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Everything posted by redsaurus

  1. free stuff (for students) https://education.github.com

    1. Bek


      I remember I was in first Robotics last year,I was the 3D modeler.

  2. At least it's not called windows one
  3. Thanks for the feedback @@Angel Soul. I've fixed the sabercolour thing, that was due to using an older openjk revision. Also fixed head swaps not working properly when first changing to hoth. I can't reproduce the saber light being black atm, but I'm just devmapping hoth so that might be why. The custom saber stuff might be causing problems when choosing the new lightsaber, I don't think I made it work nicely with dual or staff sables, so will have to fix that. The trail being a bit off is probably just down to the image used for the trail, which is straight from the MP SFX sabers. I can definitely see about adding some kind of activation effect (possibly optional). Anything else that needs doing for the next release?
  4. The head model is already loaded into the player's g2 instance.
  5. I'm not sure we can really use the SOF2 SDK stuff as it's not GPL though.
  6. I suppose if the code is licensed under the GPL and the assets under something else (e.g. a no you can't use these things licence) then you'd say Other?
  7. I think it turned up in mb2 first based on how it was done in W:ET, it shouldn't be *too* hard to add the JKG minimap code to a clean version of the MP source.
  8. There was, of course, an earlier clone wars series replaced by TCW.
  9. You'll have to edit the npc file (the lines are playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin). To do more general swapping, I probably would need to do something similar to how JKG did the armour files (where the surfaces turned on/off were set in the equivalent of the .headswap files). The problem is that if the head/torso/lower models were all allowed to be different, there would be 4 models being "drawn" for a swapped model rather than 2 (or even 1 without swapping), and I'm not sure if that would cause problems. It's definitely a plan though.
  10. Well, I just mean that it'd require more code changes to change the animations / put new ones in
  11. added a (hardcoded ) saber stance that's meant to be used with the blaster pistol, but I decided to try it out with the flechette instead
  12. idea (refined by @@eezstreet): hidden saber crystals at various points in the SP levels that you can choose to use when building your second saber(s). possibly give stat changes (damage, length, etc.) or extra special colours (like black), rather than needing a different crystal for each colour, so that the RGB sabers can still be used freely.
  13. I'm not sure if I really want to "officially" take over the coding on the JA version of JK:E atm, even if that happens in effect. Maybe. I'm definitely going to put RGB boxes in the menus, I just wanted to have a model using the extra player tint slot first so I wouldn't have to reorganise the menu to have space for 2 sets of RGB sliders later. I've just reorganised the RGB saber menu so that it's a popup of sliders in the normal saber menu when you click on the rgb icon (closed by clicking on the icon again), and I think I'll do something similar for RGB characters. It would be really good to include your jedi hm improved stuff @@DT85, but that would probably make it somewhere close to a very early release of JK:E rather than just my customisation stuff, so might need input from other people?
  14. SP customisation mod beta 2 now out

  15. Not right now, will be in a later version. Might sort that out in a later version too. Anyway, here's the release for Mac/Windows (25.5MB). The custom saber hilt is just to show how it can be done, and doesn't use anything like all the skins and hilt parts from @@AshuraDX's hilt builder. If you don't already have it (and you're on Windows) you'll need the MSVC++ 2010 redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555) Features and Commands All OpenJK features and fixes.RGB Sabers These can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "/sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It should be possible to set the sabercolours of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file.SFX Sabers SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1.Custom Sabers Now lightsabers can be customised like the player species. An example customisable hilt is included thanks to AshuraDX.Saber Holsters Lightsabers are now holstered when not in use.Headswapping Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file.Better Entity Spawning The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file".Raz0r's MP Movement Raz0r's MP-style movement from the SP speedrun version can be enabled by getting g_MPmovement to 1.Extra Player Tints (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this colour rather than the usualCredits Thanks to AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Thanks to @@Circa for the icons for the new heads. Thanks to @@Raz0r for the MP-style movement. Thanks to @@AshuraDX for the saber hilt.
  16. it's just that when you use /spawn it takes arguments now
  17. still working on this apparently; now have five things to choose from. ui temporary (still). release in the next week. todos: fix UI for this NPC headswaps done: "playerHeadModel" and "customHeadSkin" in the .npc file optional holster tags maybe done: probably needs testing. looks for "*holsterorigin" (just like "*flash", so i suppose it'd be "tag_holsterorigin"). not sure if works properly! anything important i've forgotten?
  18. try doing /logfile 1 in SP before loading the map, then look at the qconsole.log it creates.
  19. So resize your widescreen image to a power of two rather than cropping it...
  20. Just tried building in a 10.6 VM, this is what I did and it seemed to build ok: 1. Make sure you have Xcode installed 2. Download SDL2.framework and put it in /Users/YOURUSER/Library/Frameworks/ - you might need to create the folder. 3. Download cmake and run installer. Install command line stuff when prompted to. 4. Download code, either with git (BEST VALUE) or by downloading the zip. 5. Go to the OpenJK folder in terminal. mkdir build, cd build. then.. 6. cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -i 7. Select most defaults, except CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should be a sensible install path and UseInternalPNG should be ON not OFF 8. make install -j8 if you're building for 10.6 on >10.6 you should also set CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 10.6 It looks like if you build on 10.6 there are some kind of issues with zlib, but if you have a more up to date zlib installed when building it should be fine (not necessary for actually running?)
  21. updated it again for app store support, edited the above link or you can do JKJALaunch->Check for updates...
  22. I've updated JKJALaunch to support *steam* JKII better, you can either do JKJALaunch->Check for Updates…, or get the new version here: JKJALaunch.zip how to use it w/ steam jk2: in the 'find jedi academy mp' box thing that comes up when you first open JKJALaunch, the path you want to put in is probably /Users/<whatever>/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Jedi Outcast/Jedi Knight II.appAfter that it should remember the path, but if you want the startup window to come up again you'll need to hold shift when starting jkjalaunch
  23. Wherever you think the thread's best off is fine, I'd prefer to keep it all in one thread though.
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