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Everything posted by redsaurus

  1. There's a cvar, cg_SFXSabers - if it's 0 then behaviour is as in base. *hoping* to get this out before wednesday
  2. For this release very small things…might eventually try to make it more wide-ranging.
  3. The 1.2 launcher does work with the latest Steam and App Store versions on Mavericks, and all other versions on anything *before* Mavericks.
  4. I've added SFX Sabers now as an option (similar to the ones used by MB2). Before I can release, I need to clean up the menus for player colour selection, and do rgb saber menu stuff - anything else I should add?
  5. this is probably a duplicate or something, and is a common invision problem, but anyway: with the mobile theme, at 'root' level on the forum it lists when the last post was. when you open a forum with sub forums, the last post time for the sub forums isn't listed anymore, so it's harder to tell where new stuff has happened.
  6. This will have a custom .exe that you won't need to build yourself, yes. Currently save files are definitely not compatible with base or even other openjk, but I might see what I can do about compatibility with standard openjk.
  7. Just to clarify: the gold pack / disc version won't actually work properly on Mavericks because the networking library used has been taken out in 10.9. What the launcher does do now for Mavericks users is make it so you can properly join MP servers. If you still have problems with resolution in Steam, r_mode 10 is I think the best you can do (note r_mode -1 is gone)
  8. This isn't dead! Updated this to latest OpenJK code yesterday, planning to get a first release out before Christmas.
  9. I'll try to make something…hopefully better than my secret santa effort last year.
  10. I'm a bit put off by needing to register to view anything
  11. The link is in pretty tiny text in the bottom right corner
  12. There's some code stuff going on (but they get rid of r_mode -1 too :| )
  13. Have you tried getting rid of the old jampconfig file for steam? As Circa said I'll have a new version of the launcher out in the next couple of weeks, but I don't have proper Internet / laptop where I live yet
  14. in process of updating server-join fixes for new mac appstore/steam JA versions (but you should just use openjk anyway...)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ory'Hara


      but.....but....its outdated :)

    3. eezstreet


      You paid for the assets, not the executable in this case.

    4. Circa


      I know. Was merely a jest. :D

  15. I think that's the requirements for the powers in the kotor games
  16. /*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ? Every map should have exactly one worldspawn. "music" music wav file "gravity" 800 is default gravity "message" Text to print during connection process BSP Options "gridsize" size of lighting grid to "X Y Z". default="64 64 128" "ambient" scale of global light (from _color) "fog" shader name of the global fog texture - must include the full path, such as "textures/rj/fog1" "distancecull" value for vis for the maximum viewing distance "chopsize" value for bsp on the maximum polygon / portal size "ls_Xr" override lightstyle X with this pattern for Red. "ls_Xg" green (valid patterns are "a-z") "ls_Xb" blue (a is OFF, z is ON) "fogstart" override fog start distance and force linear "radarrange" for Siege/Vehicle radar - default range is 2500 */
  17. any suggestions for good non-base ones?
  18. Did a bit on the menu side of extra tint slots. The graphics of the menus need a bit of work, but here's the basic idea (i had the hands controlled by the second colour for testing purposes)
  19. Answer: I don't. Caps are turned on to pretty much hide tiny mesh holes, but there are limits as to which heads can fit on which bodies using this method.
  20. If you feel like trying a version that's nowhere near ready for release: Windows (thanks Yberion!) and OSX. Thanks to Circa for the head icons! jedi_hm and jedi_hf are where everything is “at”. Install like OpenJK. Disclaimers: Savegames are unlikely to be compatible with base ones or normal OpenJK ones, and are likely to change before any final release. May conflict with other species mods, and the contained pk3 shouldn't really be used in base. Head icon tinting is wrong (my fault for forgetting shader). The included renderer and jagame dlls on windows will *only* work with the included exe. Windows version may need this. GPL but I'm not going to link to the source until a bit more's done, though you can find it if you look a bit.
  21. @@DT85: probably won't be for the first release, maybe i'll do that for a later release
  22. LATEST DOWNLOAD HERE: #282 or: actually getting around to finishing things part 1 of ??? Ages ago I messed around with some “headswapping” code that allowed you to essentially frankenstein models using a mod, but never got around to releasing it. I'm going to finish moving it over SP and then add a few other minor customisation things to release a small SP customisation mod (working title: Penultimate Customisation Mod). The first release (note it'll be SP only and OpenJK based) should include: RGB sabers Lots more heads taken from other base models for jedi_hm & jedi_hf, and a few for the others (edit: pretty much done!) Extra slots for RGB tinted areas of models, so e.g. you can have stripy trousers where you can select both colours some heads: bright colours: as the head swapping is done in code, no new models are used but there'll probably be a fair few edits of base skins to take advantage a bit of (3)
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