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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. if it's anything like the marvel movies, (LOL) he will have a test suit locked up somewhere, a knight of the ren armor with gadgets xD
  2. Must be one the best mornings in a while. To check jkhub for news and read this thread. Welcome Sith-J-Culley
  3. amazing work, now if we only had sharp shadows from all those leaves and bushes....
  4. This is a mere speculation, but since IMDb already reveals that Kylo obviously escaped the Strakiller base before it blew up, we're left with one particular guestion that interests me; Did Kylo Ren manage to recover his helmet? With that scar on his face, he would look very intimidating walking around looking for Rey and the resistance fighters. The helmet was great, and when he had the hood covering it, man, that looked really bad ass. But they gotta do something about his appearance in ep8 yes? I mean who wants a Kylo Ren ep8 toy if the ep7 toy is exactly the same?
  5. if that rumor would be true, I'd go back to hating disney; they don't need to bring a family drama from the O.C into StarWars universe, I mean c'mon " From Leia's previous marriage" ?? Am I supposed to say "sure that's life, why couldn't it happen in the SW universe?" well - I'm not going to. This would be the worst idea ever. I'd prefer a Jar Jar come back over this.
  6. That Luke's hairstyle would be great. Can't wait to see Episode 8, will he have a ponytail? Hair cut shorter, or will he have Anakins hairstyle from ep3 ?
  7. yeah all the help i need is how to move/replace that image on the screen, the rest I can do on my own
  8. Hello, I'm trying to learn how to make a hud similar to Rocket League; I would try to create something similar to that above; a slim, transparent bar across the screen with the leading player icon on the left, and the saber style, armor, health and ammo on the right, it would save so much screenspace for people like me who like it simple, I don't like the default hud, and I've gone trough jkfiles.com when it was still up, and this site after, but nothing seems simple enough for me, so I'm atleast going to try and do this myself. But I don't know if the 'player in lead' icon can be moved at all, so I need some advice on that, I'd like to place it to the lower left corner of the screen. If the icon cant be moved horizontally, then atleast vertically maybe? if not, then I'll change plans and move that slim transparent bar to the top of the screen and use what I have.
  9. Gugu Mbatha-Raw is another new face that's been confirmed to have a role in the next episode. Odd coincidence that she also had a role in the J.J. Abrams series Undercovers. I'd like to write a full story about her in this reply but I have no idea who she is, or who Lamin Tamba is. As TFA already confirmed, Disney is most interested in the young talented slash lesser known actors so it's really hard to know if these two will have as minor roles as one could think. Lamin Tamba for example is actually known for his minor roles but he never was a leading actor.
  10. wtf how does that change what I wrote? lol, they didnt un-cannon episodes 1-6
  11. Well, Luke has tremedous weight on his shoulders, being the hero of the rebellion against the empire, killing vader and & emperor (from the citizens pov) and he knows who his father was and what he did in the past and how he struck fear into the galaxy by the emperors side, now his nephew is on the same destructive path and Luke is expected to save the day in one way or the other, it would make the saga even more dramatic if they'd kill off Luke... but when he does die (thinking about the character) i'd imagine it being important to him to pass on the Jedi teachings to someone, almost obviousl to Rey. Lucas' story is about the balance in the force, so by the end credits of episode 9 the balance must be restored.
  12. @@NumberWan , I meant that he looks like that guy from that scene. Could be a coincidence but with JJ Abrams as the director, who knows. Whatever. But I'm definetly hyped about Vader being the film, because for me, Vader is the center of everything in the saga.
  13. I knew Hux was familiar from somewhere...
  14. Firstly; When we're talking about filming StarWars or any other fictional story, it's imporant to remember that most of the cast will not look like themselves in their roles. Del Toro would make a great imperial admiral, he kinda looks like boba fett too, he could be a mentor of the Ren, or a tank like chewie. He could be playing an alien too, hell, he could even be Kanjiklub, because nobody has confirmed Del Toro to be anything more than a villain. Kanjiklub's men were after Han in the first part of this trilogy, so who knows if the same group is still after Han or his friends; Rey & Fin. Even if it sounds unlikely, they could appear in the next film just to amuse us, again. Oh sweet Laura. I remember her from JurassicPark. She has a kind face, almost royal like Princess Diana. Maybe Rey will have flashbacks of her mother, who knows. But with the Disney logo floating above this franchise, it would be wise to concider her playing the first female imperial admiral in StarWars. I'd imagine a lot of people expecting her to be a kind lady in this film but what is she'll be the exact opposite? As for Kelly Marie Tran, I have no f** idea...
  15. yeah but that HUGE REDDISH FLARE has no source for what I see.
  16. Too much lens flare, I read before viewing the images and I gotta say I was expecting a lot more. I understand the bright lights, but the skybox clearly has dark clouds, so why the lens flare?? That would be more fitting for a Tatooine Screenshot.
  17. I'm not after 100% look-alikes in game, I say RELEASE this already :DD
  18. first off, I know I dragged this from few pages back but im also still waiting for that one mod that allows bigger, more detailed maps with 90-150 fps even with 32 players jumping around, oh boy... I would kill for "open world" maps in JKA <3 :D
  19. i know i did from what's leaked, it may be 18+ something new to starwars films, also is Biggs parts of the team ??? this may be just a coincidence, but this is just too bitter-sweet to pass by, I'd like to have this kinda connection between R1 and ANH and Biggs was older than Luke so this would really add up. Heck he could even reffer to a young talent at Tatooine, that would be nice. photos of what appears to be Yavin.
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