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Everything posted by redsaurus

  1. You can probably change the starting ammo with some of the menu stuff that's used for the weapon select thing
  2. I think it's just that my fork was using an older version of OpenJK where texture clamping on some gfx cards in OSX didn't work properly…updated now.
  3. Nearly done codewise…but need to add extra slots and also proper dual / staff saber support. You have a .csab file in ext_data/sabers that looks like this: saberbuilder_1 //this is the name that is in the .sab { saberlongname "Ashura's Saber" //this is the name shown in the menu foldername Saberbuilder //this is the name of the folder, i.e. if the model is in models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/ skin1 emitter //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/emitter_blah.skin, models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/emitter_1.skin etc. skin2 pommel //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/pommel_blah.skin skin3 rest //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/rest_blah.skin skin1name @SPMOD_EMITTER //what to show as header for first category skin1desc @SPMOD_EMITTER_DESC //what to show as description for first category skin2name @SPMOD_POMMEL //what to show as header for second category skin2desc @SPMOD_POMMEL_DESC //what to show as description for second category skin3name @SPMOD_HILT //what to show as header for third category skin3desc @SPMOD_HILT_DESC //what to show as description for third category }
  4. I'm just using the old linuxjampded, the address is
  5. It's here too: http://www.gamefront.com/files/2162129/Asteroids_Mod
  6. I put a server up for asteroids if anyone wants to play it...
  7. Apparently if you use the code 'SSD2014' when signing up you get $10 extra credit there.
  8. If jkhub allow what you're suggesting @@eezstreet, it means that they're endorsing ported stuff, which is bad right? With the current rules the only ported content is stuff that "hasn't been noticed" by the staff - so jkhub is hopefully protected.
  9. The main thing is that jkhub is now covered, which is all that really matters.
  10. Yeah, I'll get round to making it look better, but it works for now and I need to sort out bits of the code first
  11. Not sure about the ledge grab stuff, sorry :/ I still need to fix up my holster code so it works nicely with staff sabers and things like the with sword. Did a bit more work on saber customisation, thanks again to @@AshuraDX for the hilt.
  12. Yeah, it's for more variation for the species
  13. I'd still like to make a couple at some point, but if I try to do everything I doubt I'll ever get stuff finished...
  14. It would be great to have some more heads that fit on the species' bodies for my SP customisation mod. They wouldn't need to be added to the original .glm or anything. Rodian heads in particular would be good for a SP level thing I'm planning.
  15. Deactivation worked because the second block happens whenever parm1 on duel7_tele_parm is not 1, and with what you did parm1 was always 0 (i.e. not 1).
  16. You can see all the changes (except the latest custom saber stuff) I made at https://github.com/redsaurus/OpenJK/compare/custom - the code isn't necessarily that nice, but of course you're welcome to use any of it. I'm planning to get the custom sabers finished in the next few days and get another release out, but that will probably be it for a couple of months.
  17. I can't see them actually taking action over making a model of a character even if they do regard it as “inappropriate”, it would be pretty bad PR, but who knows :/
  18. What happened with the jk3files cease & desist? Somehow I managed to miss what happened then.
  19. massively WIP (thanks to Ashura for letting me use the saber model):
  20. saber holsters:
  21. afaik they've made some (pretty minor!) alterations and additions to the ripped levels, so it's not *all* taken from jk2
  22. i will learn how to make a pk3
  23. Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86 ...
  24. just to check: you put it in q_shared.h?
  25. I've added g_MPmovement, if it's 1 then the movement is like in Raz0r's speed run fork. Also started on holstering by doing the second saber hiding stuff from http://jkhub.org/topic/2427-holstering-weapons and made /spawn take entity keys.
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