like nothing of this... but it seems to me that Luke Skywalker may be this new villain. And he might die. And if so, I am totally rejecting all that is Star Wars after Episode 6. What you guys think?


    The Sith Inquisitors have already been ruled out, it was only a rumour.  It's also unconfirmed that any of the original trio would die, there's no need to worry that Luke would kill Han.

    We know very little of Luke so far, the only thing confirmed is that he has become a hermit / a loner.  "luke has lost his mind" is only a made up conclusion and doesnt mean he's insane :)

    Angel Soul likes this
  4. partly from here http://www.starwars7news.com/2014/09/new-star-wars-episode-7-leaks-plot-rumors.html and partly form a fan website, but as I said, it's just a rumour.



    makes perfect sense to me though, if the sith homeworld hold withing a device, a control room, weapon of a kind, then there's some 1+1 to do here;


    Weapon so huge it was built inside a planet = the planet is the weapon + Palaptine and his Deathstar = where did he originally get that idea? from his master or

    then he just learned about it by going trough some archives. So this all sounds to me like we're going to see Deathstar v2 or something similar in the new trilogy.

  5. I just drew 4 more saber designs while I was taking a dump.   I'll reveal them later, and no - there's not a goatse saber included :D


    So  you need a stinger for Tavion, that has hearts carved into it at the words "Tavion x Desann"  - and a stinger for Rosh that looks like Penis.

    Bek likes this
  6. Is it possible to to have Jaden use a specific saber - a newly created training saber - for a specific mission, e.g. at the training grounds?


    Say you start a game, choose a saber like Arbiter, and once you and Rosh make it to the Temple and start training, the saber would automatically switch to training saber.

    And once u start your first mission, the training saber is once again, automatically removed and you'll have the Arbiter that you chose. Or any other saber from the menu.

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