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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. unfortunately trying to make such a thing without a team of 50-75 full time paid organized developers with years of experience is impossible and unrealistic.


    ^ so true


    eventhough I'm not a MB2 fan, I still think that it's a good example of how rewarding it is to finish a mod and release it  -- same thing with JA+ mod.

    I keep these mods close to my mind when I'm working on my own projects because it helps me to concentrate and be in the moment 100%

  2. Bottom line is, if you're young and getting into this stuff, SET GOALS AND DEADLINES. Let JKG be an example of absolutely retarded goal-setting and team management.


    if anyone here is young and recently bought the game -- uninstal it and dont waste time on these retarted dreams to somehow tweak this game to look like CS:GO.

    Dont try to transforms this game into something that it's not;  a modern game.   JEDI ACADEMY is QUAKE with lightsabers, and that is AWESOME...



    Some time after JEDI ACADEMY was released, rp servers and some meaningles JA+ servers appeared with kids just walking around /amatease

    planning on creating a Jedi'sHome or Jedi Council GCX  where they could even sleep in their own 3D rooms and set "trials" on how to rank up from PADAWAN to JEDI MASTER  and setting stupid rules on how players aren't allowed to enter some specific rooms without them crying about it via Xfire to their Clan Leader,  asking if he'd come and /kick the outsider from the server.  Ofcourse, he would join the server and do /amatease in the mainhall. Seriously.... wtf



    This game can be modified in just about any way you'd imagine, but why should anyone try to make a SWG  or TFU mod if you can buy these games :o ?

    Mert-K likes this
  3. AC-HomeBanner_UnityCrest-v1tcm19133305.j


    I spit on Ubisoft. -- This is the one game series that should not have bent its knees and take it in the ass (improved graphics for next gen - PS4 & XBOX ONE )

    The PC version is poorly optimized and suffers from a wide range of problems, including poor frame rate, crashing, clipping, mouse lag on menus, freezing, poor rendering, and a general lack of graphics options. Black Flag already took a leap of faith towards improved graphics, but this series was never about graphics.


    I even bought myself a new graphics card,  ASUS GEFORCE GTX 750 1GB which allowed me to set the highest settings on Black Flag and other games I own.

    Now I can enjoy gaming even more. I have no regrets about my purchase, eventhough I know this isnt the newest card on the market -- Bought it for 100€.


    Although I'm already looking trough Youtube for any advices on how to fix this FPS Lag in game and in Menu, I still thought I'd better make a topic for this

    since there may be others here who are either having the same problem or may have even solved it already.  Please leave a comment and help Assassins.



  4. I don't think Max von Sydow plays Kanan. The types are different somehow, and it would much more interesting to see another face here. And the rumour was saying (though it's a rumour only), that:

    Yeah me neither, I just tossed it in the air as it is being discussed as a possibility on other forums. I like to think he has a much more important role than Kanan.



    Somehow I missed one more hot spoiler from the same source:


    Vader will be seen in Episode VII, but either as a vision or a memore of some other characer (presumably Leia). Carrie Fisher's daughter would be playing a younger version of Leia for the same scenes.



    That would be great, the concept art images already hint that he'll be somewhat important figure atleast for Episode 7 if not for the whole Disney Trilogy.

    And yes I have read an article about Andy Serkis having two roles in the film -- one being motion capture, which is his speciality (Golum from Lord of the Rings

    and Caesar from the Planet of the Apes, even King Kong, to name 3 of his roles) and the other chracter he would play in SW7 would be a traditional live action role.


    This is an important hint, since, Andy Serkis is the voice on the teaser trailer, and I doub't he did it just for fun, it must be the voice of either one of his characters.

  5. Just another wild guess.... this time about Mark Hamill





    Obviously he looks awful without make up, I feel safe to say the guy doesn't own a mirror -- he's like a hobo with a lightsaber outside the studio.

    But I came across an old movie from 1989 called Slipstream,  and I stopped to wonder why on earth have I not thought about this before;


    Now .. I personally, coam my hair back and to make it look good, I need to have longer hair on top than on the sides -- with that said, I now look at Mark Hamill and

    can't stop thinking that, what if.. he would coam his hair back when he's doing his scenes? He would look a lot like Luke in his old days, pictured in a fan art below.






  6. I can't belive I've actually photshopped this, but I read a wild guess about Max Von Sydow's character in the new film. 





    @the rest who are watching Rebels





    One wild guess that you all can google, is that he could be Kanan.  I've already read that his character will somehow drop the jaws of audiences around the world,

    so that's why I doubt this is the answer, because Rebels isn't that popular, atleast not yet. But let's say that Kanan gets almost killed in Rebels and need to be made

    half cyborg just to keep him alive, he could fit the description of Sydow's character and as you can see, the young Max looks much like Kanan from the Rebels show.


    See the photoshop marvel







    Archangel35757 likes this
  7. ...and Ezra Bridger should still be around-- he'd be close to Luke's age, yes? And if he doesn't get killed off in "Rebels" ...do you think he'll have a part in 7, 8, or 9?

    Possible, but unlikely; Ezra is a hero character created for Rebels.


    YES  but NO  :huh:  Luke was around 20 years old in EP4  -- and Ezra is around 15 years old in Rebels, which is 5 years before New Hope.

    so basically you could watch the New Hope and say one of Lukes friends is Ezra, since they are both interested in same things.

  8. These plot reveals are leaked via people that work with the prop- or lighting team etc. since the closer you are seated to JJ Abrams and Lucas, the less likely it is that you release

    any "leaked info" because you'd be fired from the team, right? So while these plot reveals may be correct, it's still very possible that many things will change before the movies premiere.


    Interesting to read, and some of that stuff was OK to me, but It's far too detailed concidering we've still got a whole year ahead of us.

    Tempust85 likes this
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